/éire/pol - First Day of Post-Ireland


“If you strike us down now we shall rise again and renew the fight. You cannot conquer Ireland; you cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom. If our deed has not been sufficient to win freedom then our children will win it by a better deed.”

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Guys though, think about it, it’s good abortion passed because we have to make some room for the new refugees from Middle East and Africa, y’all are selfish as fuck

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What's next after abortion?

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The sperm there isn't yet inside the egg.
Once it is, it is.

lol, just lol.




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pre-emptive RIP for all of those who will now be never given names prior to their murder and disposal
god help this accursed planet

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Anyone sick of the "b-but what if an 11 year old gets raped?" argument? These whores would protest giving the rapist a death penalty but instead murder the innocent baby

womb transplants for trannies


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What should happen to the voters who support abortion?

except nobody said that ever

Why didn't foetuses get a vote in this referendum?
Seems only fair to me

I'm going against hope it didn't pass, I'll wait for the official result's, but my heart hurts.

Seriously though the vast majority of people voted with one thing in mind: convenience. It's simply easier to kill an unwanted unborn child than it is to raise it. People squawk about choice and rights etc etc but the reality is that people don't want their life derailed by a baby and would rather tear it from its mother’s womb than be saddled with it for 20 years. People need to tell themselves it's about 'empowerment' or 'liberation' or some other vague feel good shit because looking at the truth unflinchingly is difficult. Sort of like how people will happily eat a steak but couldn't bring themselves to kill a cow.
Looking at images of what a 12-week-old fetus actually looks like I don't think anyone can, with a straight face, call it a 'clump of cells', this sort of reductionist thinking is absurd. On the other hand, it also isn't yet self-aware, it has no thoughts, no feelings, no identity, it's not a full person, even if left alone it will eventually become one. I voted yes but it weighed heavily on me, I saw it as the lesser of two evils. An abortion is something incredibly tragic, something only to be resorted to in dire straits. It sickens me to see the gleeful reactions on the yes side, people who voted yes purely out of some progressive ideology with little critical thought behind their choice feeling smug and vindicated, more confident than ever that they are on the ‘right side of history’, never considering that other points of view have merit. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have minded a no vote if only because it meant that these lemmings might actually have to stop and think about why other people felt differently (even then they probably wouldn’t, it’d all be put down to ‘catholic church brainwashing’ or some other easy excuse that would allow them to bypass any thoughtful introspection).
Sorry for the blogpost Jow Forums but I had to get down some thoughts from today and I have nowhere else to put them.

That was basically their main argument for the referendum

I'm going to bed, I'll deal with this in the morning.

Nah, if it were 55-45% I'd be hopeful, but this is just too big a margin desu


What happens to it? Does it get a funeral or does it just incinerated with all the used drug needles?

lmao at this wall of text.

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>all cucks in here lamenting the repealing of an ammendent which will result in a lot less white trash leeching off the state with shit kids

b a s i c



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6:48 for timestamp

They should receive life imprisonment for treason. All the roasties would go mad from Chad withdrawal and only moral qts would be left.

>this is nut a tree

>I voted yes but it weighed heavily on me,
How could you say that given the rest of all you said?

>tfw 68% of the population are cucked beyond belief

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I think the latter, according to these people it's just a clump of cells

Bezmenov was completely right in saying that these people are brainwashed. Look at the 2016 election: we're a year and a half into the Trump presidency and they still cannot comprehend why he got elected

>people don't want their life derailed by a baby
which is a fair standpoint.

no it wasn't, that's why you lost despite turning the argument in a KILL ALL BABIES debate

Freedom of speech potatofag. You can dislike anything I say but you can't silence me.

>I voted yes
Kill yourself

>Patrick Henry Pearse

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>comparing an unfertilized chicken egg to a fertilized embryo
really jogs the nog


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I said 2 days ago all was lost and you all called me a kike and a shill.

Turns out I was right. The subversion of this country is utterly complete.

There is no scope for any resistance after this result. A tight margin and the No side could push for limited abortion, but now that it's a landslide we're going to have even more extreme abortion than what was propose.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm emigrating as soon as I have enough money. The only thing keeping me here is employment. As soon as I get a better offer abroad I'm gone.

There is no future for the Irish nation.

>An abortion is something incredibly tragic, something only to be resorted to in dire straits.
And you trust godless, liberal, mentally-ill women to make this judgement?

Why are there still only exit polls? Didn't the voting end 2 hours ago?

If its Liverpool the majority gets disposed of. Some samples get taken and tested on. Sometimes the whole lot might get put in a jar for students to lock at.

Them 20 years later everyone remembers that they left their kid in a jar and they sue the NHS.

>being a succesful woman who wants the choice to terminate a pregnancy in order to be able to access a 6 figure job before 30

Can I pay you to cry harder?

Fuck off you baby killing swamp German

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No it's not, learn to be responsible and stop fucking around like a slut if you don't want babies. Abstinence is not that hard. Condoms and pills exist as well.

the latter, generally. either they're left to decompose in general disposal or get sorted as biowaste, sometimes even stored for whatever ungodly purposes people have come up with. otherwise indeed incinerated.

For slavery fled, O glorious dead, When you fell in the foggy dew

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It's terrible, I'm so sorry for my country I'll say a prayer, I'm going to bed now, good night anons.

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I think that we need to thank the American pro-life movement for encouraging voters to support Repeal; your help was greatly appreciated!

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A lot more coons and pajeets, too.
Enjoy your enrichment Yes voting Paddy

Only one of those is human though. I'll eat a chicken after it's born too.

>I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm emigrating as soon as I have enough money. The only thing keeping me here is employment. As soon as I get a better offer abroad I'm gone.

GTFO back to your own country, nobody wants your leech ass

>This increases birthrate in western Europe...

Good or bad?

Is this shit gunna pass?

t.American who recently moved to Ireland.

Is there anywhere I can go to escape (((them))) lads?

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and neither pills or condoms can stop someone from getting pregnant. And in your warped little mind that unwilling woman still has to care for a child she doesn't want. Creating a little shit costing the nation thousands in help. Good job, you saved a cunty little shit.

Counting starts at 9am. You can't expect Irish government workers to work through the night can you?

>Is this shit gunna pass?
It's a done deal, if the polls have any connection at all to reality.

You can go back to your shit country.

>"We're the modern-day abolitionists!" I frantically type as I watch my childish, reactionary crusade against an increasingly anodyne medical practice receive yet another unequivocal blow from the BEAUTIFUL voters of the 21st Century.

To be clear: History is not on your side, no matter how much mental gymnastics you perform to delude yourself into thinking otherwise.

Have you read the amendment mohammed? You said placing a "lump of cells" above the life of the mother. It's equal right to life of the unborn. But you know shitposting here with endless pilpul is a good way to spend your time when musrats are out on your streets right now raping your little girls. 1000 a year trafficked into sex slavery was the government estimate this week I think? But hey carry on. Drag us into the progressive age. Faggot.

So they can get abortions for fun.

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A five year old child isn't an adult either. The fuck is your point? I don't go uprooting small trees because they aren't full Oaks yet. God you faggots are so retarded.

Yours just got one step closer to becoming mine, just with worse weather.

This was my country until today. By tomorrow morning it will be confirmed. Ireland is no longer a country. It is just a market place.

I believed in this country because I believed in its people. Now I see that its people are possibly worse in character than I could have possibly imagined.

never forget that only man has ever erected an industrialized business surrounding the termination of the unborn
you're living in hell.

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>Them 20 years later the mother who chose abortion remembers that they left her kid in a jar and they sue the NHS
That would be a bit rich, wouldn't it?

Every argument for repeal was something that deflected from their proposed abortion law. The most popular one in the last few days has been "Repealing the eighth doesn't legalize abortion."

the chad canines versus the childless apes

>t. American who recently moved to Ireland
poor bastard
flee to the fucking countryside

good night
Have a good sleep

>when musrats are out on your streets right now raping your little girls
I'm not responding to your alt right hype stories that are completely bullshit.

you speak very good grammar for a dutchman

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>And neither pills or condoms can stop someone from getting pregnant.

That is their exact purpose you fucking brainlet. Go the fuck back to /leftypol/

>And in your warped little mind that unwilling woman still has to care for a child she doesn't want.

Oh boo fucking hoo. I don't want to do something so I just don't do it, right? I should not go to work tomorrow because I don't want to. You either are prepared to become a mother when you fuck around or you just don't fuck around. It's that fucking simple.

>Creating a little shit costing the nation thousands in help.

And importing Muhammad and Ahmed because someone has to fund the Ponzi economy costs millions in help.

me on the right

>tfw half-Irish
>tfw I thought Ireland was less of a liberal shithole than the UK
>tfw I thought I could move to Ireland and get away from this shit

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>I said 2 days ago all was lost and you all called me a kike and a shill.

Yes we did. You have my sincerest apologies. It's hard to tell on Jow Forums but I am 100% serious. I underestimated how cucked the Irish people are.

>I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm emigrating as soon as I have enough money.

"Tis better to die 'neath an Irish sky"

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If it does, you can still try to get abortion legalization repealed. The Parliament will be responsible.

Ireland isn't Ireland anymore bucko. Welcome to 36land.

I'm happy for the women whose painful decision to have an abortion will no longer be complicated by the fact they have to run away from their home and to a different country just to get one.

Many women who can't afford to travel were forced to rely on more dangerous techniques to terminate the abortion. And many of them died.

The freedom for women to finally be able to (safely) choose and be happy is something to celebrate

I'm going to have a drink

Trade places with you. Enough of you put up a fighting chance which shows the spirit of resentment and resistance is strong.

History is not on our side. History will not just our generation kindly.

Fuck off, now your women won't even bother with morning pills.

What's the point of this picture?

your welcome here

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i think women have the choice to shut their legs

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Y’all said the same shit when gay marriage passed lol

Its only 9 months to wait. Throw your newborn into an orphanage if that's what you want. Leave it in a basket outside a church
Don't just flippantly curtail an existence before it's even been born just because it's the most practical thing for you at the time

This is so satisfying omg idk why lol

It's my morning routine.

Yeah he should have done reddit spacing. Fucking newfags.

30 pieces of silver

Really what's wrong with abortion? I thought intellectual and rational people like those who post here on Jow Forums would appreciate the obvious advantages it has.

I wish I could have voted but I had to be resident in Ireland. Didn't stop ex-patriot thots from flying home to vote yes, though.

gleeful looking mammals in the presence of their young
find me a picture of a brand new mother looking as jazzed as either dog please

You can still move to NI bucko.

>History is not on your side
Says the poster using the meme EU flag.

Now you know what conservatives in the US went through for half a century before we got based Trump.


That was but one nail in the coffin, and at least 40% opposed it. Only 32% opposed abortion and most of those will be dead in a few years time.