Good. Nobody has time for these Kike shills
>banned from patreon
confirmed /ourgirl/
Oh no, how will she hide her JIDF schekles now?
>be patreon
>we accept diverse viewpoints
>as long as they aren't pro white
>you're banned
>she's a shill for saying white people have the right to exist
Nice. I never realized Patreon was so based.
(((Patreon))) you rat kike
This is why i dont use patreon. Just this japanese wiki.
>being pro-white is JIDF
Why do low-IQers say things like this?
I want to eat her poop
she sounds like a dumb twat
Why does this eceleb even have followers? She looks like fucking leatherface, and it's not like she's insightful or intelligent. At least Lauren Southern is hot.
>Kike shills
>banned for the 14
Are dumb niggers even trying
The 14 words were written by a nazi and is a popular nazi slogan
"But we just want to protect ourselves honest :^)"
Nazis playing victim doesnt fly anymore. Talk nazi slogans and face the consequences
>bong acting like he wouldn't drag his balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear her Farr through a walkie talkie
shes like a 1488/10 in uk
>Everyone who agrees with us in public are Jews
Can this meme die already?
neet faggots on this board doing fuckall will shit on her
what are the forteen worlds?
Fart, auto correct
Get out
oh, I know
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Sorry I know that phrase but never got why you need to so cryptic about it.
Ezra Levant is trying really hard to make his cointelpro shills look legit.
Protip: just because someone gets slandered by MSM or de-platformed, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're legit. These people know how the streisand effect works.
We must secure the existence of our e-celebs and a future for their patreons.
is she white? Does she think she's white?
the fish symbol was made by the hebrews so-called 'christ' and is a popular christian symbol.
'but we just want to continue the tradition of dionysius with our messiahs leadership :^)'
christians playing victim doesn't fly anymore. associate with this semitic cult and face the consequences.
rome will stamp out christianity until it perishes entirely and is forgotten.
>two leafposts on the thread
>both divide and conquer kike shills
cohencidence I'm sure
>Nazis playing victim doesnt fly anymore. Talk nazi slogans and face the consequences
You have no idea National Socialism is, you shit eating commie rat.
White nationalists are persecuted so they communicate in coded messages, one of the oldest tricks in the book. Unintended consequences though.
>We must continue to complain and do nothing while 1984 becomes reality.
e-celebs are spreading the word and waking people up. What the fuck are you losers doing?
Not sure i’ve ever heard a more annoying female voice.
I've been keeping tabs on rabbimedia for a long time. The whole fall out with rebel media was orchestrated rebranding. I guess PR people told Ezra that he'd need his hoes to sound less kosher and more nationalistic.
And she pronounces ‘etcetera’ as ‘iksetra’. Fucking moron
Yeah you'll have a different attitude about free speech when the political pendulum swings our direction
She's dark enough to pass as an Canadian abbo mix lol
Yea. It couldn't possibly be that her views changed over the course of 10 years as she met people like Millennial Woes. Fucking shill.
how many more times do these girls have to get banned before they result into making conservative lesbian porn for their fanbase?
she is like half-Greek. Greeks are not 100% white. How is she securing a future for white children? I bet if she did a 23andme DNA test, she'd score some in West Asian (Turkish). Half-Ukrainian, she's probably got that Mongoloid blood too.
>"Nationalists can't even earn a living!"
Aka she wants to live off the donations of others instead of getting a real job and working like a productive member of society. Didn't she also cheat on her fiance with an arab? This botox lipped thot needs to fuck off already.
That’s just intense routine artificial tanning, don’t worry it on some level supports her impervious white pride
obvious controlled opposition is obvious
best fap ever
Nice lol
Fuck Woes, is that you mate?
Wow, /ourgirl/
>Aka she wants to live off the donations of others instead of getting a real job and working like a productive member of society.
After she got outed as a racist, no one is going to offer her a job. You google her name and you see that she is a public figure and that she has been linked to racist shit. Like reciting the 14 words and appearing on Daily Stormer. Corporations don't want to hire anyone that is going to tarnish their brand. This is the capitalism that you right-wingers want and got.
She can start by using those luscious lips to suck my seed from the tip of my cock then spit it into Lauren Southern's coochy
i want her to see my black dick in her mouth
Who are you? What have you accomplished?
Every time I ask a shill like you this question the answer is a resounding: nothing.
Keep purity spiraling with one hand while jerking off to japanese child porn with the other you fucking shill.
Is this bitch Argentinian or Brazilian?
>That facial surgery
Still want her to squat over my mouth and poop in it
I now trust her, but I'm still not interested.
But nazi's were the victim's
Lefty fags are in control. They can only play victim for so long before it backfires
>"But we just want to protect ourselves honest :^)"
tfw you find out Nazis were actually defending themselves like they said, not being the aggressors...
>But nazi's were the victim's
They were.
>Who are you? What have you accomplished?
Why is Argentina getting mad about some zionist e-thot? Turn your fucking VPN off
She looks good for 40.
Thanks for proving my point shill.
Better luck next thread.
send me some crypto I will show you my vagina! na but that would be funny.
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger kike spic nigger
She cute
>Household name in Israel
>Worked for kosher propaganda outfit (((Rebel Media))))
Yeah fuck this bitch
This desu senpai
Goddamn Faith is so bangable. I want to have sweaty, filthy sex with her.
Is that the star of david around her neck?
what's the deal with these people that are mixed promoting 'huwhite nationalism? I suppose they are more aware of race than us precisely because they are both things and neither.
I do all the time irl and nobody says shit...and i live in canada. A lot of ppl agree.
The left better finish the job bc if that happens we all know we will be more brutal than anyone has ever imagined.
she works for us
Nah, it's just a cut diamond or some shit.
hidden in plain sight
There is nothing "nazi" about loving your own race and securing a future for white children.
>Greeks are not 100% white
Nobody is 100% white (23andme does not count since it's inaccurate), when people say "white" they mean "supermajority white", your point is moot.
Imagine someone claiming Black Americans cannot start a Black ethnostate somewhere in the USA because they have some white admixture. Ridiculous.
>23andme DNA test
Yes, good goy, do a test and find all your cousins!