Dear Whitey

Dear Whitey

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stfu faggot

SAGE they must be sliding sumthing important!

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>Dear white people, I don't know what racism means
Why did you want us to know?

1: Get fucked, racist.

2: You tell me I "have no culture or society" when you want to disposes me, but I do have one when you want to blame me? This proves to me you're a moron too.

This guy is a mega cuck

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>If I define 'racism' to mean...

Every single time

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>dear white people
>ignore all the hate directed at you in your own countries
>you're the racist for thinking something is wrong with that
Perpetual retardation

Also, this reminds me.
A magazine in the USA for black people called "The Root" voted "White Allies" as the worst white people in the world after a huge tournament.

This idea plus the corresponding idea for sexism is what fueled the reactionary populist movement that elected Trump. And even if the left begins to get some self-awareness about this undeniable fact and tries to change their message it's too late. The right, and especially the new converts to the right, won't forget. And GenZ have had this shit preached to them for so long that they're also reacting against it.

The left is in tatters and it's going to be a long time before they can effectively recover.


I'm really drunk right now. I swore I would stop drinking, but fuck I can't help myself. I think I've been sober for the past 6 months or so. I can't really count. But enough about me. Lol niggers, am I rite? Lol sjw's, am I rite? Lol you fucks are literal retards, go kys instead of pretending you're being edgy internet activists or something. Pathetic bunch of niggers.
>inb4 a fucking leaf
can't handle the truth? Too fucking bad, my dick's probably smaller than yours, yet my balls are bigger than yours will ever be, faggot.

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>You tell me I "have no culture or society" when you want to disposes me, but I do have one when you want to blame me? This proves to me you're a moron too

don't underestimate the slimy heeb. you're smart enough to see through their shit. a lot of people aren't.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

See how they'll just keep redefining their faux-words, and actual words, to justify their subversion and atrocities against whites?

I think black people are the worst niggers in the world.

Lol it was 2k this AM

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That's awfully anti-semitic of them

What does he mean by th—

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Jewcano??? Now I've heard it all.

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kek has blessed me with trips of truth, but it's a Friday night and the Jews who work here won't even see it, only their shabbos goys.

Never fails.




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