This is what a female psychopath/sociopath looks like

100% Freedom, 0% Responsibility

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Liberal adults are mentally retarded. You don't want a kid? Don't be a whore.

The fetus is a literal parasite. Abortion ftw

Late term abortions for all those wanting it.
That means killing a lot of subhumans and I'm ok with it

No abortion
Fuck the homeless
>this makes no fucking sense

>I like abortion because it could save me from a life threatening pregnancy
How is this a morally suberogatory/impermissible position again? Fucking Christfags.

Somebody should mention to her that she potentially could commit black genocide by liking abortion.

I don't have Jewtter. Someone bring it up to her and let's see how she responds.

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Yeah I really love abortion. Way less nigger babies and white trash. God, could you imagine millions of more ghetto niggers

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It's not you retard, the Ireland and Poland allow abortions if the mothers life is in danger

>black genocide
This is why I like abortion.

Yes, and the OP is calling this woman a psychopath because she is expressing that she likes that there exists a procedure that could save her life in the case of a dangerous pregnancy. I'm wondering why.

She literally says in her post that if she got pregnant she would die. Do you think she should be forced to die?

What's wrong with people doing anything they want? If someone relies on you for survival, you should be able to cut them off, whether they are your unborn child or not.

Who gives a fuck.

If it's a nigger
Throw on the wood chipper

The nose knows.

No she says that she likes it being available for everyone. She then adds that it would be life threatening to her but it saving people's lives is not the reason she likes it.
>I'm glad that there is a medical procedure to help people not be pregnant if they don't want to be.
>I'm glad that there is a medical procedure to help people whose life is in danger from being pregnant

I mean she even follows it up with
>free abortion, on demand, for any reason
Can't get any clearer than that.

She's doing more good for the planet than nufags realise.

when any asshole expects and/or demands any kind of 'free' medical care I ask them to clarify if they believe that all doctors and nurses, some of our most valuable members of society, should be ENSLAVED and forced to work against their will for FREE, because that is the only way to obtain FREE medical care.

i bet this dumb bitch doesn't even have a fucking job, let alone pay any taxes and yet she feels entitled to the labor of some doctor who works 500 hours a week and went to school for an extra 10 decades.

bitches like this are WHY there is a doctor shortage in our country, who would want to serve such entitled scum.

its not even like she is demanding emergency medical treatment for an injury, she is demanding treatment for her own carelessness, sluttiness, and poor choices. why the fuck should some doctor be forced to vacuum out whores cunts for free, especially when doing so would only promote MORE whores demanding free cunt vacuumings from said doctor.

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>don't be a whore
But think of all the unborn babies women aren't having by being prudes. See how your logic fails idiot? God conservatives are stupid.

Friedman. Enough said.

But but but muh wiminz rights! Do what I want with my own body! And get my pussy pounded with no consequences! Oh, and a tax subsidised abortion bailout cuz it's the current year you bigot!

Ever heard of it?

Good thing they self-extinct themselves, as long as you don't enable their existence.

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Better than her ever being a mother. Why should people be forced to have kids they will neglect ?

That's like saying public teachers are enslaved idiot. How many times do I have to destroy you idiotic conservatives arguments before you fucking realize you're retards?

Not your body, not your rights. Sorry men.

Abortion is morally and ethically wrong, but aborting non-whites is a necessary evil.

The more I read about these pieces of shit women, the more I realize that men are the kinder sex. We men are the ones always protecting and loving deeper. Women are truly evil creatures

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It's not that I disagree with her as much as I don't want these condescending cunts to have rights anymore

>current year
>males under 40
seems legit

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Birth Control and the Sexual Revolution was one of the biggest mistakes of the 20th century.

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And when the same happens to you, when someone silences you you'll cry out in pain and strike.

>men are the kinder sex
Except you hate women, gays, minorities, anybody but yourself. Loving yourself isn't deep love. I keep exposing you right wing retards idiocy and you never learn to just shut your mouth before you embarass yourself.

>We should have law-enforced responsibility
I didn't know it was the state's job to make sure people made the right life choices, faggot.

"Imprisoned by their own bodies"?
There's a cure for that: .45 ACP.

No one says fuck the homeless you retard.
If anything they say fuck rent controls and regulations on development. And taxes. And right to lie down in your yard laws. And gibs that bring in more homeless. And taxes that kill businesses that then creates more homeless. The democrats own the homeless.

But that's assuming men and women are equal, which they are not.

Wow you incels will never get it. Imagine there's this violin but it's gonna die, so in the night the biolins owners hook it up to you so it doesn't sie. You shouldn't have to deal with keeping it alive therefore abortion is ethical

Good God! What a ghastly visage I just beheld!
>tfw the photo is quarter profile but the nose still obscures the thick rimmed hipster frames

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They're born hypocrites who will only understand when they face the suffering they so wish to bring themselves. They'll feel the weight of the boots crushing them as they continue to seek out to stamp out the lives of others and rightfully so.

Understanding is a rare commodity in these times.

>I'm glad there's a medical procedure to help people not be pregnant if they don't want to be

Is that medical procedure by any chance referred to as CONDOMS?

You are confused, my friend. I don't hate women, I hate what our society has done to them. I don't hate gays, I hate that they are encouraged to live self destructive lifestyles. I don't hate non-whites, I recognize that we have different values and different ways of life and are better off living separately.

This kike is bullshitting in order to get whites to abort

No. No matter how much of a parasite she is; her over-consumption of resources prevents that ecological niche being filled with 10-20 nignogs.


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Abortion fucking rocks \m/,

It's not going to be an issue for any of you losers anyways, because it requires a sex act with a living female human, something none of you pathetic weaklings could ever pull off.

They aren't psychopaths they have a point. This intrinsically ties into the refugee invasion as far as morality is concerned though. You can't have the freedom to choose abortion for self preservation while similarly advocating the displacement and invasion of the western world on humanitarian grounds. Just like it's hypocritical to argue in the reverse, which is it OP Morality or pragmatism and where do you draw a line?

Why would a violin (biolin)? Need life support?

>That's like saying public teachers are enslaved idiot. How many times do I have to destroy you idiotic conservatives arguments before you fucking realize you're retards?

are you really using the american public school system as an example of competent centralized planning?

teachers are underpaid and under trained and many are disgruntled and do the bare minion to retain their tenure and there is always a lack of new faculty because of government controlled salaries.

grades and student proficiency has been in decline since the public school system was created. the quality of service has only gotten worse with time.

socialization of the medical industry would produce the same results: less an worse service

Please be ironic

>Understanding is a rare commodity in these times.

You should understand you're being fed a story, a narrative, full of spin about "incels".

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>I didn't know it was the state's job to make sure people made the right life choices, faggot.

it shouldn't be, but when 'the state' (aka the PEOPLE) are forced to pay for every dumbass's life decisions? then yes, they will demand a say in how their money is spent. this is exactly why small government types want NO govt in health care.

You not once responded to the criticism. Are you a racist feminist?

>Women can't get their man to put on a condom while their on the pill if they want to be sexually act

Guess the men don't respect you that you sleep with and you don't respect yourself

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If you don't think you should be able to abort your child up to the age of 10, then we don't need you.

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You're literally too stupid to know how stupid you are, and that pisses me off so much.

Nope. I've been on here a lot longer than you have, there is no narrative I'm swallowing except that of people being hypocrites which they have always been. Hopefully one day that can change, we can of course start with ourselves.

Again you are telling me what I feel or what you think I am accepting which is not understanding. It is you standing alone on your side of the fence. The middle ground continues to shrink.

>You must pick between being robbed so thots can get abortions or having the state make your life choices.

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>me me me me me me me me

Ah, but what if you decided to hook up a person who was previously in a stable coma to yourself? Because you, after all, decided to have sex ie reproduction. So now you decide that the life support chair isn’t comfortable, even though you initially hooked yourself and a stable comatose person into it, and you unplug the person thereby killing them. Seems immoral doesn’t it?

That hambeast has no possibility of pregnancy.

if getting pregnant could kill then sterilize yourself whore

>>You must pick between being robbed so thots can get abortions or having the state make your life choices.

the price of free abortions will be the death panels sarah palin meme'd about. look at cucked EU state with socialized medicine and they all essentially have 'death panels'

100% no joke. marxists are attempting to take control of all medical services, and thus, our lives, with the rallying cry of 'free abortions for all'

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>She literally says in her post that if she got pregnant she would die.

taking the word of a whore. kek

like i said earlier if pregnancy could kill her she should sterilize herself.

It's a SCIENTIFIC FACT that an unborn fetus has no value as a human life. But why am I giving facts and evidence to neanderthals who don't understand basic philosophical implications. Fucking morons.

Next gen FemCel begin made, good thing ugly unfeminine women will get out genetic pool in one generation.

After looking at her portrait and tweets I can affirm that I too LIKE abortion.

You know you're a liberal nutcase when even another liberal thinks you're taking things too far.

How can science prove the value of a human life?

>i like abortion

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I'm not going to explain science to you if you havn't taken biology 101. Abortion is accepted by virtually all scientists.

Yeah, women are shitty as can be, that's a given. What I say is worse is weak men who let women do shitty things in the first place, such as voting or talking shit with no repercussions.

Sadly, I wouldn't count on that, there are a bunch of thirsty cucks who would fight over the most obese and unpleasant women you can think of, just to get their dick wet.

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do these people ever think to themselves, what if their mom felt the way they do?

>But think of all the unborn babies women aren't having by being prudes.
The number of all children =/= the number of well kept children in nuclear families.

Then they wouldn't be here and it wouldn't matter retard.

>wanting women like that to reproduce
abortion is a gift from god to stop shitty people from existing

oh no the state won't let me make a bunch of potatoes that can't function frankfurt school marxists commies

>t. I can’t explain my own argument

reminder the vast majority of feminists are Jewish

The only thing science has to say on the value of human life is that all of humanity is inconsequential to the universe.

>ignoring the fact that any scientist that goes against the narrative gets his career destroyed

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Women are undeserving of the autonomy our forefathers granted them.

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Less roasties and kids raised as trans pandemisexual lgbtwidirnfjk sounds good to me. Why dont they just sterilize themselves?

well of course but doesn't the fact that they are alive mean anything to them or is life just short, cheap and probably not worth it in the long run

i do

Being this retarded and still thinking you have the upper hand.

>women in 2018

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>obviously never had to deal with the emotional impact of having an abortion

If he could stop shitting his diapers he’d be a menace

Oh yikes, it's fucking kikes!

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Could you call us morons again? I like to hear the sound of so much projection. It's truly helping your argument

>Appeals to authority instead of making a coherent argument
Well at least you tried

Super Satan I think you’re being a bit too logical, besides don’t you want all those unborn babies down there with you?