Is pic related true...

Is pic related true? Does anybody have more sources on this subject and a link to the exact Rodriguez source they are citing here?

Attached: 1527295840011.jpg (800x600, 85K)

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Bump please help me.

Bump. Anybody?

Attached: 1322783096744.png (400x266, 175K)

I have a feeling that it's probably fake news. I don't think Jews came into America till ww2

oy vey

thats antisemitism goy

wait until you hear from my loy-yah

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I'll give you a bump. It is true btw.

I can't be bothered to read the whole thing, but...
>Considering the proportions by decades, 1 we find that
of the total of 213,282 Russian immigrants entering
in the decade from 1881 to 1890, the Jewish immi-
grants contributed 135,003', or 63.3 per cent.
I lost my spot but it also says that of the immigrants from Romania 1881-1910 90% were jews, wew lad

No they had been running away from impending russian holocaust of 6million jews for 100 years before ww2

Got any sources?

According to Patrick Little, it was more like 8% which still made them a disproportionately huge bulk of the slave owners. That figure is, unfortunately, probably way out of the ballpark.

Even too far to do the Trump strategy of exaggerating numbers to force your opposition to reveal the still very impressive real numbers.

Attached: hedging your bet.jpg (728x546, 145K)

Attached: Confederate jews.jpg (480x640, 154K)

Attached: #010 Jews behind slavery.jpg (602x430, 108K)

Attached: #011 Jews behind slavery.jpg (1399x1049, 228K)

Attached: Israeli jews and trafficking.jpg (3457x2990, 3.72M)

wtf i love heebs now

You're getting trolled, you fucking retards. According to this, Jews would make up 1/3 -1/2 the U.S. population.

In the south 75% of Jews owned slaves and 40% of Jews owned slaves countrywide. Learn to think, faggots.

Most aristocrats in the new world were British royalty, Spanish navals, and Jewish bankers/Merchants. (no joke)

Germans were too poor to own slaves.
Even the majority of English civilians lacked the $ for slaves which were worth as much as cattle at the time.

>Learn to think
>.35% of white americans owned slaves
>75% of jews owned slaves

Its not hard. Only a few people owned slaves. Not everyone. Not even 1% of the entire population of the US population. I don't know where you got 1/3 or 1/2 of the US population.

It's not fake and jews were one of the first people to come to Murica.
Some of the first people to go to America where Spanish jews who were fleeing persecution in Spain for the crimes jews had committed against the Spanish people. That's why the ''Spanish'' are known to be extremely brutal and it's one of the reason Native Americans were wiped out. They were killed by jews.
Columbus was suspected to be a jew too. The guy was a complete fraud and a scumbag, the Spanish hated him and everyone thought he was a secret jew.

The entire slave trade in America was run by jews.
These people genocided an entire race of people, they imported millions of slaves, and today the whitey goy has to pay for it.

Apparently thinking is not your strong suit. Read again what OP posted, then read it again after that.

it was the slave ship owners that were predominantly kike or kike related

once the slaves entered (predominantly irish) white possession, they slowly acquired all of their current positive and negative characteristics, partially through race mixing

Southern jews. Fuck off

Slaves were worth a lot more than cattle, adjusted for inflation the minimum cost of a slave in America was approximately $40 000 and prices were often much higher, that's why I always roll my eyes when I see shit like Roots that show slaves getting abused or killed. Injuring your own slaves was like keying your own car or burning down your own house