London has fallen

Tommy Robinson was arrested, tried, and sent to prison for 13 months in the span of an hour. AN HOUR. This is an unprecedented violation due process under common law. But they did it anyway cuz Tommy is an evil racist and nobody will care? Right?

Time to wake the fuck up. The Bongs may be cucked to all Hell but the bullshit that happens in britain can cross the pond here to America. We share language, culture, history and legal traditions. Make no mistake. What is happening in Britain is a test run, and if it works we are next. We need to do what the bongs are too scared to do. Stand up to the British government and their fucked up policies. Take to Twitter, Facebook, forums, newspaper comments sections. Hell, go make a sign and stand outside a British consulate or their embassy.

London has fallen. All units. London has fallen.

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>make a sign
Don't be a pussy.

Brits seem to not give a FUCK, So I guess let them rot. They get more upset about "DA FOOTBOWHL ON DE TELLY" than they do being literally converted into a dystopian prison island.

Bring a gun and a sign.

Brits are already demoralized. They accept their sharia country.

he should have thought it before shouting all that blasphemous shit in front of the Islamic Religious Police building
there's no law in a Moslem Caliphate like Britannistan and he knew it
In fact the Imam was pretty considerate, he could have been sentenced to Death by Decapitation for that ruckus

worst thing is he will most likely die in prison. U.K prisons are a hotspot for Islamic indoctrination an violent crime. last time he was in jail, he was attacked with boiling water and sugar. third-hand sources also claim that the judge also acknowledged this and said that he knew what he was getting into.

Hes been to prison before. Got beat up by Muslims but they transferred him to another prison and served 6 months.

every time you post a frog the revolution dies harder
the frog was a forced meme by the people keeping you down, idiot.
stop posting it, stop being a clone.

>in the span of an hour. AN HOUR.
Efficiency I approve of

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>worst thing is he will most likely die in prison.
Haven't thought about it, but it's probably the best thing about it. I can see the headline already

>Racist and mentally ill tanning bed salon owner who made up fake persona dies from being hit multiple times on the head with korans

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They have been subverted by Islam, the only answer is violence or submission. It's over for the UK, bongs are complete fucking pussies unless they fight over football

you seem to forget why exactly THIS country was founded in the first place

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if you think it's not gonna happen here then you're deluding yourself.

we still have a small sliver of hope here
the UK doesn't even have that

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overall.. that might be a good thing. martyrdom does a lot to help revolutions, and that's basically the point britain is at now.

what hope do we *really* have if we don't make any noise over here about the bullshit that's happening over there? we can't just let this happen

They tried to kill Tommy Robinson twice already by mixing him in with extremists that hated his guts. Seriously, its fucking terrifying. Prison staff were all in on it. He was saved once by a sympathetic guard that told him to refuse to leave his cell.

Cuz your founding fathers were less loyal than a penal colony is today? :^D

what exactly can we do?
protests always backfire, we have to keep calling our representatives to let them know what we want and keep trying to push our own propaganda, Andrew Anglin has the right idea by dumbing down his message to appeal to younger men, but he still goes a little too far, western society didn't get like this overnight and it isn't going to get better overnight either, we HAVE to be pushing more subtle propaganda into social media in any way we can as much as we can, that's all nobodies like us can do for the moment

you're almost as bad, you got mamma Merkel still

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>we have to keep calling our representatives to let them know what we want and keep trying to push our own propaganda,
But they're all bought and paid for anyway. It's all a fucking sham.

>what exactly can we do?
Personally I'll sit back and enjoy you scum squirming

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Nothing is going to happen. Certainly not until society impkodes further.

People still have it way too easy. Rape gangs are something that happen in other places not where I live. That's the mentality of it. Britain is the worst when it comes to that.

So long as I am okay then fuck everyone else. That side of community spirit was crushed in the 80s

Oh Murican, please

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lol come back at me when you can make a funny meme
well still the propaganda matters infinitely more, this whole thing started with propaganda and we can use propaganda against those that started this, it isn't easy and it is going to be time consuming, if you want to help make some twitter accounts larping as an sjw and try to subtly push their own narrative farther and farther into obvious bullshit, the more people that see how dumb the leftist cucks are the better

the kind of shit i see from Jow Forums is far from subtle, my dude.

Exactly. Brits made this bed. Fuck them all.

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This is what happens to white bois that cause problems/ He knew that and now he'll pay the price.

the point isn't to shitpost on here, you need to be making extra curricular social media accounts and trying to make the other side look stupid

literally the exact same thing is already starting to happen in america. go to any of the more prestigious schools and you'll see what kinds of minds are becoming influential. if it doesn't happen now, it'll happen once 2k18 college grads start getting into politics.

don't forget the fact that anyone who agrees with us can't speak there, there's still plenty on our side, they just stay hidden

making other people look stupid doesn't actually work. authoritarian leftists aren't interested in facts, so even if you make them "look stupid" to people who aren't part of their cult, it won't do anything because they're so pitifully self unaware.

you ever wonder if some of these professors are secretly on our side and just larping as a leftist to make them all look stupid?

First they came for the brits... But I thought it was funny because of loisences.

The demoralizing shills are out in full force. Something has to be done about this bullshit with Tommy.

>lol come back at me when you can make a funny meme
The reality of your sad lives is funny enough :^)
Look at you, talking about larping as "SJW" on the internet to make yourself feel better

Fucking pathetic

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if you have a following, and it is all sjws, and you occasionally "notice" a lot of Jewish names doing shady things, and a lot of black men acting very "sexist", or mysteriously not getting along with their fellow white activists, some the smarter ones can start to see our way

One day you are going to push us too far and awaken the beast. Then we will do what we have always done. Conquer

doesn't matter. the result is that the places are indoctrination camps for SJWs. i know, i go to one. i have to actively speak up against bullshit in class and i don't have any friends there lol

Good, I hope he dies. Stop spamming for this retarded zionist, you dumb plastic anglo.

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>i don't have any friends there lol
I believe that part

what exactly do you think "our" way is? i'm not trying to affiliate myself with anything aside from free speech here

look at you browsing Jow Forums to make fun of us, we could be your best friends, your neighbors, your classmates, your co workers
we are everywhere and we will eventually have our way with people like you :^)

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You're not going to do shit expect get wiped off the map, you anglokike faggot.

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yeah, being openly against identity politics while surrounded by retarded authoritarians doesn't exactly make you popular

Send emails to prominent politicians, sympathetic celebreities, or royalty(Lords etc..) that might be sympathetic is a good step too.. Has anyone drawn up a template or something that we can send off as an email to these people??

What child grooming trial was he covering that was so volatile that him recording it is inciting people?

we got Trump in office,
dude you have to realize this isn't going to be easy but if you want to win you have to be willing to at least proxy up and attempt to do some work yourself unless you got the balls to go irl in which case good luck
hope isn't quite lost yet, but you have to remember it is an uphill battle, don't forget Hitler himself was once impoverished amongst all of fallen Germany

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muslim rape gangs operating for like 4 decades and he's pointing out that the police haven't done jack shit because they're afraid of being called racist/islamophobic

then he got arrested for commenting on that

So if Tommy is some kind of controlled opposition, what's the endgame of him getting arrested and possibly dying in prison?

well defending free speech isn't easy either and that's my biggest fear as well, but in regards to that issue you have to remember most countries have never had true free speech to begin with, and the UK has never had free speech

he had a big following and they want to silence him

look, it's socialists. they aren't well versed in history, they don't understand how martyrdom will play out.

>be British
>talk about how you don't want your kids raped
>be sentenced(basically) to death

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What's the specific case? Anyone know? I've only seen bits about it in passing.

Reminds me of Back to the Future II when Doc shows that Marty's son will get arrested and jailed for a robbery with Griff, he was tried and sentenced in two hours though

Did somebody say penile colony?
I've got one right now

the US has actually ruled hate speech as still free speech several times, that isn't likely to change any time soon, i'm more worried about our guns honestly

>we could be your best friends, your neighbors, your classmates, your co workers
Yeah, and you could be some tanning bed owner with a made up persona, too! :^)

You'll go to jail before that :^D

I suspect you're one of the retards there

the only thing that might work is if the God Emperor made a stink about it on twitter and threatened Britain with pulling out of trade deals, I personally would recall our diplomats and declare the UK as an enemy of the US and humanity for protecting gangs of Pakistani muslims that rape little girls, the official position of the UK is indefensible, all they can do is hope no one makes a big fuss and just submits(islam means submission)

>they aren't well versed in history, they don't understand how martyrdom will play out.

But they're well versed enough to recruit a guy to go deep cover and pretend to be on our side for years and years at time?


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haha yeah, better import a few million more smelly sandniggers I mean new German citizens, based Merkel

>go to jail
we have free speech laws in this country unlike yours buddy, we have God Emporer Trump, while you're still stuck with Merkel, if you think those Arabs aren't gonna turn on you eventually you're a fucking idiot

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just know this the only people I truly hate are the white people who actively work against our own interests, i don't truly hate anyone else

Fuck off leftypol kike. You know better than anyone that you can buy those shirts in any gift job in Israel

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>based Merkel

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>if you think it's not gonna happen here then you're deluding yourself.
>gonna happen
i think it was related to this, other than that i can't find anything.

I think they should still show up at the location wearing t-shirts and with something like
>"free" world;UK?

kek idk why i'm responding to your obvious bait, i've been on this site since mudkips and Habbo were still a thing i should know better

As I said, funny to watch

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This time it was in Leeds. He was on a suspended sentence for "Contempt Of Court" for doing the same thing about the Canterbury trial.

What he is doing is highlighting just how fucking frequently these grooming gangs are being found. We've already had a Police Chief tell us that they are every city, town, village and hamlet across the country. That the police for years have been petrified of being accused of racism.

I just found out that they are converting a care home in my town to a refugee centre that will hold up to 120 refugees. It's finally happening here too now. Eventually there will be no safe place to raise children in Britain.

tbf he could be a muslim, you dont know

your grandkids won't find it funny

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that's actually more probable seeing as how he's in Germanistan

i haven't seen anyone get actually arrested for something as retarded as this, though

No we don't. Have you ever considered that the opinion that we're accepting our fate is purposefully put in place to ensure that other countries follow? The majority of us hate what's happening here.
Regardless, you should learn from our mistakes.

We've got to get it to Trump, we need to signal boost it to people around him like his sons that will pass it on it him

so, honestly, what are we supposed to do about it?

>you should learn from our mistakes
>pic related

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You left out the best part: the reason they are angry is because of the guy's timing... They are sentencing him to death for this... Check out this screenshot from a Islamic march that was on MAY 21ST (5 days ago)

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how exactly do we go about doing this?
we've collectively gotten him elected and while we didn't get it stopped got him to at least acknowledge the caravan

Lets do it

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I've come to suspect that the royal family is in in the NWO globalist plot.

Seeing pics like this makes me think our spics and niggers aren't that bad lol

God knows my lad
You meme but I entirely agree

Most Brits I see posting here seem more upset about us talking about and making fun of what a dystopian failed state you've let your "nation" become than the actual fact that you're living in an Orwellian hellscape.

What the fuck Southall is muzziestan now? Southall has been Indian for decades.
Now I know things are bad.

>royal family
i unironically think they're just retarded

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>voting is shirk
Gotta love them dumb Islamists

Jesus, the shills in this thread. Attacks are getting worse.
Well anons, once more into the breach!

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That's because most brits on here are faggots and deserve the ridicule. Anyone with half a brain should be able to accept that we're in trouble.

A literal krautcuck thinking he has it better than anyone else


When you put it that way. What the hell are they doing over there?