Democratic-Republican here, my view were deeply inspire Thomas Jefferson's way of establishing an Agrarian republic, but it's really difficult to see his stance on immigration.
What do you think Jow Forums?
Democratic-Republican here, my view were deeply inspire Thomas Jefferson's way of establishing an Agrarian republic, but it's really difficult to see his stance on immigration.
What do you think Jow Forums?
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He definitely wouldn't want a single nigger, beaner, muslim or asian to immigrate at any point. Jefferson would have been too extreme even for me, probably limiting immigration to English (and other British Isles peoples) and small numbers of Dutch, German and Scandinavians. This was the prevailing attitude among the founding fathers. If Jefferson were alive to see the state of today's world, he would probably be more open to other European immigration, and be even more against non-white immigration.
What were his policy on immigration tho? I heard he was highly against Sedition act past by John Adams.
That is a policy. Allowing only English, Dutch, German, and Scandinavian people and in certain numbers is a policy. All of the context of the founding fathers and their thoughts / writings is within the bounds of strictly European immigrants. These people didn't even consider Africans to be human, let alone whether they could be United States' citizens or if they could assimilate.
He was a known Franco-phile and yet he warned against excessive French immigration
>Agrarian republic
oh hi Pol Pot
It is possible to admire the French, while also despising them and avoiding their mistakes.
Wut? But he did wanted that.
They were all afraid of non-English speaking enclaves like how to this day some people in Pennsylvania speak a kind of Dutch. Imagine that the founding fathers were deeply concerned about ethnic German enclaves, and imagine what they would think of ethnically Arab, Sharia-law enforced zones?
>The first consideration in immigration is the welfare of the receiving nation. In a new government based on principles unfamiliar to the rest of the world and resting on the sentiments of the people themselves, the influx of a large number of new immigrants unaccustomed to the government of a free society could be detrimental to that society. Immigration, therefore, must be approached carefully and cautiously.
His stance is very consistent. He would be ok with SMALL amounts of immigration, with more quantities from countries that are very compatible in language and culture.
More specifically, he was actually against mass french, italian and spanish immigration. And he actually liked france.
No. The needs of the nation come first. France still had colonies in the continent at the time, and there was also the potential problems with Canada.
Apart from, you know, a few million citizens being killed and then being bent over and spanked repeatedly by Vietnam.
He was a smart man
>French: arrogant cucks
>Italy: mobsters
Can't avoid shit if you import them.
>Importing the French
>The Eiffel Tower is surrounded by niggers selling ass crack sweat
>Paris syndrome (French: Syndrome de Paris, Japanese: パリ症候群, Pari shōkōgun) is a transient mental disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or going on vacation to Paris, as a result of extreme shock derived from their discovery that Paris is not what they had expected it to be. The syndrome is characterized by a number of psychiatric symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution (perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, or hostility from others), derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and also psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating, and others, such as vomiting. Similar syndromes include Jerusalem syndrome and Stendhal syndrome. The condition is commonly viewed as a severe form of culture shock. It is particularly noted among Japanese travelers.
>Mario Renoux, the president of the Franco-Japanese Medical Association, states in Libération': "Des Japonais entre mal du pays et mal de Paris" ("The Japanese are caught between homesickness and Paris sickness", 13 December 2004) and that Japanese magazines are primarily responsible for creating this syndrome. Renoux indicates that Japanese media, magazines in particular, often depict Paris as a place where most people on the street look like "stick-thin" models and most women dress in high fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton.
In reality, Paris is an African city.
Filled with subways, and niggers.
Japs still think of the Paris that existed in the 50's.
Who else would spend 5-years savings to get robbed and assfucked?
>Japs at DisneyWorld
Disney demands that the nigger assigned to rob you can also carry a tune.
Enjoy your vacation, Benihana.
Honestly who cares about some jap hoes not being able to ride the cock carousel in France.
The French are the worst Europeans anyhow
>The French are the worst Europeans anyhow
Japs still want to spend half their life's earnings to visit Paris.
There's a reason we had to drop those nukes on princess dingbat.
Considering his mother was an immigrant...
is this that president who had big cheese and enlisted pirates to help agaisnt britcucks?
I believe you're thinking of Andrew Jackson.
That was Jackson buddy.
Jefferson dreamt up specialization
>his mother was an immigrant
Legal or Illegal?
>I got some tacos
>whadda you say?
Like everyone else, beaners can only offer food.
>Mi tacos!
I apologize. Beaners also bring huevos and muy taco trucks.
How did we ever manage to mow our own lawns?
the sedition act was retarded reeeeeeeeing by adams.
That sounds like the federalist party to me.
>the sedition act
Most U.S. newspapers "showed no antipathy toward the act" and "far from opposing the measure, the leading papers seemed actually to lead the movement in behalf of its speedy enactment."
Don't rush to judgement, user.
Let's wait for the kike owned papers to tell us what we should think.
there is two and a half centuries of time difference between what Jefferson saw as the future of America and communists killing everyone who wears glasses.
Come on. Holding sentimentality above practicality is retarded leftypol thinking. Jefferson unequivocally LOVED the freedom to come to a new country and start fresh. But he was also very aware of the risks and consequences. The chance to start new is not a blank check to be issued to everyone.
I too just listened to the new Common Sense. I dont think Dan realizes that just bringing up Jefferson is racist because he was literally a white male slave owner.
>The chance to start new is not a blank check to be issued to everyone.
>Pierre is kill
Jefferson and most of the founders believed in restricting immigration to those who believed in his principles of limited government, self determination, liberty, etc. There were debates on whether to allow people from countries where there was a monarch, like Germany, to immigrate because they (the founders) feared these people would try to create a monarchy here.
The Founders weren't unanimous, but ultimately most agreed that as long as someone's idea's were compatible with the ideas of liberty and limited government, they should be allowed in.
As for black Americans, Jefferson wrote that blacks were stupid, but that they are no less honest then whites (He based this on his own slaves). He definitely wouldn't want to bring more in, but he did feel that slavery should be abolished and that blacks should be integrated into the population since they were brought here against their will. He said that we would have to deal with them because of slavery, and was very nervous about it.