So, I've been watching this show about the "lost Franklin expedition" which is basically a bunch of based men got trapped in the arctic and then had to 'walk out' across the Arctic in the 1840s. This led to a whole lot of chaos including cannibalism, and all 116 men died as a result of sickness, starvation, etc.

What's interesting about this story is that there are a load of inuit accounts of seeing these men starving, dying, resorting to cannibalism, etc., yet these aboriginal fucks never helped them. Or when pressed on it, they said yeah, they did want to help them but the 'white' men were 'spirits' that they were 'scared of'. In other words - muh 'reasons', and pandering to the usual PC bullshit to justify that they basically watched and did fuck all. But nope - we should care about these cunts and then their 'culture' and 'way of life'.


tl;dr: Why are inuit such fucks, and why is it that Canada continues to prove just how fucking fail it is?

Attached: inuit pls go.jpg (1000x667, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Come on Jow Forums. Let's talk about this.

So you're saying inuits should take in rapefugees (syphilis was non existent in innuit population until Euros showed up)

Attached: 881800.jpg (500x500, 92K)

No. I'm saying what kind of uncivilised cunts watch a bunch of starving, sick men and do nothing to help them. This counts ESPECIALLY for uncivilsed cunts who cry and whine about their fucking 'culture' being protected, and that we all have to fall all over ourselves to ensure.

There is no such thing as a slide thread. The whole concept doesn't make sense

Thanks for the bump, Chaim.

Diversion thread?

So you're saying that it's the right thing to do to take in refugees in Europe. The best part if /pol is the mental gymnastics

So, I found this blog posting about it which proves I'm at least one of two people on earth that's interested in this question.

He refers to writings by some woman called Eber who got various inuit accounts compiled, but they all reek of fucking apologetics and retrospective justification to me. The one story - they built them an igloo and left meat for them, etc. - just doesn't ring true to me. It looks cunningly crafted to give an impression of having helped, and then conveniently 'discovering' that they men had refused their help after all... soooo what's a poor inuit fuck to do yo.

What kind of fucking retarded logic is there that a bunch of starving men would turn down meat RIGHT THERE in front of them, and rather hack each other up to eat?

Nothing makes sense here. I feel I may need to launch a righteous justice expedition of my own.

You literally make no sense at all. Respond to my actual posts or fuck off and go troll /b/.

Link here: pajiba.com/tv_reviews/amcs-terror-and-why-the-inuits-didnt-help-the-franklin-expedition.php

He means, if you saw a pack of wild Pakis starving to death, would you throw meat at them? He's comparing white people to Middle Eastern immigrants.

Yeah, I know. There's no equivalence. Unexplored, largely uninhabitable land in the 1840s, around which these aboriginal fucks were nomads anyway.

The only way it could be equivalent is if Britain was uninhabited, largely consisted of ice, and the English actually lived in Spain and occasionially came up north to catch a seal.

But then, of course, I don't expect the trolls of Jow Forums to use things like basic logic and reason.

they weren't starving, they had rations for years, problem was they were poisoned.

And I don't you realise how empty the north pole area is. Imagine 50 britains with a population of 2000 people, that's inuit land.They cant help, food is scarce. A nomad family of 20 people, can't just help feed 180 people, when there is barely enough food to keep themselves alive.

Attached: Qooqaaitoraq.jpg (600x900, 107K)

How. It's just shitposting.

Irony. Sharing food with those Europeans means maybe you'd starve to death. Maybe they'd turn on you and pillage your tribe. What if they really we're demons after all?

intentionally poisoned or just ingesting bad rations/bad flora?

Are guys running out of cultures to hate?

Except they ACTUALLY starved to death, and forensic analysis shows they resorted not only to cannibalism but apparently something called 'end stage cannibalism' where they resorted to boiling the bones to get the last scraps of nutrition out of them.

The 'rations for years' were gone through by more or less the time they walked out. They'd already been trapped in the ice for close to 3 years. And they weren't poisoned, either. Did you think I hadn't done all my research prior to starting this thread, Anonymous? The 'lead poisoning' theory is now disproven.

And yeah, sure. So why should we help the inuit at all if they can't be fucked helping us?

These were hated long before brown people invaded our lands, there's a long documented history of that, and not only Inuits but all type of Mongoloid colonizers in Europe.

> implying that a bunch of fucks watching deranged, sick, starving men resorting to cannibalism and not lifting a finger to help or even send word of rescue to people who could is not the behaviour of a degenerate filth 'cuture'.

> What if they really we're demons after all?
No 'christian' shitposting threads today, huh?

They rarely saw white people. It sounds idiotic now but if you've ever watched videos of previously uncontacted tribespeople on islands near India or in South America, they freak the fuck out when they see a white man because to them, humans are usually tan. Imagine seeing a fucking blue human. You have no idea where the fuck they came from, whether they're diseased or not, and at that level of civilization, whether or not they have some sort of curse, power, or if they're some sort of supernatural being, like a god/angel/ghost/demon.

The Inuits in the region lived in small family units and very small tribes. They typically had just enough food for themselves. Some Inuits did try to help them and feed them a bit. But they took off quickly, because in that part of the world, food is very scarce and survival is key. They did not want to bring dozens of men back to their homes to eat everything they had. And the Inuit were concerned as well, that these men didn't seem to know how to properly survive in their land.
This is the reason we shouldn't feed African niggers. Same thing.

Also, to add onto my last post, what if you were a tribesman who saw blue humans boiling bones and eating each other? Literally the stuff of evil mythology. How do you know they're not going to eat you?

Inuit are very practical people. Life is very hard there and the population is low. The capitol city today has 1000 people. There were no resources to help 116 men. A family or small village that survives on seal hunting cannot feed 100 men for even a day.

malnutrition, from 3 years of tinfood
Because they couldn't help. Simple as that.
The land is big with almost no people and food. The inuits might have given them some food, but enough to keep them alive, impossible.
They have to travel all year round to find food themselves, they can't stay in the same area and feed a 100 men.

I'd also like to mention that ANOTHER explorer went later into the same region, lived with the inuits and they happily taught him and his men everything they knew. The same inuits.

there isn't much to say since you have no idea what your talking about. the expedition was doomed when they bought shitty food filled with lead.

Furthermore in this case, the inuits you speak of, almost worshiped the white explorer. They were fascinated by him, and while he was there, they obeyed his word. He lead their tribe until he eventually left.

So why not get them help? Sorry, but all shitposting aside, this shit really fucking infuriates me. I wouldn't let anyone starve to death and do nothing to help them. Even back then that's a low and shit fuck thing to do. Even if they couldn't help them because or then why not at least let the nearest white people know? A lot of these aboriginals knew AT LEAST where there were white outposts. I don't believe for one second that they didn't realise these were human beings and that they needed help. This is just historical revisionist bullshit coloured with the usual tired old nonsense about 'welp they're white they probably deserved it'.

OP is a shitty faggot that views everything through a Jow Forums lens and doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about

No. You don't know what you're talking about. The 'lead poisoning' theory is now debunked.

Read the thread.

Because not a single account said that. Not ONE inuit that recorded with the Eber woman said that they were worried they would be cannibalised.

Same account consistently: they had been seen, they were sick, they were starving, they were in a very bad way. Variations on what happened next but not one that the inuit were afraid for their own safety.

Fuck off back to pleddit where you can offer all the apologetics for your base nigger 'cultures' you want, faggot.

> So why not get them help?
I've already described why above. They are survivors and these men in question could not help themselves clearly, so they left them there. Food is sparse in the extreme there. And most inuits have just enough for their tribe and family.
Also a later explorer lived with them, lead the tribe, they obeyed his word, and the inuits taught him everything they knew. He was the first explorer to make it through the channel.

It's Nunavut. There were no white outposts. Even today there are none. You will find a few in the capitol and there are a couple of radar bases but that is it. And back then, nothing. The men were exploring because white people had not been there. There were no whites to help them. If any whites were nearby they would be in extremely small trading outposts that also could not feed 100 people.

> Imagine seeing a fucking blue human
Nope. Apologetics.

The accounts clearly indicate that they knew they were human. Deranged, starving, sick - all true. But not that they were afraid because they were 'demons' or 'blue humans'. They're also human, are they not? Are you saying that an inuit in arctic conditions wouldn't grasp the concept of what a cold human being looks like?

You watched a show about an expedition gone wrong and immediately went to Jow Forums to whine about "white people" and why the minority didn't help them
lmao faggot, i'm glad I don't have your life you ideological bore.

are you going to risk your children's lives to help a bunch of random explorers, from a race you had never even seen, who got lost in your extreme and inhospitable land? i don't think anyone is saying they are white and deserved it, they are saying the inuit did not have enough food to feed a huge force of refugees.

The Canadian government did not find the shipwrecks until 2014. That is how remote they were. There was no one to help them for thousands of miles.

they didnt help the explorers but at least they arent all raping their own children for generations like australian aboriginals.

>lets risk a whole village of family and friends to help some hundred strong group of strangers who we don't know if they're friends or foes
cry more

>they are saying the inuit did not have enough food to feed a huge force of refugees.
Correct. And even with the original expedition a hunting party came by and fed the expedition what they could. But as the men turned, the inuits were hurrying off. Because they'd already given everything they could afford to.
And this was a very large group of men. I doubt the inuits had ever seen so many people gathered in one place, all needing food.

Inuits do not look like that when they're cold. He's raising a very valid point.

You have to take into account how superstitious Inuits are/were. Talking or interacting with something they perceive as a spirit? Ofcourse they would avoid that.

The captain of 'The Terror' was familiar with inuit. All three expedition leaders were arctic veterans.

And this still doesn't account for why some claimed they did 'help' them while other accounts are they just watched them. And again: why not get them help?

It'll always come back to the same question - why should we give a fuck about these 'cultures' and preserving their 'way of life' when their culture is so fucking retarded they can't even provide help to another human being.

>Muh white people are so smart because they needed to plan for winter and shieeet.
>Please help us indians, we're going out into the middle of nowhere unprepared!

Pick one faggot.

>knew they were human
So? History is full of reason to fear your fellow man, especially when he's from a different people.

But that can't be true. This is a map of outposts in the 1820s. So 25 years before all this happened which means there were probably even MORE at the time.

Are you trying to tell me that the inuit that saw these men had no possible idea about any of these dozens of fucking camps and outposts? Really?

Attached: outposts 1820s.jpg (1209x606, 192K)

>And again: why not get them help?
From where? What help?
I'll say it for the last time. It's a survivor territory. People are surviving and just barely. There's not enough food to feed a large force of men. Most inuits live in tiny communities. And have just enough food for themselves.
So get help from where? How? What?

Not according to accounts. A lot of the men seem to have broken up into smaller groups, some as few as two individuals from what I've read. It's not 116 men as one group.

Why the fuck should they help invaders? And with what, they do not have surpluce stuff and time.

>why some claimed they did 'help' them while other accounts are they just watched them
these events unfolded over a few years, covering a pretty large area of land due to the explorers backtracking, etc. There were probably cases where the Inuit did try to help some people, and other cases where they didn't or couldn't.

>they can't even provide help to another human being
I assume you stop to help every homeless person you encounter on the street. Give them food, money, let them stay at your house for a few months till they get sorted out. You do that, don't you user? Sure you don't just ignore them and walk on by.

They split in half. One staying with the ships and they died and one running off into the wilderness.
Split in half it's still a megalithic group of men compared to anything the inuits have seen or had to help feed before.
Later, it was as you said. Most of the men had died and groups of 2 or 3 were wandering way out in the middle of nowhere alone.
However when the group ran into the inuit hunters and WERE FED BY THEM, they were still dozens and dozens of men.

See Explain to me how it is these cunts didn't know about these trading posts? They certainly had enough contact with white people that white people were picking up their language. And they had enough contact with white people to report sightings... not of 'ghosts' or 'blue people'... but actual white people that they recognised not only as white people but just people who were starving, sick, and in a very bad way.

god damn pol is so fucking stupid, you think a hunter gatherer culture had stocks of food enough for that many people? would you give all your food to some syrian refugees you didn't know when it'd risk your kids starvation? your village of 20-30 in middle of fuck no where with slow communication has enough for hundreds?

Jesus fucking christ pol is nothing but hs students now, retarded kids

> Explain to me how it is these cunts didn't know about these trading posts?
What? What the fuck are you talking about? ITS THE ARCTIC you stupid ass.

False equivalence. If I was in an area I was familiar with and saw a human being or a group of human beings clearly starving, sick, and in a very bad way, yes, I would help.

Fuck off with your pathetic apologetics.

I'll accept that as a concede. Thanks.

They did help. As much as they could.


>False equivalence
thats a very convenient term to deflect the fact that you do the same as you accuse the inuit of doing.

If it is uninhabited, who the fuck will be doing the helping? Just because there is not a lot of them and they are nomads does not mean it is uninhabited. They think it is their land. No gibs for you, incompetent nigger.

> I'll accept that as a concede.
Nope. Wrong again. You're wrong entirely.
The inuits did help the expedition you speak of, and they in fact let a white man LEAD them later, and taught him everything they knew.
The fact is you're a dumb ass and plain wrong about everything. Learn history bitch.

> hundreds
Don't reply in this thread if you don't at least have some knowledge of the actual facts. There were no 'hordes' descending on anyone.

>you don't at least have some knowledge of the actual facts.
That would be you. Time to shut the fuck up now.

There are COUNTLESS stories about inuits, eskimos and other snowpeople helping out exploreres, or "white people" as you call them. Problem was the Franklin expedition were over a hundred men all insane with lead poisoning, they were lugging a piano around with them in the arctic while starving to death. You've already gotten your answer but you seem intent on just bashing eskimos. It's obvious you saw a show that had a positive view on a minority group and now you're trying some way to hate that group. Eskimos are chill, I've partied with them. Nice people, caring and sharing. Fuck off with your shit.

>and all 116 men died as a result of sickness, starvation, etc.
your point nigger? probably triple or more of the average Inuit village, pol is just hypocrites

He's intent on not being wrong as fuck. Which he is. Arrogance is the mind killer. Never learn shit that way.

> strawmanning
You can keep trying this but what you're proving to me is that it's a certain fact these cunt aboriginals at least knew where there were white people to send help. They can protest as much as they like, base niggers like you can offer as many apologetics for them as you like - but none of that will alter the fact that these low cunts did nothing to help a bunch of starving, sick men and, therefore, we should do nothing to help them and their shitty fucking 'culture'.

Now try more of your fucking leftcuck tears with me, princess.

They probably thought all those snowniggers were strung out on bath salts dude

>to send help
There's no help out there idiot. None. Derp?

Your hurt feelings in the face of facts mean fuck all to me. Post more.

pol is nothing but kids now, retarded kids, thanks the donald

Are you just trying to get a circle jerk of people in your thread saying that all innuit people are subhuman?

People who know what's best for them.

I think you overestimate what a 'trading post' in this context.

> pol is just hypocrites
Fuck off, newb.

This made me think of hospitality across cultures. And then i flashed on something strange i read about the Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Sure, their Muslims, but their culture is really something else, much older. One of their values is hospitality. (Another is keeping blood feuds going for centuries, so.) But how it plays out is if you're an obvious outsider, even a US soldier, but you're alone and in need, they'll take you in, feed you, nurse you back to health, etc.. So when this happens, and the soldier gets reunited with the army or whoever, they say "oh, there's this village, they helped me, theyre the good guys!" And when him and his buddies go back over to thank the tribe/village, they get RPGs fired at them, ieds, and so on... Their culture says always help a man in need, but when they aren't in need anymore, kill him and his friends for trespassing..
But the indigenous American thing is so complicated... Even among inuit or cree or Arapahoe or whatever, some tribes were really cool, and amazing, while lots others were bloodthirsty fiends. It's like if some explorer went to Detroit, and assumed all of the US was like that, or went to a nice town in Idaho, and thought people in Detroit would be like that.. The PC culture insults the memory of the Indians by saying they were all polyamorous Forest pixies doing magic...
Another thing I've been contemplating is that South American Indians made massive cities, but North American Indians didn't.. What's up with that? The Maya, Inca, and Aztecs were psychos, but they could do fucking math, and could do metallurgy. Okay, done.
PS read what HP Lovecraft said about inuits.

Attached: SIGUESIGUESPUTNIK20.jpg (1000x872, 198K)

>send word of rescue to people who could
How? Write in a twitter?

Hey, white people, there is a bunch of blue fags, starving, come and take your trash from my backyard.

> face of facts
I've already given you plenty of facts.
The inuits helped the expidition you speak of. They fed them.
Later they taught explorers everything they knew were vital to the success of exploring the canal.

> insane with lead poisoning

> the rest
All bullshit

> m-m-muh eskimo nigger bitches wahhhh

Nobody cares about your nigger adventures on the weekends, Swede cuck. All you're doing is proving that you haven't a fucking clue what you're talking about.

You mad?

Better than letting foreigners destroy your culture.


Haha, fuck off and grow up.

They had no obligation to help

Not at all. All these responses have done is prove to me that my initial suspicions were correct, and I now see these 'people' in the correct light that they deserve.

I USED to think they had proper cultures and blah blah we should protect them yada yada, but now I realise:

a) Their culture is fucking retarded because they can barely look after themselves
b) They're fucking useless to anyone else except themselves they can barely look after

The sooner they're extinct, or forced out into proper white people civilisation the better.

some finn fucked his girl

You guys are making me hungry.

Attached: DSCN7784.jpg (3264x2448, 1.62M)

>All bullshit
>Nobody cares about your nigger adventures on the weekends, Swede cuck
You just proved my point. You are on some crusade to prove that eskimos are niggers without knowing what the fuck you're talking about. Shouldn't you be in some "nigger hate" thread posting webms? fuck outta here, you child.

> 15 posts
Not nearly as mad as you, bro.

Yea because inuit immigration is destroying nations. Shut...the....fuck...up.
You're a brainlet. We don't like stupid people here.

Inuits are basically arctic chinks and we all know that chinks have no soul.

>Another thing I've been contemplating is that South American Indians made massive cities, but North American Indians didn't..
Pastoralists don't build huge cities.

Says the bitch with 29?

But eskimos are niggers, swedecuck. Just because you like to fuck eskimo niggers on the weekend, doesn't make them less so, nigger lover.

Any other questions?

Russians are honorary bantlords desu.

It's my thread, you idiotic cunt.

>being post 2000