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Top o' the mornin' to you paddies
ya got kiked
The contempt from this post is literally tangible
welcome to the first world, you stinky swamp celts.
>living baby
Pick one
Yeah, you show that video with sub-200 views who's boss. Finally, a vote you losers can win.
No wonder people in the UK are in favor of abortions, considering they defended their courts condemning an actual born child to death and used the police to make sure he dies.
Feels good, finally Ireland also decided to legalize abortion
>when you can’t find enough potatoes to eat but you’ve got plenty of babies you can murder
Just Ireland tings
There was more resistance to Gay marriage than to killing unborn children. Just....
>Ireland finally allowed to kill (((Irish))) babies.
Amerimutt here! What took you goys so long?
Well hey paddies look on the bright side legalizing abortion will quarantine all the vibrant diversity into your major cities for the next couple of decades. All the Rural folk wont have to worry about niggers for at least another 20 years
So blackpilled...idk what to even do
What's that supposed to be? Subversive satanist bad fake vido shit?
The rurals voted for it as well. I don't even recognize this country anymore.
its not so bad seamus at least this will curb your growing nigger population right ?
>So blackpilled...idk what to even do
Remove yourself from the gene pool would be a good starter
What the artist?
UK is degenerate. We should sink that fucking thing ASAP.
Official results out already?
Starting to think Shariah law might be a good thing for Ireland at this stage
Patrick Little is our only hope against the kikes, ever since 2016 we've been on the defensive on every election
Except that wee lad was utterly fucked and had no quality of life or chance of recovery. The suggestion that the medical staff of Alder Hey Children's Hospital, people who spend their entire career caring for sick young people, day in day out, would suddenly decide to condemn this single child for no discernable reason is, at best, a twisted suggestion with no basis in reality.
Yeah fuck that. Those people just jump on every tragedy for virtue points. "Oh no, this poor child who is braindead is dying. Why are you not letting him fly over to France to suffer even longer?! Killing a child, inhumane! I had to miss my abortion appointment to come to this rally and protest you know."
well i was trying to give you guys a kind of silver lining by saying that the upside of abortion is that it decimates future wog populations. but damn that sucks too i couldnt even imagine a rural american casting a yes vote on something like this
Lots of districts are reporting in. Seems to be 70% in favour of abortion.
"Gay marriage" is in some ways worse than abortion. Both are very similar in that they undermine the natural law in a shocking manner, but "gay marriage" is more like an open and public mockery of natural marriage, whereas abortion is more just its heartless murder. It's not surprising that dear Ireland would fall for abortion if it has already fallen for "gay marriage", which already showed that it had rejected its Christianity and any notion of divine and natural law.
I cant wallow like this, it's a nice day out, I'm going to the gym, I'll let the official results hit me in the afternoon. I was gonna get a pizza or chinese later to celebrate, what a fucking fool I was.
Thanks for proving my point
Thanks for proving my point
Abortion doesn't curb population growth.
It's existence facilitates even more sex, which in turn creates more pregnancies.
You're just allowing niggers to fuck more without the risk of pregnancy or child support.
I don't take morality lessons from hypocrites.
I don't even want to get out of bed. I feel fucked up and raw. Nobody I know understands or cares about the gravity of the situation.
Doubt it. Our nigs arent the same as your American ones. Its not just that abortion will be legal that bothers me, its the people who won. Sjws, feminists,cucks,leftist,socialists etc and their the majority, they got 68%. Just look at twitter. Their all celebrating the end of traditional conservative ireland and praising how "progressive" and "modern" it is.
Potato harvest numbers will fall, and they can't blame the next potato holocaust on us.
Reminder to spraypaint the fuck out of these murder centers when the start popping up
No, go on, why did the staff of Alder Hey decide to kill that kid, mate? Do tell me, I'm desperate to find out.
The ultimate question all of this poses is what was the fucking point in Irish independence?
Gaelic is a dead language, despite vast amounts of state support to desperately try and keep it alive.
Catholicism is dead too, as the vast majority of Irishmen actively hold disdain for Christianity.
Conservative "Irish" values are gone.
What do the Irish actually have left to call their own? It seems like the entire Irish identity at this point is based around not being like those "nasty English right wingers >:("
It's actually fucking pathetic to look at.
Lad, they want to be part of EU now, they don't want to be Ireland no longer. Just an island of the global European government.
Albert Bierstadt ;^)
Its true. Nuke us from the face of the earth. We are a complete and utter shithole. A fuckin joke country.
Not referring to the staff, referring to the courts who ordered he must die and not be taken out for alternate treatment/care and, you know, the police who enforced it
Where are the official results? I'm sick of this exit poll shite. There's no way it's a bigger win than gay marriage.
There are no official results yet.
It's not looking good for no but
What you said is sadly true.
> Implying niggers give a solitary fuck about risk
The US legal system has been trying for decades to figure out how to deal with black fathers who technically owe over 100% of their income to children from multiple different women, and that's with abortion. Muds don't take these things into consideration like we do. The pragmatic argument for it is sound, even if you only take it as a silver lining.
But it only went to the courts because the parents opposed the decision of the medical staff, which they were entirely at liberty to do. However, the courts sided with the Alder Hey and who else but the police were going to enforce court orders? The courts only ruled that the medical staff were correct, not that Alfie Evans had to die or some shit.
Everything you say is completely correct. Our best people died in 1916. The people who came after were lesser men.
Why is pol towing the line of the Catholic church?
Catholics are and never were Christians.
You either interpret the new testaments teachings literally or you are a non christian adapter that thinks the laws are subjective.
I wish you dumb non religious fucks would get this simple concept through your thick skull.
But the English response would be apathy.
This is a crucible that will winnow away weakness from true Irish consciousness.
But they did.
The Catholic Church is the mother of western civilisation and is right about everything.
So can I get a quick rundown? Did it pass or not?
I'm so sorry for you lads.
Is it our turn next?
>Looking at the pictures on news sites
I've never seen a bunch of women more happy at being able to kill their own babies
No results yet but polls are saying 70% Yes.
>Muh choice
Fucking hell this is all I've heard for the last month or so. Fuck all about the morality of abortion. They've dehumanised the whole debate. Fuck the media
The fact that these onions boys can make memes about killing babies is beyond fucked.
They're certainly going to try.
>But they did.
No they didn't, the only reason it went to the courts was because the parents rejected the medical opinion. The decision was appealed numerous times and each time the verdict was the same: Alfie Evans had no quality of life or chance of recovery. The idea that Alder Hey staff wanted to kill this child for some kind of kick is demented.
Counting of the ballots hasn't happened yet, but the exit polls taken last night by the media showed 20% landslide in favour of abortion.
What? I thought you guys were partially conservative.
>established by an actual follower of Christ
>not Christian
Oh, but you're new age conception of Christ is the sole holder of legitimate Christianity. For sure my man.
Not enough of us, apparently.
Almost as demented as a court ruling, and the police enforcing, turning a child's ward into his execution chamber.
Counting started at 9am
which is entirely unbelievable, during the gay marriage referendum a lot of people would say "sure whats the harm in it" ask those same people about if they were in favor of abortion and they would instantly oppose it.
It is a "new country".
It's Satan's country.
They did though.
They said "we insist that your child die in our hospital from us removing his life support", and blocked their attempt to move him to Italy.
They could have washed their hands of the child and let the parents have what they want, to try to save the child rather than euthanise him, but they actively blocked it.
Oh. Any word on it?
I just woke up.
I was talking to some people I thought were No voters and basically the only reason they voted Yes was because they thought it would help get rid of poor and disabled people.
Imagine being so demented and brainwashed that you celebrate the slaughter of children and the genocide of your nation at the hands of a sodomite elite.
What's more demented than turning a mother's womb - literally the chamber of life - into a death chamber?
Well I guess your women will be the downfall of your country also like it was in every European country.
Well you do that too.
>1736 likes for this shit normalfag meme
Why is humanity so fucked bros?
Nah just "looks like landslide win" shite
Seems that way, Romanianon. We can only sit tight and hope for a miracle with the release of results.
Yes voter here. Why would you fucks campaign the No using religious nut cases that if had it there way would suck the churches dick while they fiddled with their kids. It's the reason why you lost. You also never put forward what women would get out of it. I welcome this news as now the men of Ireland can maybe try and push for a financial abortion of the kid. Vote Yes to Men having the right to choose not to fund a kid they never wanted.
Unmarried mothers and deadbeats who don't pay for their kids BTFO
Having children is expensive and so having an ambitious man with a good job is very important when a woman decides to start a family.
So what was your answer? Keep him barely alive on a life clug while he body continues to detoriate and he has no ability to communicate the pain he's likely suffering? Or take him to Rome so some quack doctor can bilk his parents for everything they've got? There was no medical evidence that the treatment in Italy would have done a thing, and ultimately doctors have a duty of care to their patients, IE, Alfie Evans.
You still haven't provided a motive for this bizzare murder plot either, but I'm sure it's entirely insensible regardless.
I was curious so I looked this up
it really caught me off guard, I'm fucking distressed
over 100k babies killed every year
Christ almighty what happened to people's moral compass. I'm not even religious but this is fucked
it's data for spain by the way
Dehumanisation is a prerequisite to any organised killing. It's why they'll forever cling on to the belief that a fetus is somehow not human, as if it is some other species of animal until passing through the birth canal.
No, the more niglets they pop out the more welfare they get.
The people who get abortions will be middle class Irish women who want to focus on their career.
>1.2% of all the women in Spain have an abortion every year
what the fuck
No annulment for you, Harry.
Fuck this lads. We're as bad as the UK now and destined for Swedish tier cuckery. There is no hope. Gen Z being conservative is bullshit. Legitimately the best we can hope for now is nuclear warfare or a bloody revolution that will never happen because people are to cucked and brainwashed. There are no men anymore. It only gets worse.
britbong gets it right
Give the parents what they wanted.
At least have a little fucking tact.
But evidently that's not a value these days.
>over 100k babies killed every year
Fairly standard figure anywhere with abortion, my guy.