*Consents to your advances*

>*Consents to your advances*
>*Withdraws their consent after-the-fact*
>*Destroys your life*

Why are they allowed to get away with this?

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Because men who have trouble finding one to put their penis in let them

We live in a woman's world OP.

because jews

Do these three replies sum up Jow Forums perfectly?

We’re missing a rant how white women only fuck niggers and ahmeds

you don't have to worry about this if you fuck chicks from the third world my dude.

like straight up, I almost exclusively fuck foreign.

Brazil, Chinese, Baltic states.

Brazil, Buceta e so Linda

Chinese, Ta men jiao wo baba da

and for the baltic states you just grunt, show a wad of cash and point to your car (as long as it is nice)

now do something productive

>show a wad of cash and point to your car
just like here

>Cant stop when she does say no
>Risk rest of life for one moment with a woman who didnt want you anymore

They have no power if you can control yourself. You see this from the standpoint of a victim. There you shall remain

i dont want to get my head cut off my man

Their not able to do that in my country thankfully. Also if there is even a question that any of the thots or rosties I fuck is going to pull shit like that I'll hit the record button on my phone. It will Catch them saying Fuck me, Fuck me or something along those lines.
There is normally never a problem though, seems only if rumors start that things like that happen, like when their boyfriends or husbands find out we've been fucking.
Not kissing and telling goes a long way (or fucking and bragging).
One of the chicks I fuck regular got with a new boyfriend and said we need to stop banging because she loves him and she doesn't want to fuck it up. after a month in she came by and had a few drinks and said "If you raped me I wouldn't be fucking around and wouldn't say anything". Bitchs still need the 9 alpha feeding. On the sex thing, they can't really trade down, trading down is like blue balls for women.

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This says more about the women you choose than about women in general.

Fatal assumption

Girls love the cock Aussie - just not yours

you're not wrong. The problem is that there's just so many more put there who think exclusively with their dicks. It's sort of man's primal nature

and how does she go about proving anything?

No I wouldn't say that, look at it in the way of cars maybe if you don't understand.
No matter how good the car is and how well it's treated eventually it becomes boring to the owner and not driven as much or eventually it needs a service. I would be the service man or the guy that borrows it and treats it like it was built to be treated.
Normal women have a larger sex drive than men. When they hit their 30's, they need to be driven.

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because even feminists know there is no such thing as equality.

You are either below or above. Pick one

And to make sure you stay above, you keep telling everyone how your below. If the society is naive, they will keep you above. If it's experienced, they will give you an equal share. And if they are knowledgeable. they will tell you to shut the fuck up. And go whine somewhere else.


I dont' even date girls any longer from my country. I would rather vacation in 3rd world countries. Stay away from all inclusive vacation spots and just rent an apartment or room like a local.
Mannnnnn. The women are super. None of this "feminism" Literally its like this. See her, like her, simply go up to her and ask her out.
And you really rarely and i mean RARELY get turned down.
3rd world vacations are awesome. That and you feel like a king cause your money goes a hell of a lot further. In some countries, you go to a bar, it's a dollar a beer! go with 10 dollars and your good for the night!

Exactly, i colour in my dick black before sex, then if i get accused of rape incourt i will ask thethot to describe my penis. Shetellsthe judge it was black, then i whip out my cock infront of the judge and it is white.
Case closed

>. See her, like her, simply go up to her and ask her out.
>And you really rarely and i mean RARELY get turned down.

Those are called prostitutes, Ricky Retardo.

Just meet nice girls from your work in different departments outside of work, meet one at church, or meet one at any number of group activities you participate in.

You sound like a KV dreaming of a trip to Laos you short eyes

just fuck fat chicks instead of roasties.

Australia will always be a best UK diaspora bro because they have the best bants.

A damn shame that all their hot white women are cooked to medium well with your unforgiving ball of fire in the southern sky. They look 50 at 30.

Don't fuck a bitch that hasn't committed a blood oath in loyalty to you.

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im not talking about prostitutes. You never get turned down by those.

I am talking about normal girls in 3rd world countries. They do exist you know?!
And no, 1st world girls, are fucking useless. Until the laws change and make men truly equal to women in the law. I won't fucking date another 1st world woman. No thanks. Already went through one divorce (unless you, who you think knows everything) where i actually experienced divorce in a 1st world country.

in a 3rd world country, the woman gets fuck all.
if you move in to her house, if you divorce it's her house
but if the bitch moves into YOUR house, when you divorce, it's YOUR house. I love 3rd world law. It's fair.

If they do this they should have to strip naked in public and spread their pussy open, with their bush shaved and the words "death trap" written over their pussy.

literally don't have sex with a woman you are not married to it's so basic jebus
you keep crying about flawed men-women relationships when the answer has been there all along screaming in your face

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