Is Saudi Arabia’s 32-Year-Old Crown Prince Dead?

Mohammed bin Salman hasn’t appeared in the public eye for over a month.

>Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the 32-year-old media-savvy leader of the oil kingdom, has been unnaturally quiet recently, so much so that some in the Middle East media couldn’t help but wonder if he is dead.

>Bin Salman hasn’t been seen in the public eye since his meeting with the Spanish royal family in on April 12. On April 21, heavy gunfire was heard near a royal palace in Riyadh, the kingdom’s capital. Although Saudi Arabia’s state news agency claimed it was a security force shooting down a toy drone that had gotten too close to the royal property, some wondered if the gunfire was in fact a coup led by Saudi royals trying to topple King Salman.

>Some of Saudi Arabia’s enemies were pretty sure.

>Last week, the Iranian newspaper Kayhan reported that the Crown Prince was hit by two bullets during the attack and may actually be dead, citing “a secret service report sent to the senior officials of an unnamed Arab state.”

>“There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the absence of nearly 30 days of Muhammad bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, is due to an incident which is being hidden from the public,” the daily paper claimed.

>To add credence to the speculation, Kayhan pointed out that Bin Salman was not seen on camera when the new U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Riyadh in late April, while his father, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir were photographed.

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Thus became a slide thread? That's it pol is officially controlled oposition.

Out of interest how big is the Saudi Arabian royal family and are they all rich Cunts?

are you risking your life making this thread user? also, i am not surprised, this guy has made a lot of enemies. arresting and robbing half the royal family, trying to moderate islam in the centre of wahhabist and salafist hate. guy was doomed from the start, he probably thought he was safe because america would protect him.

> arresting and robbing half the royal family, trying to moderate islam in the centre of wahhabist and salafist hate.
>trying to moderate islam in the centre of wahhabist and salafist hate.
>trying to moderate islam

Yep, he was definitely fucked. He probably was under the impression his power was near-absolute, but what he probably didn't realize is that America and Israel are big supporters of Wahhabist Islam being spread even further. There's a big reason why ISIS, a wahhabist-centered group has made sure not to target Israel.

Although I will say that it could simply be possible that he for some reason just didn't want to appear out in the open. There was a pretty fucking weird period in North Korea where Kim Jong Un wasn't seen for a while either and some people speculated some coup shit was going down or he got fatally ill, but it turned out he was alright.

i don't think he is dead either just because i think it is hard to hide that sort of thing in this day and age.. i wouldn't be surprised if he were though. many people have been murdered in islamic states for doing far less.

Unironically, big if true.

hes busy taking diarrhea dumps on instagram thots

which ones

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