Why are Americans poor?

Why are Americans poor?

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this will be a
>1 post by this ID
meme flag slide thread

Literally everyone got BTFO'd by taxes this year.

because they take on loans to buy consumer goods and spend more than they make


Because they're too busy paying for (((your shit)))

says the meme flag

American industrialism.


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If the vaccines don't get you, the chemtrails will.
You can't hide from the fucking sky.

The title clearly states that it's not a economic matter.


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Im trying to figure this one out. Care to clarify?

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The IRS gave everyone such a shakedown this year that the federal budget actually had a surplus.

Thanks Obama

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>Be American
>Have shit to do with Europeans
>European offices are going to close down for two weeks
>Need them to do some shit before they go on 'holiday'
>Fuck nah we'll just do it when we get back
>3 weeks later maybe get what we need
>Still have to wake up at 5 a.m. to take the call

I hate you Euro niggers so much. No idea why the fuck we do business with you.

>subsidized and/or purchased by govt

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Hmm if every shitbag in the world goes to Spain to get hip cheap replacements I’m betting the costs will increase. Meanwhile every emergency room in the USA is overflowing with spics. Really makes one ponder.

>the state sticks its (((dirty))) foot everywhere, fucking up the market
>but capitalism is at fault
>it sure isn't my fault, dir- i mean fellow shutzkim

>if more ppl require a service the service gets more expensive

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>Why are Americans poor?
A good chunk of our paychecks go to propping up other (((countries))), and brown people.

>Jew doesn't understand supply & demand

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Serious question. Why isn't medical tourism more popular? Like I get that some things would prevent travel. But you could travel to Europe or Asia get a hip replacement.

Globalism's jewed everything else, why not the medical industry?

Shoo, go away sand nigger.
No one likes you and you don't have a functioning penis.

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because 'mmurika #1

here's your logic visualized

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Most Americans arent allowed to take their vacation time or they will be fired from their jobs.

Cry more, subhuman.

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>Why are Americans poor?
The economy benefits the 1%. After the 1960s the government brought back economic scarcity. Real estate prices skyrocketed. The two "oil crises" occurred. Reagan increased debt something fierce to build arms.

Because that hip replacement in the U.S. actually only costed like $10k after insurance and people without insurance aren't the types who fly to Spain to get procedures done. They're the types who take 6 Advil every two hours, wash it down with some bud light, and die of liver failure so they don't need a hip replacement.

Rich self made 23 yo intellectual here. The reason is most men are beta goys and get trapped by women and fall for the cookie cutter life having kids and going into insane debts that they will never climb out of.

I would be poor too if I had to spend $350 a month on health insurance

Wrong. The economy is up

>the virgin american good goy
>the chad laid back european

>Wrong. The economy is up

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i dont even pay federal taxes

>Waaaaaah why won't they work harder to make Mr Shekelstein richer?

>If I work the money goes to the Jews
>The problem with boomers is that they never really worked
Your hurting my brain again Jow Forums.

>Believing the Jow Forums hivemind meme
t. Reddit

>tfw bought tickets to Kauai in September
>also bought stays in a few nice bed and breakfast
>bought premier seating tickets to a Luau all you can eat/drink
>renting a Jeep so we can go to some of the more remote areas of the island
>gonna surprise her with this on our anniversary

Poorfags stop being poor

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I've been in the work force for over 10 years now and I've never taken a vacation, i've never worked under 50 hours a week (most was 86 hours). Life isn't easy, if you want anything you have to work hard for it.

I've already had one; I guess that makes me rich. It was good wholesome family fun. We went to Dollywood. I thought it would be corny since I'm not really a fan of Dolly, but seeing the actual Coat of Many Colors in the museum legitimately got me a little teared up. And top notch coasters. 10/10 would totally recommend, especially if you're white (only saw 4 or 5 poc) and have kids.

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>only saw 4 or 5 poc
Don't follow their line of speech.

Don't tell me what to do.

Their government has trillions to invest on vigilance...

I forgot you went to Dollywood and teared when seeing some rags.

Literally nicer than Europe.

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Because they're all deploying obviously.

they spend too much money on food


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>don't have kids
>think they deserve/need a vacation

>Why are Americans poor?
Because *huge* portions of our economy are experiencing depressed wages due to massive H1B and H2B visa fraud in addition to massive unchecked "illegal immigration" -- what you're seeing is only the corporate/economic side of the Elite's population replacement strategy.

And why do they want to replace the population?
Because traditional American values are distrustful of authority and intolerant of corruption -- you can see that the people that are being used to replace the middle class are indeed from countries where corruption is not only tolerated, but accepted and expected.

This is ALSO why they've set up Hogg and his whole crusade against the 2nd Amendment: they desperately fear the middle class "waking up" before they've reached "the point of no return".

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probably because 30% of them started fucking working just a few months ago since jobs are making a come back?

I feel like you didn't think that through.

I'm going on a 4 day vacation with my dad and brothers to Northern MN for my birthday to go fishing. It's only ~$150 per night at the lodging. You don't need lots of money to have a meaningful vacation.

Surely this has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve, rampant inflation and poor monetary policy decisions. Go back to sleep.

>Younger people take their vacation during spring break so they can't afford to during summer
>older people take it during summer when there aren't retarded college kids shitting everything up

Maybe it's the 3 billion dollrydon'ts in gibs they gave to you hook nosed sandnigger murderers.

Taxes imperceptibly moving power from the people to the elites at the top? Nah, it's probably because Americans are mutts, right? It clearly has nothing to do with those mobsters in suits that give themselves massive bonuses from their government bailouts.

There will be a 2 posts by this ID
>meme flag

Medical tourism is quite popular actually. For example, when people are going bald they fly to Turkey for a transplant or when they're dying of a life altering disease they go to the United States

> capitalism
Government regulation*

Under capitalism the price would be exactly the same as in Spain due to the fact that a lot of people would be incentivized to offer the service at a lower price and still make a profit. It's only the government putting entry barriera to these people by only letting a select few offer the procedure, basically generating an artificial monopoly

Because the ZOG government takes half our income away and gives it to Israel and niggers

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>wasted get
we are trying for natsoc, heeb; give us time.

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corporations make people work for slave wages.
The unions are dying, the democrats won't save them.
The governement is to corrupt to have any worker protection laws.
plus even community colleges are too expensive to attend. you have to go into extreme debt to get an education.

anyone who says its taxes is a retard
anyone who says its the jews is a retard

I blame liberals, I blame conservatives, Bernie Sanders is right. Noam Chomsky is right.

That's uncomfortable. What is that?

Immigration makes the workforce expendable.

Politics is funded by corporations (((lobbying))) and large "private" donations.

Basically we live in a corpotocracy where the workers are being worked to death and unable to have children

while a replacement population is imported.

The reason we need immigration is because white people have no rights.