Red Pill me on Noam Chomsky

I used to like the guy.
Anti war
Anti US intervention.
Started paying attention whenever he was in the media.
Then i realised hes not actually as Based as i thought.

Here's the problem, im having a mental blank on what it was that turned me off him. I just remember making the decision that hes NOT /My Guy/

He's a jew obviously.
Does he do any sneaky jew shit?
It was probably something to do with Syria or the Kurds.
Ugh.. cant belive ive gone blank on this :S

Please red pill away, it might jog my memory.

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He is an old classic sjw not like the new ones

I liked the guy too but that was back during my college days when communism was a major influence.
Is calm demeanor made him come off as very wise and intellectual person who knew what he was talking about and at the time I was a poor college student and so I believed it.

Luckily I really liked his non interventionism so I ended up finding Ron Paul

Fucking think for yourself.

He's not worth listening to on anything, in my experience. He's basically every idiot teenage schoolboy's "political" phase.

Lefty kike. Just watch this video to see how painfully bluepilled he is.


His linguistic theory links language with thought, and is worth understanding.

Watch his clips talking about the federal reserve. Captialism is evil and distorts our government, unless when (((banking))) does it, then it is okay.

>asked simple question
>convoluted explanation with big words containing many syllables
>you didn't understand that rebuttal?
>silly goy
>you can trust me, I'm highly educated and you're an idiot
>also, nothing fishy about 9/11 because if it was any kind of an inside job someone would have leaked something

(((Intellectual))) ladies and gentlemen

>old classic sjw
That's strange, because he signed a letter defending Robert Faurisson for his holocaust denial "research" in the 70's. A lot can change in 20 to 50 years, but when you take a leap of faith like that in an obvious case of tomfoolery, I'm gonna doubt your judgement somewhat.

I think he tries to be intellectually honest and I also think he should be shot in the face if he ever tried to redistribute my hard earned private property

He's a decent guy, he's just a bit up his own ass and out of touch with reality on a bunch of very important issues. There are definitely much worse than him out there, and some if his stuff is still very worthwhile. I recommend Manufacturing Consent - if you can filter out the commie apologist whining it's a very good account of how and why, at a structural level, the media is so fucked.

>expertise in one technical area of linguistics where he had the advantage of low lying fruit
>hardcore Jew
>if I talk softly teens will think I’m wise
Meme tier, pass

He's a free speech absolutist, extremely critical of MSM, hates post-modernism and moral relativism, and is anti-intervensionist. He's worth reading and listening to. You don't have to agree with everything a person says to find value in what they say.

He offers no solutions. When pressed, he says he doesn't have to. Anybody can criticize.

People get sucked into him because he footnotes everything (I've read more than one of his books). After a while I realized that what he is describing is just human nature, and man's tendency for corruption and evil, but he blames the systems we put in place, instead of the people making the decisions to be evil. He also makes it sound like this is something new in human history, as if no other government or leader in the world was ever bad until the good 'ol USA came along.

>Tell Two Lies And Get The Goyim To Argue Over Which Lie Is True
He is still a Left-leaning anarchist type that favors Zionism. His views, when you listen to what he says he believes, are convoluted at best; i.e. non-interventionist but favors Zionism, doesn't believe in terrorism nor nationalism unless it's for his tribe
- when young, impressionable minds heard his non-violence/non-interventionist mindset and his anti-war status, of course they will gravitate towards a Chomsky; and when they hear sophistry and big words all cobbled together in a sentence, their eyes glaze over and they're impressed not truly understanding what they just heard

However convincing some parts of it are, generative linguistics as a whole feels like a fucking cult.
Universal grammar theory in particular is coming apart at the seams and Chomsky uses his personal influence to discredit and destroy everyone who publishes evidence against it. Daniel Everett became a pariah because he dared to stand up to him.

>He's a free speech absolutist
Which is why it's so funny that he uses his authority to cover for his scientific shortcomings.

I agree with some of the stuff he says such as Anti-Intervention and Anti-war.

He turned into an environmental scaremonger.

>preeminent expert in linguistics
>who speaks one language
He's a bullshit artist of the highest order.

He's stridently anti Israel you fuckwit

He has always been this way. He is a classic example of an intellectual who has gained notoriety outside of his field of expertise by speaking publicly about political matters.

Chomsky in 1969 on Vietnam:

No he’s not. He believes Israel is the tool of the American Imperialist establishment and that Israel does whatever America tells it to do.

This is his latest axiom he doesn't budge on.

The only gripe he has with the Republicans is that they don't do everything towards the goal of reducing global warming. Because of that he's a begrudging Democrat supporter. I think that's the only reason he hasn't totally abandoned the lefties

He doesn't believe Israel has a right to exist ie. NOT a zionist. Or should we just redefine words like sjws if it means you'll look like you know wtf youre talking about

His criticism of Israel exists entirely in the confines of international law. Watch his debate with Dersh and tell me with a straight face it doesn't sound like they're arguing about municipal spending or some shit.
Which brings up another point, that the Palestinian conflict exists so intellectual hacks like Noam can give Judaism and Zionism plausible deniability. If Israel was in any real danger, they wouldn't have to worry about optics in the eyes of the United Nations.

CIA nigger
Fake opposition

He does it for the money, of course. He says what a certain demographic want to hear and gets paid millions for it.

He wants the US to invade Syria for Israel... I mean to provide a safe zone for the precious Kurds who dindu nuffin and who are our Natural Allies who Clinton wanted to arm

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Who else thought of Gnome Chompski when you read his name?

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See fuckwit; and know that everyone here can see through the BS of 'Plausible Deniability' playing their little Kevin Bacon game of "degrees of separation", protecting the precious Israeli's by calling for the US to do their dirty work, FUCKWIT


He is a very talented linguist. That is all i can say about him. His actual profession he is very good at. But that doesn't give him authority in the political realm he enjoys to be seen in.

It seems that outside the United States he is taken much more seriously then inside.
In today's politics he's a non-entity

Lol The old school lefty Jew is clearly living rent free inside your tiny mind. Say what you want about Chomsky but he's been one of Israel's biggest critics for 50 years.

linguistics is the most jewish of fields.

I don’t totally hate Chomsky. His ideas from *Manufacturing Consent* and *Hegemony or Survival* have analogues in paleo conservatism.
He’s just been wrong about so much, most famously his praise and defense of Pol-Pot.

That's he's Jewish isn't some minor point though, that's the point, and the media and narrative-structures they promulgate which he criticizes with a kind of ease is almost organic, because they are Jewish too. It's all happening within a set moral paradigm, which if you venture outside of, you aren't even worthy to be addressed.

well he is commie jew so goyim massacres get his dick hard.

He talks about neocons and the inventors of propaganda. Well, when he mentions the theoreticians of propaganda, Lippman and Bernays(Freud married into the Bernays family) Chomsky is talking about his coethnics. Noam also makes a huge deal about neocons and conservative foreign policy, and lo and behold, he ends up debating with David Horowitz and Richard Perle, who are both kikes! So Choamsky invokes this image of the WASP like the senior George Bush, as in control of the corporate-government-media complex when everything he criticizes is the product of jews.

Yes that was beyond farce. Cant help himself defending foreign socialists

He's an anarchist, freedom of speech is more important than authoritarian feelings for him

>I used to like the guy.
me too, not for his pacifism or usa rants, everyone is a cuck pacifist. I liked him for his presumed thoroughness.

I guess he's getting old, the people he used to rant against, the oil and gas industry, the big industry owners.
They are all hiding behind PC culture and fake lefty narratives like green politics which the kids seem to buy into.

Never seen him lift 1 finger to help the little guy in a while. He never coitize international trade and outsourcing.

And no, if we become as poor as Africa and Asia then there is no one left to form a criticism against the elites.

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fuck your open-borders faggot flag

He speaks one language. What kind of profession doesn't require one to master the object of study? A fucking meme intended to gas up authoritarian shills.

"Anarchist", in this case, must mean throwing stones from a glass house.

well, an armchair anarchist if it suits you better

This. He's good at his linguistics field and that's it. Why the fuck is he famous for political ramblings that were exposed hard?

Gotta give him some credit for that. He criticises Israel, thinks the Frankfurt postmodernists are lunatics and supports free speech absolutely. If more Jews were like him Id find them tolerable

vpn bitch. closed border nationalist here

ah, okay then

What does that even mean? In three sentences or less, what breakthrough in the understanding of links between language and thought, besides "there is a correlation" (no fucking shit), did he come out with?

He's a crazy socialist who happens to be right about a few obvious things such as antiwar/antimedia

He's a Jew and a non-Republican and rails against capitalism, so 85% of Jow Forumstards will try to call you an idiot for liking him

Manufacturing Consent was the bomb.
He has some fine takes.
Not worth getting worked up over.
Definitely a jew.

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His purpose is to deflect attention away from the Jewish involvement in policies that are harmful to the US. Jewish interests in the middle east become the abstracted "neoconservativism" and Jewish domination of media and their social interests is deflected into the need of corporations to make money.

If you're not retarded you can piece this together, but most of his audience will dismiss any inquiry into the jews offhand.

He advocates Boasian anthropology. As a fucking linguist. If you don't know why that's important, read Culture of Critique. As a summary for the homonculi who don't like to read books here, he publicly states that race is irrelevant despite being in the most important evolutionary fields of all time. Linguistics even acknowledges brain differences, such as Broca's area development in Homo Habilis, as well as the study of Wernicke's Aphasia from a neuroscience perspective. But no, a kike's gotta kike.

There we must disagree. I reckon he's relatively straight for a yid. If its all a machavellian ploy then he's not in on it. He's an old jewish hippy.

>going from chomsky to lolbertarianism
lmao you retards are hilarious

No Jewish Boasian advocate, particularly one as intelligent as he is "not in on it".
They know every little detail as to why Boasian anthropological academia was developed and its connection to the Frankfurt school. Most importantly, they understand how important the propaganda regarding race denialism is to current political paradigms. Wake the up mate. Someone with so much historic political crossover can't use the "batty professor" defense.

That our ability to learn language is genetic/natural/part of our brain, and is uniquely human. Vs the popular blank slate theory at the time.

I'm not saying everything he says is useless; however, he's allowed to have an audience that Pat Buchanan couldn't because Chomsky defuses the clear Jewish agenda in what he complains about. It's still worthwhile to learn about the neoconservatives and the propaganda industry, but chomsky is either deliberately or unconsciously glossing over the Jewish agenda.
Read his critique on Murray & Herrnstein's Bell Curve to see two things:
A. That he is absolutely a cultural marxist and a Boasian; and
B. He is completely aware of his opponents in evolutionary psychology regarding race-realism.

Sorry for those of you (I count myself among you) who once looked up to Chomsky when you were a little less aware of his intent. But it goes to show that no matter how smart the jew is, he will absolutely fight tooth and nail to destroy you.

>It seems that outside the United States he is taken much more seriously then inside.
thats because the US consists of obese morons whose idea of an informed political debate includes reality tv and talk shows

>In today's politics he's a non-entity
he's old as fuck and also not a politician

*consists of

Cmon Hans, you can't piss on the whole US just because of the base jewish talk show perspective you have. Surely when you started to realize that the jews are Weimar-ing the US you have a little sympathy for them?

It comes up on pol quite often which is surprising

Evidence shows language to be a tool for thought first, and communication a distant second.
If so, communication between parties, regarding the topic under discussion, is very difficult.
As well, different language s may favor or discriminate certain thought patterns

If Chompksy is right only about half these points it's outstanding work

he's old school. Like back when the left was still meming free speech, anti-war, and against illegal immigration/globalism to keep the worker unions well paid, and prevent plutocrats from importing votes.

Wrong, he's a cultural marxist kike and you're drinking from his big dirty nostrils. Read the rest of the thread you fucking memer.

He hates frankfurt school though. ive read culture of critique but its simplistic to assume ALL jews are scheming overlords. Hes wrong on a lot of things, but he's sincerely wrong imho. I doubt he gets an invite to the smoke filled room

This. Not a bad sort. Just naive and perhaps unintentionally a useful cover for the schemers

Chomsky had good insights on many issues, but his main problem is that for him, every evil of the world is America's fault. We have our problems for sure, and made many mistakes, but Chomsky chooses to focus only on them, and not the positive things about the USA.

Id tend to agree with that assessment

Wish we had your Constitution right about now

Strangely, I'm the opposite. I hated his guts all my life until recently I watched Manufacturing Consent. Now I realize that he actually used to be a man of principle, but I think his fame finally went to his head in the Bush/Internet era. Now he's a virtue signaling dullard like the rest.

What you need from our constitution is the right to free speech. Everything else follows that.

Right to bear arms too - to ensure the free speech

Being anti war is one thing. This guy got gay with the KGB back in the hippie days. Commie cock sucker in the literal sense.

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