Italy elections and the market

Have you noticed that suddenly, just as a right-wing, anti-EU, anti-immigration governament is TRYING to start working in Italy, suddenly ((someone)) caused the market to crash?

Untill last month the MIB was at its highest, the economy was thrivign and everything was good..2 weeks later the SPREAD jumped 100 points and everything is going to SHIT jsut because the party that won the elections is not the one that the EU wanted to win.

((who)) do you think controls the market?

Is there any hope?

Are we doomed? Is the market CONTOLLING the politics? Are we all just slaves of the system?

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There are sinister people who exercise a lot of control on the markets. Soros, rating agencies, megabanks, you name it.

But, in this case, the government is headed by a left-wing party that has failed wherever it was voted into power, and the constellation is exactly that of Greece in 2015 - a deluded left-wing party, hell-bent on staying in the EU, propped up by a nationalist party. I wouldn't invest in that country, too.

It's big money panic, don't worry too much we got a market boom with Trump but leaders almost end up a hostage to a ride and have to tread lightly to stay in good graces

In my opinion a unchained president fire one term is better than a market slave for two

last elections were won by M5S (anti EU anti-establishment yet disorganzied indeeed) and Lega (right wing identitarians)

How is the actual forming governament "left wing"?

If they were left wing like the PD the Stock would be bullish

I know its just temporary, what I am saying is that its a POLITICAL BLACKMAIL! Basically the EU market is saying to Italya: "we don't like this governament, change it or get fucked"

Its the Banks contolling indirectly the politics.

>who)) do you think controls the market?

The merciful strangers who buy our debt

Kill yourself

>gets warned that the Italian market depends heavily on the EU
>"idc lmao this populist guy here said he'll quit the EU #ITALEXIT hehe"
>market crashes
>"wtf goddamn kikes"

I'm starting to think that the Italian faggots who spam the anti-EU threads are the same brand of clueless children who spammed pro-Brexit threads without having a zero clue in what's actually happening and how their dumbed-down populist actions have far greater consequences. The best part is that they saw how the UK economy tanked after the referendum but somehow thought that their irrelevant country can manage to pull it off with no consequences whatsoever, and I bet that you were so deluded that you thought that you're even getting RICHER by ditching the Euro. This is why democracy and referendums are bad - modern politics are too complicated for the average Joe to have a say and when he does have a say, idiotic short-term decisions triumph over the long-term ones because the average Joe doesn't have the mental capacity to process long-term planning

It's the ECB.
Draghi specifically doesn't want Savona as minister of economy.

Don't believe the lügenpresse, the government we're getting is centrist-nationalist at worst. The minister of economy they proposed is extremely competent and knows well all the EU's mechanisms, this is exactly why the EU is scared shitless of him and is pressuring our president to prevent its nomination.

>left wing

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Stop living in the 900s, being left wing nowaday means being feminist pro-lgbt pro-migrants anti-men anti-white.

Nice humor.

>Italian faggots who spam the anti-EU threads
kek,that never happen,meanwhile eu flag shills spam amerimutts thread everyday

Get ready.

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And again we have to give aid to these subhuman monkeys because they lack basic economical knowledge. No different from gibsmedat niggers.


Uhm, it's not out of the blue, the market is crashing because of your choice in government. You could have made a good decision and vote for Renzi if you wanted a better market.

Tha's is completely different. Uk has no economic advantages from Brexit, Italy has a lot of economic advanteges exiting the euro.

good joke

i hope they do this.

isn't Italy's economy always shit regardless of who's in charge?

>not knowing your country is run by (((banks))))

You are a fucking idiot. Nobody help Italy, is the other way around.
And we are still 5th place in the world as manufactoring output (2nd in europe). If we leave the euro will our export will skyrocket. We are already in surplus.

Eurosystem in not just a currency, is a shadow government. In 2011 they dictate a government change and impose our economic policy. The result was economy in free fall For three years.

We will break our chains.
Germans are screaming because they fucking know that our industries would be a real pain in the ass with a 20% lire devaluation.

You idiot know nothing about my country.
North of Italy is an industrial powerhouse.

Its not right wing on the economic side and its made of amateurs who never govern before. The markets do not care if you are pro or anti migrant, they just look at economic perspectives. See the DJ beat records under Trump, they did not care about the wall or muslims bans as long as he was cutting taxes and regulations.

stay mad eurocuck

there's no mystery, they can trigger full blown depression any time they choose... bankers, financiers, (((them))) call them whatever you want... as long as they are at the printing-press of your money they OWN you, they are like farmers in intensive farming operation, they will do whatever it takes to extract most gain for themselves and they don't mind blood

Buy low.
also, a high market simply means people are stupid and pay too much for income-generating assets.


Fuck off cuck.

We need Savona.

welcome to the real world.
pro tip: research what happened in the UK when they wanted to tie to the Deutschmark under John Major.

Italy needs nukes to control its own economy. Threaten to nuke the jewish controlled countries if they fuck around.

Finally someone who sees Italy's real woes: EUR
Sadly, I don't believe the majority of people in Italy are ready to quit the monetary union. I think Italy will end up like Greece and cave in.
amirite ?

This this this.

>Last week Italy’s populist parties, the Five Star Movement and the hard-right League, said they would sharply increase spending and repeal reforms of the labor market and the pension system, violating financial limits imposed by Brussels and meant to apply to any country using the euro. The plans would throw an already weak Italian economy into further debt.

This is a left wing economical program and that is what the markets short.

>and everything is going to SHIT jsut because the party that won the elections is not the one that the EU wanted to win.
if the outcome was a surprise then it makes sense. investors get scared when something unexpected happens, even if it's good.

Italy just got cucked by Brussels and Washington, nothing new.

Now wait for the next elections or until the current coalition implodes


m8 Italy is fucked already, begging for EU gibs as we speak.

Fuck off and maybe go work for once in your pathetic pizza life

Go sell your mother to some tourist, that's what all swamp snowniggers that live in a cultureless shithole do today.

but we send more money than we receive, idiot.
Eighy billions every year.

Isn't Italy a net contribution to the EU?

"Secondo, quindi, i dati della Ragioneria Generale dello Stato, complessivamente in questi anni all’Europa abbiamo versato 230 miliardi e 675 milioni di euro e abbiamo incassati 162 miliardi e 330 milioni. In pratica restare nell’euro-club ci è costato 68 miliardi e 345 milioni: più di 4 miliardi l’anno."
sorry, in last years was only 4 billions instead 8. We contributed for 68 billions more than we received back

Invest in Bavarian payment processing co. Wirecard AG and Swiss banking software co. Temenos Group

Fucking retards, you're begging your kike overmasters to just forget 250 BILLION DEBT


Fucking cancerous pizza monkeys, Greece 2.0

Chill out, tulip muncher.

>And again we have to give aid to these subhuman monkeys
>Italy is fucked already, begging for EU gibs as we speak
I don't know where you niggers get your news but you should consider reading something better because they are feeding you fake news and you believe them like the good goy you are

What people fail to understand is that they aren't scared of an eurosceptic government, if it was a simple eurosceptic government they could play us like they played greece and Varoufakis.
They are scared of Paolo Savona, that guy has a lot of experience and ties with the anglo-american establishment(some italian conspirationists sites even suggest that he could be working for the usa to demage germany and their artificially undervalued currency), as minister of economy he could potentially fuck up all the eu plans. Draghi is pressuring Mattarella because he knows Savona personally and know how dangerous he could be for germany and the euro.
Notice how the m5s-lega government has been in the making for weeks but the international(specifically german) media started chimping out only when the name of Savona as possible minister surfaced.

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>assets bought and owned by the central bank
now wonder we are the europeans with the highest IQ when even the "ubermensch aryans" are this retarded

Italy is under attack by (((them))) and Germany. Kikes are opposing anti euro economy minister nominee and (((International Finance))) is launching a speculative assault.

t. What money?

That's an interesting theory. Very, very interesting.

I really think you are right, user
So who do you think will win the USA or Germany?

German victory is impossible. We have to choose: either end up like greece and die with germany or switch side like we did in ww2 and and save our country