What narratives are dust in the eyes, what ((factions)) are subverting or damaging our true cause?
Just to be clear for those that might not get it; /pol is peace loving, /pol is for reason, /pol is for justice, we are not supremacists, we are protectors, we stir some shit around. And above everything else /pol is against Jews, cos Jews are everything we oppose in this world.
For a /poltard there is no greater honor than to sacrifice his god given chad life in order to secure the demise of evil.
Enemies of /pol
It does not have to be repeated who are the pic related. Anyone shilling for the cause of ANY Jew is our enemy. Anyone not explicitly naming the Jew is our enemy
The fucking Plebit tier normies, larping to be us, only bringing damage and shame on our heads.
ANY White supremacist, that is advocating for replacing the Jews with Whites.
Excluding those that propose whites sticking and cooperating together.
Almost all of these openly support Israel;
>Muh ethno state
Anyone who uses the meme flags
>Anyone who uses the meme flags
Says the faggot using a VPN to hide his real flag
>prefers asuka to rei
this image is trash
For better or for worse. This is my true place of birth and life and work and stuff
Neeeeeee !!!
anyone who even comes close to ((socialist)) spectrum of thought
Misato > Emotionless Robot >>> Cockroach shit >>>>>> Abusive Bitch.
People fighting for the "white race" instead of their own race. I.E Irish, Italian, French, etc.
>inb4 Amerimutts with no real heritage so they can't really defend anything but their skin pigmentation
Depends on how you define;
>fighting for
Does that mean taking resources from others? Subverting and crippling others in order to gain advantages for "your own".
I like word Protecting, i dont know, it just sounds kinda, less Jewish
And the truth is US is US, it is not Europe (the way we imagine Europe at least). Some changes are irreversible.
There is nothing wrong with White Americans sticking together, but we, I hope are not for exterminating of poor mutts just because we can not live with out mistakes.
Fair point. Protecting would be a better term.
Also, I don't give a shit when Americans protect their own ethnicity and claim to be white or whatever. What pisses me off is when they attempt to put all of us (Europeans and people of European descent) in the same boat because of our skin color, regardless of whether or not we're in the US, and whether or not we're mixed like them.
Then shall we open a new category?
>Butthurt Mutts
Something they don't seem to understand, when I call them mutt, is that I'm not referring to whether or not they're 100% of European descent. It's quite hard for them to grasp this concept, and I don't know if it's funny or pathetic.
>Turkish rape spawn Svrb
>Calling white Anglo Saxons as mutts
Allaxu smiluj se i pritisni F5
What is it? Did your Babo get the bullet or something?
Asuka a best
Rei a shit
You have to walk the abyss and not get consumed by it. When you have honestly tread the thoughts of even the worst ideologies and were not fooled by them, or even learned some truths from the experience, only then can you call your ideology valid. Every ideology has a piece of truth inside it, sometimes clouded or corrupted, and it is up to us to examine the core truth instead of falling for the false conclusions.
anyone who supports israel is a kike
you ok lad?
Yea, how are you ?