>pewdiepie is reading fucking yukio mishima now
What the hell is happening to this timeline?
Pewdiepie is reading fucking yukio mishima now
Other urls found in this thread:
I would say he's got his head screwed on well.
> e-celebs
He's trying to appeal to his audience, most of which have grown up to be edgy teens by now. So rape jokes won't cut it anymore. hurr durr, Sieg Heil.
If you watch pewdiepie you are literally the worst part of the population.
Could be worse, at least he wastes his time on watching crap on the web instead of committing crimes (hopefully).
I'm willing to debate with you about who is a worse member of society; OP or a crack addicted street mugger
Could it be that Pewds is playing the role of data miner and recruiter?
Shifting political opinion?
I don't have beef with him personally like half the gamers, I just don't stand for the lies and the fact this guy is really not keeping up to anything he says....
He's molding people and grooming them.....
So pedo its becoming trending....
Virtue signals his way through 25 attempts to get his point across
He's definitely not going to be rolling out very much longer
why the fuck do you faggots constantly talk about this manchild?
he's a normie who relatively recently got somewhat redpilled. he didn't necessarily stop liking normie stuff though, like most of us outside of pol
can someone give me a quick rundown on yukio mishima
pewds is a massive weeb and mishima is one of the most important japanese authors of the 20th century. are you really surprised by this?
he's entertaining for taking the piss out of other normies and shit internet culture which is worlds better than his old "content"
Well... OP ain't gonna try to mug or kill me, so there's that. "Bread and Circuses" wasn't introduced by the Romans for no reason, it's a pretty solid way to protect the rest of society from retards like OP.
i unironically advised him to read Mishima in his first video that revealed he was reading and reviewing books. i don't want to take credit, but this is all me.
For all the newfags here is Bowden giving the Mishimapill
OP wont mug you but he'll suck your dick for crack and pass you aids
im waiting for your counter argument
aren't you getting tired of posting the same "bread and circuses" shit on every thread, krautkike?
>gook intellectuals
I literally do not care. I hate weebs and weeb culture. I hate piss-skins and piss-skin culture.
Fuck off back to r*ddit or to some autistic discord circlejerk. Do you even know where you are?
this board belongs to Chad now. Weebism is degenerate. grow the fuck up
wew lad
come now, use your words. like a big boy
wew he really went deep on the redpill didnt he
take your fucking pills jew
First of all we don't know OP is above mugging someone. He is clearly not a productive member of society, so he is probably hungry and poor. However, a committed crack addicted mugger at least contributes to society by interacting with it on a regular basis, OP just sits in front a screen and consumes power. He consumes far more than he produces. Even if what a crack addicted street mugger produces is chaos and violence, it still has an effect on the overall society whereas OP is just a leech.
>yukio mishima
Be proud, faggot. We memed this timeline into existence.
cringe. you're definitely still in high school
It takes a really exceptional type of retard to posture as "chad" through user posts. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
This is like the first or second time I ever used this term here in the last decade. Even had to ponder if I should use the english version or "panem et circenses". So basically you're insulting me because another user is spamming the truth? Wasn't me, I don't spam. Doesn't mean it's true.
He makes fun of you for promoting him, stop being so gullible
Listen to this shit:
broken link
Tf u talking bout mate? Pewds keeps it real. Kys faggot
You don't know what weeb means, do you?
I came from here. It's time to leave never-never land, peter
faggots like you that watch ecelebs and ecelebs themselves are allowed on the internet being gay as fuck, doing real gay as fuck things. you beta fags are like teenage girls worshipping justin beiber i swear. get a fucking life
>I'm a chad look at me!
yeah you're a corny faggot lmao
not only do I not know, I don't care
why so insecure?
Maybe he's doing what he wants & doesn't give a shit if you feel differently.
Go outside and get your control high from somebody else if you aren't too obese to take seriously. Your peevish bullshit doesn't belong here, and neither do you.
>I OWN Jow Forums
okay faggot
Jesus Christ, you're thick.
This is actually based. Yeah the dude made romantic novels and shit, but he was a Japanese nationalist. He has a book about the way of the samurai, and it's pretty based. Dude ended up sudoking himself.
Won't you look at that! I gotta admit I didn't expect this...
Basically it's a podcast Pewds went to and criticized homophobes and racists who were blaming immigrants and modernity for all their problems in Sweden. He says his parents were also mad with it.
I'll look for another link
Is the book good?
Counter argument:
You dont get AIDS from head. Youd think a faggot leaf like you would know that
Makes sense.
>Long regarded as one of the most important novels to appear in post-war Japan, Confessions of a Mask, is an allegory of a lonely boy's yearning quest for belonging and his gradual acceptance of his homosexuality.
Bruh look at this dood