Can someone redpill on American healthcare, this has to be a joke

Can someone redpill on American healthcare, this has to be a joke.

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Don't play with snakes if you lack health insurance

>has no insurance

He must be unemployed

Nothing of value is lost


you don't have to participate

you can choose to just lay there and die if you want

Throw the bills away and ignore collectors. Boom, free healthcare. Yurofags BTFO.

you know what the chances are of that person actually having to pay that? 0%

Rattlesnakes, like every other snake, hide and strike as people walk by.


I work in the business. the hospitals and doctors over charge. the insurance companies only pay what is "reasonable". the rest is paid by the insured who is also paying insurance premiums.

as with everything else, it's the jews making money from this unnecessary bullshit. there shouldn't be a middle man.

Simple - Hospitals have to eat the cost of everyone that uses the ER for free treatment for shit as simple as a bruise to everything else. The huge underclass generally does that, as hospital ERs cannot turn anyone away, so the millions of $ per hospital for this add up, leading to shit like $200/pill aspirin etc.

In addition, tons of overbilling and corruption on the end of shady practices.

i do this.

>I work in the business
no you don't or you're some sort of receptionist

Not to mention that "deadbeat health plan" gets you treatment 1000x better than the rationed, socialist shit in eurostan. Or Canada, which has a handful of MRI machines in the entire country, while we have one at even the shittiest ghetto hospital.

Triple this.

then who pays for it?

You’ve posted this same crap every week for a year, always with different explanations for the bill.
You’re probably too dumb to understand because I could of explained it to a toddler and had them understand by now.

The guy paying thousands of dollars a month for health insurance for himself and a few children etc. I guess there are pretty well off people who actually do that, but it stuns the fuck out of me everytime I hear about paying more for healthcare than many make for their entire income.

Our healthcare is a fucking joke, any Canuck who tells you different is a pozzed retard who has never had a serious health event or condition.

>Can someone redpill on American healthcare, this has to be a joke.
A joke is slav-tier Russian 'healthcare".

Either do this, or just call them up and say you don't have insurance.
Suddenly the bill will drop down to a couple thousand dollars. The numbers on that bill reflect an opening offer to health insurance companies. Nobody, not even health insurance companies, pay a fraction of that to the health care providers. It's an absurdly high-ball opening offer to start negotiations.

Date is 2015, bullshit

Russian Hospital conditions.

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You did zero research on this you plebbit summer fag. It was a typo by the hostpital that was fixed and the patient didn't have to pay shit. Die in a fire, no bump.

holy fuck I thought that was just banter

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>Ameripigs think toilets are hospitals

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FFS Nigel, that bathroom is IN a Russian hospital, and the rest of the place is at that level.

I just ignore the bills and somehow my credit is still good

It’s not real, at least, the hospital never receives that much money. The hospital billed us $15,000 for delivery when our daughter was born, the insurance company paid $7,000 and we pay the insurance company $500. The hospital “writes off” $8,000 that they knew they never were going to receive. They already know that $7,000 is all my insurance was going to pay, they just billl higher probably for tax scam purposes. All my medical stuff is like this, doctors office visits cost me $10 and the insurance pays the doctor a few hundred, but I’m “billed” thousands. It’s a gross over representation of the value of the care, for like I said probably tax reasons. “Oh no mr government we’re not making anywhere near as much as we need to, we can’t pay taxes we’re in the red by millions” even though they’re not.

Didn’t mean to sage, have a bump

I do Medical Billing and Coding for a living: this is NOT from a snake bite!

Best guess (since the Twitter poster didn't show post procedure diagnosis info), this is either for a severe auto accident or advanced stage neoplasm. Radiology is not contacted when a snake bites someone. Plus, there was a lengthy hosptial stay.

My job is to cost the services, send out the bills, and do everything I can to ensure the pt can actually pay the bills! I work with dozens of charities, religious organizations, government agencies, private companies, etc al so people like this can pay bills and not file for bankruptcy.

uhh I think you had a little girl die that did it for us

If you want the state to decide on your care, go public healthcare.

If you want to use money you earned to receive better healthcare, sometimes despite everyone else NOT wanting to pay for it, get insurance.

You know those crazy illnesses people rarely come down with and costs millions to treat? Yeah if you have public healthcare, the answer is always no.

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>tfw there is a MRI machine in every single >shittiest ghetto hospital but you cannot afford it

>Not willing to pay for anything

spoken like a true communist

elaborate my unpleasant leaf friend.