Thoughts on Pan-European Nationalism?

It's literally the only way to ensure that white people won't lose their dominant role in the world.
Our population is shrinking, but we still control most of the fertile land on planet earth. A Pan-European Empire will be able to defend our Lebensraum in the following wars for resources.

>inb4 x are not white

The Empire will be dealing with mostly foreign policy issues, so if Danes don't want Bulgarians immigrating to their country, it will be their choice.

We are currently in this mess because white people have been fighting each other for the last 500 years, instead of cooperating and conquering the world. We could have had an entirely white planet, but nationalism ruined everything and the world is 90% shitskin.

Attached: 1527271389559.png (1357x628, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ignore Israel counted as white, but the map is pretty accurate

dark blue: 75% to 100% white
medium blue: 50% to 75% white
light blue: 25% to 50% white
grey: 0% to 25% white

Attached: the-map-of-white-people1.png (1427x628, 26K)

Attached: quote-church-and-state-should-be-united-in-the-white-man-s-religion-global-white-racial-loyalty-ben- (850x400, 81K)

I agree with an europe of the nations all redpilled and racially counsciess so that would lead to cooperation between europeans worldwide. We don´t need no "empire", just brother's acting as brother's, military and economic cooperation, and act as one if necessary.

Attached: band_of_brothers_01011_europe.jpg (960x599, 98K)

Foreign policy: Left side

Domestic policy: Right side

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He was wrong when he mentioned that nationalism is enemie,it isn´t precislly because german nationalism, french, portuguese, dutch , irish, greek nationalism are brother's and partners.

Nationalism would ruin it once again like it did in 1914 and 1939. We can't afford the luxury of small petty national states today. What are 10 million Portuguese against 1.4 billion Chinks?
If we want to save what our ancestors conquered, we must unite.

>mfw my state is 71% white and medium blue

Attached: Oy vey goy.jpg (115x125, 4K)

Also your key is wrong, Illinois is 77% white

We can't afford it anymore. Every European is my brother and every non-white is my enemy. This is the only option.
Oswald Mosley acknowledged this after WW2 with his concept of "Europe A Nation". And the situation then was far better than it is now...

for how long?

Fuck niggers, fuck the jews, fuck beaners and fuck arabs too.

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That was from the 2014 Illinois census


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Waiting for the jealous mexicans and brazilians to start with the >argentina >white memes

>france dark blue


Why does this not include Constantinople?

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Well the combined armies of all white countries could conquer the entire planet. Why leave it only at Constantinople?

The point is, we can do everything you have claimed without acting as an empire and mixing up all our cultures. our nationalism's are brother's by nature

Deposing of an entire cities’ worth of non-europeans would be different than removing an entire planet. I care little of the rest of the land anyway. Constantinople and the holy land for another 1000 years of Catholic dominance after a purge of the pedophiles is where my intentions lie.

The white pockets here in the South are being heavily targeted since WW2. My great grandpa didn't even speak portuguese, he only knew German, and now I look around me and it's rare to see blue eyed people. In the boomer generation at least 50% of people had blue eyes here, in Gen Z it's less than 20%, perhaps 10. They are also bringing niggers from Senegal and Ghana, and jews are shilling acceptance hard in the media(manufacturing emotional stories etc, the usual). I'm starting to think the only way out is violence anons

A more detailed version

Attached: ea.png (844x526, 132K)

Add japan, korea,siria,persia and tibet


Chile is as European as Mexico or Brasil are. Yes, it has Europeans... but in comparison to the whole population, they are but a few. The majority of Chileans are mestizos (nothing wrong with that, though - some Chilean women are qt).

Nope. We need WW3 in Europe to settle the scores and finish what we started.

we aren't a white country my fellow black

who is (((we)))?

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I'll make a trip to the Southern Cone and see for myself.

we aren't white
please leave us out of your gay ass 5th reich wet dream
unless, of course, you give us all the ancient finno-ugric lands after driving slavs out of them

fuck off we're full

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south africa and chile are no longer european

america was never european

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We are not. 30 years of uncontrolled Latin American immigrantion + white flight = minority of Europeans.
Any argie that tells you that we are a white country is in denial of the state we are in. Not only the whole North of the country is completely lost to Bolivian and Paraguayan immigrants, but the richest parts of the country (the central regions) are infested with immigrants from all Latin America (with an alarming number of Africans and Asians). Each year that passes, our numbers decline and the mestizo/amerindians numbers increase.

Attached: porteñas-promedio.jpg (640x573, 49K)

>pic related are the average porteñas
fake and gay
t. porteño

they look more like pic related

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we aren't white and i want to leave the EU

Do you prefer this?

You're fucking stupid. No wonder you lost the war. Twice.