Thoughts on this guy?

Thoughts on this guy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

has a bad habit of responding to valid criticism with "not an argument"


He's still around? I thought he killed himself after that one time he outed himself as a cult leader.

no thoughts

An absolute nigger beyond logic

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lmfao troll


High on his own shit wind

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He tried to reinvent argumentation ethics. Didn't go too well.

If you like depressing circular arguments he's your guy, this guy feeds off sorrow.

he's such a thespian diva as well. You can tell he took some acting classes in college.

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I like Molyjew. I can't recall anything he's said that I really disagree with. People always say that people like Peterson and Trump are "secretly pro-white they just can't say it out loud," and that's complete horse shit. Peterson vehemently denies race being important in the face of individualism and Trump doesn't care about race at all. Molyneux is someone who is actually pro-white, he brings up things like cold winter theory and the IQ gap even when completely unprovoked to do so; he just doesn't relish in it and probably hopes a more peaceful solution will surface.

If nobody in this thread DEFOO'd their parents you're not a true follower.

I liked him in breaking bad

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Although I do like him, I also admit that he does come off as overdramatic often, usually at the end of his videos, and that does give him this cringey cultish/Viva la Resistance feel.

The JBP of the far right.


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Looks like a faggot turd homo.

Makes some great videos that summarise key dangers against us in a concise, empirical manner.
Also pretty eloquent and uses an emotive speaking style when necessary.
Don't really care about his autism or weird past. If you spread any right wing message, you get attacked.



Libertarian- that's good
Wants strong borders and is aware of the rise of islamism in europe- that's good
Not a fan of religion- that's good

One thing though, how can you advise for strong borders without violating the NAP?

Another jew faggot.

Don't trust (((him))).

He can suck my motherfucking dick!

Pompous neocon boomer

Sophist. Actor. Biased. Delusional.

Good start to get people into race realism

He had really toned down his style, and his subscriber base has leveled. He can be overdramatic still, but he is a bit more aware of his image these days. I belief he is authentic (not a shill), but he once was a "cult-lite" individual, not saying that is necessarily bad, but he aims seem to be legitimate just slightly inverted. Good hub for some topics, and can expand curiosity in topics, but he can be stuck in the trenches and not divulge, although he goes video to video evolving his opinion with the information, but he has some sentiments that can be burdensome, like his Aristotle/objectivity dogma.

An example of someone who spends waaaaaaaay too much time on the internet and never goes on vacation.

He's got and eye for kikes

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Unintelligent, self absorbed and disingenuous. There are tons of better people to be listening to. I have no idea why he is popular.

Good guy, talks a lot about borders, european culture and identity and race/IQ

You're thinking of Juden Peterstein

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Wish he wasn't so long-winded about everything. Unsubbed when I realized I couldn't go through another 1 hr session of him laboring over a single point

Goes for low hanging fruit with half truths while simultaneously failing to see the bigger picture. Pretty much your standard Kike boomer.

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won't name the jews.

i kinda like some of his content though.

Intellectual fraud.

Good guy overall, disagree with some of what he says but agree with most of what he says. His point that less government regulation would fix immigration issues because low iq migrants would mostly leave or starve is pretty on point and much more useful political goal than the controlled oppo (((muh ethno state))) bullshit

I like his biographies of celebrities. His political shit is pretty bad.

I overall like his stuff. He has some good guests and presentations. He comes of as very affected often though, which just makes him look phony and insincere. The call in stuff tends to be terrible. Molymeme is OK in my book.

hes a cult leader, entertaining, but just watch all his cues like that white backdrop and his eyes staring while he tells you what you should believe.

adhd is a killer
pic rel
any sources?

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any arguments or proof?

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he went half in

any arguments or just adjectives

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loser, only cares about making ebucks. He was probably a failure in whatever he did before getting on youtube.

ant argument or just swears

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No it's just that we have better shit to do than listen to his 2 hour videos


not an argument

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I wasn't making an argument, I was stating my opinion.

controlled opposition, ultimately serves or is at least a useful idiot for (((their))) agenda

What a load of nonsense.

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Jew (confirmed) that saw there was no money in libertarian preaching, so he switched to shilling for conservatives. A literal gold digger.

His arguments are kindergarten tier and he argues only with the stupidest of people in order to appear smart. He also publicly defended Soros in one of his videos.

Fuck him.

You can't, that's a fundamental contradiction that Molyneux got pissed at when Adam Kokesh brought it up.

I know better than to respond to meme flags but for any lurkers in this thread Stefan, instead of awakening white europeans he directs them towards the welfare state and painting that as the ultimate evil opposed to the powers that are truly responsible for our decaying society

I can't respect someone who goes from anarcho capitalism to shilling for a big government Republican

You have to stand by your principles or admit you completely changed your mind

He constantly red pills on the reality of HBD, IQ and how it relates to society and public policy. He has made a number of videos detailing why Americans should be against mass migration from Central/South American and why Europeans should oppose the arrival of so called "refugees". How is that in line with (((their))) agenda?


the entire alt kike controlled opp is against mass immigration, but it's figureheads are all still very afraid of being branded national socialists and embracing the old runes because they know what that will do for the white europeans and how catastrophic it will be for their semitic masters

It's not necessary for everyone on the right to become full 1488. Molyneux serves a useful purpose as being a good source of introductory red pills and a nationalistic right wing voice on current issues.

mostly right most of the time.

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so you aren't denying that he is a controlled opposition gatekeeper then?

are you guys really that stupid?
NAP mean non aggression pact
its doesn't mean non defense pact
when your borders are violated, that is aggression towards you which any action you take in response is inherit self defense
holy shit Jow Forums is low iq these days

Guaranteed controlled opposition.


people who use the term "controlled opposition" are in fact controlled opposition

The state itself violates the NAP.

State borders, literally would not exist in an anarcho capitalist society. Only the private property exists in an an anarcho capitalist society.

this made me like him even more.

goodluck in anarcho capitalist w no state to run to when a band of bad men want what you have, or is every human as benevolent as you are? completely naïve and unrealistic

He's a low key White Nationalist, but can't come out in favor of White nationalism because
1)he's in Canada
2)It disproves his life's work such as Anarcho Capitalism and UPB

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an cap is a utopian fantasy as is communism and socialism
it all rests on the fact that men aren't greedy or evil. we are too different and unique to exist in these ant hive like societies people w low skills and low competence would like to subjugate the rest of us to. no thanks. ill take a society that rewards the top for being more productive and innovative, im not an ant.

if they want what he has they can take it from his cold dead hands

the point is , the State exists to arbitrate, and defend its people. because we have reached a point where we no longer need to just survive, people are trying to reinvent the wheel. you aren't that clever. trust.

As Stefan Molyneux would say... That's not an argument. I pointed out why your reasoning is flawed, and you just resorted to attacking my psychology.

I'm not an anarcho-capitalist, I'm a fascist. I have no idea why you seem to be addressing that question to me, when you can clearly see my flag.

I'm point out Stefan's contradiction of the NAP, that doesn't mean that I myself am an anarcho-capitalist.

Stefan claims to be one. His defense of closed state borders, inherently violates the NAP - he get's pissed off when people point that out though.

He's become a statist, but doesn't like to admit it.

why are you reddit spacing
you perceive my reasoning as flawed because you are an ideolog that doesn't think outside his own walls, you are confined to a box much like the most religious of peoples. unironically

youre resoning is flawed, I pointed out how its flawed and all you can point out is my tone?

Oh look, it's yet another /Pol complains about one of the few public figures who actually spreads our message to a massive audience and actively redpills people on a daily fucking basis because of *insert some painfully insignificant and petty gripe here* thread. How about /Pol goes and makes a podcast that draws a million viewers and you can name the Jew on it all you want, until then, I dunno, maybe cut the few people who actually proactively promote your cause a little slack.

>mutt doesn't get banter
I'm not an ancap mate


So lay out your argument of why a closed state borders, is congruent with anarcho capitalist theory.

Please show me how it doesn't violate the NAP, within a political philosophy that only advocates the existence of private property.

I'm more than happy to be corrected.

He's ok

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how is life in England where you get arrested for saying things?

I'm not saying that at all. Your reading comprehension is poor.

So you're claiming that supporting the existence of the state, is congruent with being an anarchist?

my arguemnt isnt that closed state borders is congruent to an cap theory
stefan doesnt nor do any of us live in ancap society
im sure stefan argues for closed borders as pertains to the reality of the geopolitcal climate we live in today
you are merging his ancap theory w his political analysis as it pertains to reality.

sure in a perfect world w a fraction of the population ancap might work great, but you want to make 7 billion people magically as competent,responsible and benign as you are, its just not feasible, literal mental masturbation friend.

>you see

life is good when you don't live in the (((cities)))
it is fundamental that everyone reaches the end goal otherwise whites can't hope to collectivize and survive. alex jones speaks out against mass immigration and drops some red pills, but it is well documented that he is controlled, I don't believe stefan is any different

ok lets pretend the U.S is merely ancap tribes that live in peace and harmony
so then the Chinese will literaly control all the world markets and economy, slowly turning it into a maoist like dystopia, much like they do now in their own country, and the horrors that could unleash as we have seen in past experiments, meanwhile everythings kosher in America because we don't have a state and we don't cause wars. wow man. its so stupid I can only laugh. children think this way. civilization, peace and prosperity always have been built on war,and power. accept it. the world wont change.

important as a first step to red pill.
Not everyone who isnt an outspoken white nationalist is controlled opposition.
Jesus you think like this your movement will never go anywhere.