Ireland votes to end abortion ban

So the one country in Europe that's still a traditional Catholic country has voted to end abortion.

Is this a signal that the Christian era of Europe has come to an end?

The way I see it, there are two paths left for Europe. The left-wing godless LGBT faggot path and the other path is a European version of Islam.

Clearly Christians are too much of a bunch of pussies to enforce their moral views so I don't see Christianity as having much influence in the future.

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Id rather have 7 wives and be circumsised with a right to stone gays and other handicaps than see my children become a part of this superior PC culture.
We are reaching levels of 1984 that are not possible

Poland is 99% Catholic and abortion is still banned there. Polish whore girls all drive over to Germany into mass abortion clinics to have their babies aborted.

Christianity ended when we started basing our faith around abortion instead of slaying the unrighteous and pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

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It's fucking demoralising to see them actually vote for it, as opposed to having it foisted upon them by politicians or the judiciary. I know it would probably be the same in most countries, but... sheesh.
It's like the crowd in Matthew's Gospel crying for Christ's crucifixion: "Let his blood be upon our heads, and the heads of our children!"
God will send judgement upon Ireland for this

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>Traditional catholic country

Ireland gonna be UK in 3

You're confused Hans.

Poland is Catholic on the surface only. As you said, their women are whores. Catholic moral teachings are not observed by Poles.

Before today, Ireland was the only truly Catholic country left in Europe.

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