Kraut/pol/ - Apfelstrudel Edition

>Thread theme:
The AfD is dimpling alon and there isn't much we are doing.
However, one could try to discuss options for image-tagging and organizing memes for shits and giggles in the mean time.


[current targets of opportunity, depending on recent memewar engagements]
>Targets of opportunity

>News in german
1/2 of deportations fail: (Give up Goy!)
>We're pessimists:

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

Create memes
Spread memes on social media
Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion
Get fit
Spread flyers and stickers in your city

Attached: au_revoir_shoshanna.png (321x325, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone gets drunk tonight?

Attached: 1493356775399.jpg (540x824, 75K)

was geht ab mein halb-negers

Attached: chinky.jpg (579x600, 77K)

I removed an Antifa-Sticker...
I feel like a Saint already.

Can't but I'd like to
What do you plan on drinking?
High Class Bembel?

nope, I go easy on the alcohol these years. when I was a young cadet though... oooh those were the days

More like Mixery 6%.

> a saint
digits confirm

Attached: germany4.jpg (800x600, 113K)

Beer is chilled already...

Attached: selective_beer_pressure.jpg (1017x1600, 212K)

You freed Germany from SJWism and AfD hit the 80% now.

ooh, you want a medal?

Attached: Hans Landa interdasting.gif (480x319, 300K)

>Beer is chilled already
ihr habts gut
ich muss durch die nacht fahren

Yes. Mannerheim Cross preferred... :3

Attached: this_does_törni_me_on.jpg (640x905, 84K)

>It is a pilgrimage... ;)

Attached: hier_wir_gehen.jpg (338x326, 36K)

Really makes you think...

speaking of medals!
if you guys have a race war, and will not reinstitute Eisernes Kreuz then I will not come to fight for you!

Attached: EK.jpg (600x600, 109K)

no, he's trafficking shitskins into Ireland

Attached: spurdo approving.png (408x397, 11K)

today was the pilgrimage
tonight is the crusade

how is oesterikki

Attached: krautpol2.png (1460x318, 7K)

Hmm, so the euro-crisis lives on again. Good to know.

Attached: italy-euro.png (625x80, 18K)

We'll see to that... ;)

In a way it is totally bollocks as the beer once was very popular in Mesopotamia. Damn, most of the old religions was just getting pissdrunk and fucking temple prostitutes. What is good in life...

Attached: lamentations_of_the_otherkin.jpg (707x737, 137K)

>your posts: the synthesis!

Attached: crusades_internally.jpg (236x380, 24K)

Yes. Gin.

Attached: R-1241051-1203104641.jpeg(2).jpg (466x468, 77K)

then you can count on me! (but only after actual reinstatement, I'm not falling for no tricks!)
send some sardaukars, we're bored

Attached: sardaukar.jpg (1063x752, 94K)

Damn, I LOVE Dune aesthetics ... it is 40k without the cringy grimderp! That Byzantine vibe!! Fucking spice must flow!

Attached: on_fear.jpg (885x850, 848K)

Well, you actually did more than 95% of the keyboard warriors in these threads, so good for you.

Anyone going to the AfD-Demo in Berlin tomorrow?

not to mention the Lynch imagery! damn shame that it was not brought to its full potential
Flying baron is worth 10 modern movies alone!
he who controls the spice controls the universe!

Holland YES

>Der niederländische Künstler Dries Verhoeven, bekannt für Installationen, Performances und Happenings, feiert den Fall des „Weißen Mannes“, seiner Kultur und den Untergang des Abendlandes. In der Zeit vom 17. bis 27. Mai sollte der gefallene Riese im Rahmen des Spring Festivals auf dem Neude Platz in Utrecht zu besichtigen sein. Die Statue des am Boden liegenden weißen Mannes trägt den lateinischen Titel „Sic Transit Gloria Mund“ („so vergeht der Ruhm der Welt“) und sollte jedem „Ewiggestrigen“ vor Augen führen, dass eine neue Ära begonnen hat. In ihr haben weder die alteingesessenen Europäer noch ihre Errungenschaften, ihre Kultur und ihre Zivilisation mehr einen Platz.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-05-26-16.32.40.png (458x356, 85K)

lads an update on the (((abortion referendum)))
the referendum passed,
ipso fact tens of thousands of people are leaving the main stream parties and will turn to the National Party
we will be the next AfD
cap this

Attached: NationalParty12.png (618x534, 46K)

where is it on

Its maybe going to get violent because of a big counter demo

that's why the police will be there too

>falling for the liquid jew

Attached: 1522769171709.png (1024x897, 1.69M)

Lynch did a great job with the visuals! There is a similar setting I know of, Emperor of the Fading Suns ... never got around trying it but sometimes use it to steal ideas for my P&P group.

>not living germanic traditions

Attached: 1513275902655.jpg (322x519, 67K)

Führer bump

Attached: 1476229331254.jpg (859x930, 139K)

drinking=/=getting drunk

nothing with getting drunk once in a while

And Germans get drunk and always have. To quote Tacitus:

>To pass an entire day and night in drinking disgraces no one. Their quarrels, as might be expected with intoxicated people, are seldom fought out with mere abuse, but commonly with wounds and bloodshed. Yet it is at their feasts that they generally consult on the reconciliation of enemies, on the forming of matrimonial alliances, on the choice of chiefs, finally even on peace and war, for they think that at no time is the mind more open to simplicity of purpose or more warmed to noble aspirations


never heard of it. definitely will look into
I like that kind of optics. Jupiter ascending had it, but the movie overall was utter crap, acting was shit and writing even shittier

And americans get fat and always have. Doesn't mean it's a good thing to do.

So you throw away a central part of german culture and tradition, because it's not the most healthy thing to do? Schäm dich!

>drinking=/=getting drunk
Now go and have a beer or a glass of wine with friends, but don't get fucking drunk.

Agreed, you can drink, but never go degenerate and know your fucking limit.

important thing is moderation!
I agree, if you throw out beer and wurst, wtf, then you're mohammadan
on the other if you allow yourself to be an immer besoffene Sau, then it is not good either

Fatness has only been since the corn subsidies. Americans were originally Anglo, who were always leaner than Germans, at least once Germans started using hops. See Andrew Boorde 1557:

>Beere is made of malte, of hoppes, and water; it is a naturall drynke for a doche man, and nowe of late dayes it is moche vsed in Englande to the detryment of many Englysshe men … for the drynke is a colde drynke. Yet it doth make a man fatte, and doth inflate the bely, as it doth appere by the doche mennes faces and belyes.

The drinking issue aside, any Berlin anons here that want to go to the dome tomorrow with me?

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-26 AfD-Großdemonstration in Berlin Für Freiheit und Demokratie 27 Mai 2018.png (668x151, 12K)


as promised, science denial campaign against genetics is underway
groups are a supressive tool of the evil patriarchy and a social construct as such, of course

God, i wish i could.
poor-as-fuck S(hit)H(ochwasser) user here.

if you have 30 € you could take a regio i can give you the money back if you want

There is no security on that, i also wouldn't want almosen. i would feel guilty and would want to repay you which falls flat even though we would never meet after the meeting.

Don't see it as almosen see it as payment for your service to the Vaterland.

Of course. Anybody not showing up can get fucked. The AfD even provides transport wherever possible, there really is no excuse.
Be part of it or forever shut your mouth.

This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd—
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

So you are showing up?

March for Berlin tomorrow?

Attached: vorwärts.jpg (400x388, 26K)

good night everyone! good luck with demo tomorrow. keep us posted!
I anticipate the antifa will be there too. (webm related)

Attached: shit all over.webm (854x480, 831K)

>This ... is ... glorious!!

Good night, friend! :)

Attached: shitter_is_clogged.jpg (940x529, 101K)

Marsch auf den Reichstag bestätigt.

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You could've contacted the AfD, as said for weeks now, and hitched a ride with them.
That's why it's so fucking elementary to build an infrastructure, become part of the network to stay in the loop and be aware of the opportunities and activities.
People just sitting on their ass all day and complaining but not even able or willing to drop a few lines via SM or E-Mail.
No matter in what little godforsaken Kuhdorf you reside in, it's almost guaranteed that there are fellow patriots in your vicinity, you just don't know them (yet). Heck, if it's a little godforsaken Kuhdorf, the chances are probably even higher that there are others just like you, thinking "well, I'd go, but not all by myself" yadda yadda yadda.
This fucking country won't fix itself, guys.

Indeed, some people are full of shit, hehe.

Attached: pepe.scientist.jpg (396x385, 23K)

Yeah, I'll be on the very frontline, ridiculing Antifa a bit. If police let's me, that is, but there should at least be line of sight to the unwashed masses. So far none of them dared to attack me personally, I wonder if the Berlin dogs are a different breed.

Attached: deutschland_deutschland.png (580x479, 19K)

nice. Berlin Antifa is made up of Students and abgekifften junkies.

RIP Berlin's trashcans.

Attached: Antifa vs trashcan 2.gif (619x619, 1.83M)

Most of them hang at a height that most antifanten can't reach because of physical shortcomings.
Btw, do you have a recomendation for clothing for the demo?

Black hoodie and black balaclava and mommy's lunchpack. you can infiltrate the enemy spray pee everywhere.

Jars full of piss to throw
Socks full of shit to swing
And you're set

I don't want to paint a bad image on the AfD though.

>Jars of piss
destilate the sulphuric acid out of it and mix it with chlorine. seal tightly once both substances meat, leave enough clearance for the gas. and throw far into crowds.

Y-yeah, r-richt.

Stuff like this is good for NW/NB demos, because those already have a bad public image, but if we want to save the Vaterland the AfD needs to remain votable for the Normalbürger.

It was just a joke
Just take something so you won't be recognized
If you want to fight; take maybe a chain or a baton with you
At least something that you can conceal later
Police is always on the lookout with their Beweissicherungseinheiten
You can either choose a mask to gain a bit of extra attention with anonimity; or you can be recognizable for a bit less attention.
You should stick to the concealed variant if you want to avoid getting caught if you do instigate a fight.

But on another note; we are not the ones who are violent, its the lefties and AntiFa.
We are supposedly under the protection of the police, and if not, you can record everything to act as an agent of documentation in case shtf

Thanks. I think i am not going to conceal myself, because i am not going to instigate violence. Should i wear black or a Hemd?

You wear combat-fast clothing though, if antifa shows up, there's trouble and we wouldn't want you end up getting karl marx'd

will do

I would recommend rather rugged clothes, something like leather, jeans or linen that doesn't rip too easily.
If you feel stupid wearing that you can go ahead and wear a backpack or something to remove heavier equipment; in case it gets warm or you feel uncomfortable.

Are band shirts and jackets alright though? (I don't really have anything else)

no one is going to rag on you for fashion.
I am just saying, dress not in your finest robes and wear something that can withstand a bit of tearing and what wouldn't be cried over if it was damaged.



Attached: prost.gif (245x227, 1.97M)

Alright Kameraden I'm gone for today see you at the Marsch tomorrow.

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Be careful of the counter protestors.

Attached: 1367676253545.jpg (680x1206, 104K)

Depends on who shows up against us...

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Pic related. This is one is for you!

Attached: sprudo.fugg.png (960x960, 198K)

Attached: brilliant_idea.jpg (641x626, 85K)

The 2nd Brony Brigade, of course.

Attached: 1369143549871.jpg (1024x577, 122K)

If repeating number there will be an antifa happening

Attached: 1510439623309.jpg (701x715, 412K)

Fugg yeah thx!

Attached: edelweiß.jpg (500x500, 69K)

Antifa already announced it. No need for numbers.

Attached: 1369439149675.jpg (960x720, 99K)

Okay mister devil

Attached: 54541546146.gif (500x281, 983K)

Tits, duddn, da chäbis
take em out

I love the "Kulturschaffenden" (Morgenpost even managed to make a typo) the most. That's straight out of the GDR.

Attached: idiotenproteste.jpg (1200x798, 543K)

Though "Berliner Boote gegen Rechts" isn't bad either. Very amusing. Hope they sink.

Attached: 1415473470570.jpg (284x292, 22K)

Who ever planned those route wants to see blood.

I had a nice bbq this evening my stomach isn't in the mood for any funny business

Attached: 1519431248560.png (377x560, 106K)

Attached: there will be blood.gif (705x649, 172K)


>Die Linke
We need free helicopter rides for them

Attached: mad commie.png (608x707, 91K)