Casual sex is one of their (((tricks))). Don't fall for it

Casual sex / (((hook) up culture are a degenerate civilization wrecking behavior. Don't engage in it.

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while there could be a very rare scenario where I would marry a 1 previous partner girl, I would prefer a virgin.

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You not engaging in it won't magically make others not engage in it

the fact that whores will have less successful offspring necessarily reduces their genes from future generations and thus proves that males not accepting whores as wives contributes to their inevitable demise.

That's why we must punish fuck boys that encourage the whoring of women.

You can't expect women not to cheat...They are whore, hypergame whores, it's biologic. Moreover, women are strong at all, they are very weak, they can't resist opening their legs and opening their mouth for an alpha male. However, a man can resist the charm of women.

That's why there was the "gentlemen's agree" before, that men cwouldn't fuck taken women. Bros/men before hoes. However now, with the (((sexual liberation))), there is not accountability no more, not even in men. Thus, men are themselves becoming menwhores. Yes, you can be "alpha" but you are a whore in the end and you are a burden to society.

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Moreover, marriage (true christian marriage I mean) is the foundation of the greatness of the occident. And marriage is patriarchy. Thus patriarchy and monogamy are the foundation of the occident's supremacy for more than 2000 years. And yet, in less than 100 years, we throw it all to trash and bam, all the Occident is soon going to collapse...Of fucking course, liberalism is a civilization wrecking ideology, history has warns us several times. That's why jews promote this heavily on their enemies lands because they know it destroys nations.

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>However, a man can resist the charm of women.
say what?!

Jew's brought blacks over as a false flag to give women property rights. Because 1866 black men could own property but all women couldn't. Harriet Breecher Stow funded by Salmon P Chase (Rothschild shill) equated not owning property as to being slaves. Two years after the Civil War women could own property and this is why the religious brothers of the South fought for to keep unity of the smallest form of government the nuclear family with the MAN being head of the house. Women and Jews have one thing in common play the victim as defense to be justified. High School was created in the late 1800s. This was a movement to make women independent and gain property then the right to vote. All down hill from then.

Elizabeth Donnan, Four Volumes, "Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slavetrade to America" , Washington D.C. 1930. 1935 Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA

DEUTERONOMY 22:29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. (women are property) Brides token

WOmen were and should be property. SHaria law is the only solution. And TPTB are now bait and switching to move markets at 150 year cycle to get more power.

Idk whores want to get pregnant by men with good genes they will suck a dick cuz you wont fuck um then spit the cum on their pussy and finger it in. so idk guess its better to just try at a good mate.

Too much of an incel to get laid?

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Hippity hoppity women are prpperty

diamond rings are a jewish invention to sell more of their compressed carbon.
use a steel ring! earn your golden ring of marriage when your children make babies too with your own people

It is, but it's for the meme.

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>Yes, you can be "alpha" but you are a whore in the end and you are a burden to society.
Yeah there's a difference between men who CAN get a lot of women and who are very alpha/high sexual market value yet don't sleep with everyone, and men who just have sex all the time because they can and ruin a ton of women that they'll never care for or love.
Men are naturally going to want/be able to have multiple partners but it destroys women, so the more men encourage it, the harder it will be for themselves to find a woman who isn't a wrecked slut

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Don't put pussy on a pedestal and learn to control your urges, via discipline, meditation, prayers,...

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Casual sex is like an audition. Women will fuck 10 guys before she picks one to settle down with.
Saving sex until marriage is an out-dated tradition that nobody does anymore.
If you plan on having a wife and kids, you'll have to participate in casual sex.

>Saving sex until marriage is an out-dated tradition that nobody does anymore.

Thank (((Who))) - cg Sexual Revolution May 68 with leaders like communist pedophile (((Daniel Cohn Bendit)))

>If you plan on having a wife and kids, you'll have to participate in casual sex.
Or I can extinguish all who extinguished my culture. If traditional people are not allowed to live in this world, we will just fight until we are. Do not expect us to go gently into that good night.

well, it fails, because how can we take it serious when you larp jewish diamonds into it

I'd argue that social media has played a bigger role in changing the sex game. Women get messaged by dozens of interested men every week and all she has to do is pick one.
Do you think the guys who hold off sex until marriage will get multiple dates, or will she simply move on to the next thirsty guy in her inbox?

You incels really do have no clue whatsoever how modern day relationships work, do you? I pitty you all.


It doesn't fail because women fail for it. We are jut outjewing the women that's all.

Traditional people are still allowed to live in the world, you are just a massive minority now. Those who can adapt shall prevail. Survival is about adaptation, living in the past does nothing to help the future.

my bad, thank you for correcting me.

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This is nonsense. Being a whore isn't a genetic condition, it's the result of unchecked hypergamy, which is present on all women.

The sexual liberation (which is a political control in fact, because it enslaves you to your passions which makes you malleable and controllable by the elite) allowed for the destruction of traditional morals...Which allowed whoring to a colossal level.

However, with the internet revolution and especially with the recent revolution of social medias, smartphones and sex apps such as Tinder, it has increase the already disastrous situation by 100x.

See pic related.

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>english is not my first language the post

with jewish rings.. the magical unatainable intact hymen in this degenerate fucked up world of today ..good luck with that.

> (You)

Indeed, I'm still eager to learn from my mistakes though if you could point to me those said mistakes.

>*snips ..snip*if you could point to me those said mistakes

from a mut? haha noo... cheap insults is easier than helping out his fellow man

The concept of consent itself is a control tactic used against men's basic instinct. Funny how on the Discovery channel they call it "mating" but if it were 2 humans it would be classified as rape not sex.
Now we see consent being bartered as a for-sale service.

It is used as a way to impose female gynocracy, because women have been put into a pedestal, higher than ever before.

Of course it needs to go. The concept of "consent" is inheritability anti-human, since the seduction game is inherently implicit and subtle, not straightforward, because being straightforward with sex kills the sexual tension.

If you smile to a guy and fall to his arms, the consent is already given.

ITT: incels

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Some of us preserve the best of the past and work for the future. I want to design microprocessors and casimir oscillators for space travel. Normies want to get drunk, watch football, fuck randomly and shoot each other in the ghettos.

Pretty much. Jow Forums is literally an echo chamber of incels and rascists who really seem to hate being called out on either in spite of thier trumpeting to the same.

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Ah so you're the kind of closeted fucking wierdo that makes all those HR meetings make sense.

So. Many. Fucking. Losers.


Good goy.

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Thanks for posting this user.
The one thing I've always found most strange about modern society is how everyone's main goal is chasing something that has no benefit or long term fulfilment asides a few minutes of physical pleasure.
Even on Jow Forums everyone has no trouble repeatedly telling you how videogames are a waste of time (even though they do have some practical social benefits), yet no one ever mentions how much more unproductive constantly chasing sex is.

>"gentlemen's agree"
Should be "agreement"
>history has warns us
Should be "history has warned us"

Aside from that there's nothing else I can spot that's grammatically incorrect.
If the mutt hadn't have pointed it's not glaringly obvious that you're not native, perhaps the flow of your sentences is a little off but I'm sure that'll improve as you continue to read English from natives.

>The one thing I've always found most strange about modern society is how everyone's main goal is chasing something that has no benefit or long term fulfilment asides a few minutes of physical pleasure.

Kikes have managed to turn everyone focus on very short term goals and goals which only get pleasure (pleasure =/= happiness, it's the contrary). Thus, focuing on immediate hedonism, while discarding the long term and the spiritual, we literally turning into dopamine whores animals, even lowers than animals because even them don't go as far as us.

TalmudVision,Movies, video games, sex sex sex, porn, masturbation, social medias, smartphones, garbage food, ... All of that is made to make us enslaved by our reptilian brain, thus making us unhuman and making us extremely easy to manipulate,control and pacify.

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Thank you buddy. Yeah, those are mistakes I really could have avoided. I should proofread more often.

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