Your Last Redpill (so screencap it):

According to modern DNA studies:

>45,000 years ago Neanderkikes are driven south to Middle East.
>All Europeans trace their blood to 37,000 years ago in Belgium.
>This group is then displaced with a new population 14,000 years ago a second migration into Europe from East.
= Caucasian migrations

Translation for stupid people:

1. 43,000 BCE Neanderthals are driven out of Europe with the appearance of Cro-Magnon. All white Europeans can trace their DNA to 35,000BCE Belgium (Cro-Magnon).

The last Neanderthals are found in the Middle East living in caves with Homo-Sapien-Sapien "modern humans" and Homo-Erectus (black giants) practicing cannibalism. And they still are night stalkers.

2. Ice sheets begin to cover Europe all the way to Northern France, driving Cro-Magnons South to Spain and farther East all the way into Asia and the Americas.

3. 12,000BCE "Caucasians" from the Caucasus mountain range of the East arrive in Europe after the ice sheets melt. These are Eastern Cro-Magnon descendants that are now a foot smaller and have a more developed frontal lobe. They may also exhibit the first eye and hair color changes that make up modern European whites (creating a different mentality and expression of culture).

4. Globeke Tepe appears 10,000BCE at the Mediterranean edge of the Caucasus Mountain range (right around the time modern geneticists claim blue eyes appear outside of albinism).

5. Proto-European culture appears around 6-5000BCE after the last mini-ice age (Vinca culture in the Northern Greek territory – and their symbols matched Viking writings, Indo-European cultural symbols, and Celtic scratch-writing).

6. Mixed Middle Eastern culture appears 3000BCE in the Sumerian desert.

Do the math.

nb4 races don't exist and we're all mixed, goys!

35,000 years of genetic war and you're living in the end times.

Attached: cromagnon skull 1.jpg (542x485, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

paleo bump

Attached: cromagnon DNA-vert.jpg (857x3139, 1.47M)

NB4 "RED HAIR = Neanderthals"


It's a totally different non-related gene they have that no humans inherited.

Attached: red hair NOT Neanderthals.jpg (657x853, 605K)

(((Esoterics))) = neanderkike instictual religions.

Honor based religion = Cro-Magnon Aryan/whites
(see Alfred Rosenberg's "Myth of the 20th Century")

Attached: neanderthal jew 100.png (706x706, 279K)


Attached: Tehlulz.jpg (399x385, 37K)

You made me look that word up.


>Another Kike neamderthal stuff...


The reduced Armenids were bred among sedentary farmes and city dwellers in the area of the Fertile Crescent in the Near East, being particularly often active in the field of trade. They were made to be subdominant looking, no threat, even rather wretched, but getting you with from behind...
Of course, thats a generalisation, but really this is the only really urban type in the world, I mean bred for the chaotic cities of the Near East with all their traps for thousands of years. This is particularly evident if comparing them, both appearance, physical qualities and character, with the mountain herders of the more progressive Armenoid kind, they wouldn't stand a chance in anything but a degenerated culture and social niche in comparison to more harmonious progressive forms, both physically and with their dominant personality traits.

Its not by chance that you find them so often among the worst elements of the Jewish people, or other people in which this element is present too...

Kissinger, Blankfein, Soros, Mayer, Sharon, Knobloch, Friedman etc., one could name so many individuals which represent not just "the stereotypically bad Jew", but even in its worst expression.

The Armenid type wasn't successful otherwise latest since its independent states were conquered by Indoeuropeans and Semites...

B-but Varg said we wuz pure Neanderthals n shite?

They "achieved" their subdominant look because being forced into a subdominant position as farmers and city dwellers.

It's in a way similar to what the Jews as a whole experienced when they were restricted to certain fields, for which they were both fit and had to adapt even more.

In a similar way you deal in this case with a racial form which origins can be sought in the Caucasian mountains most likely.

From there a rather progressive Armenoid group of people expanded into the Fertile Crescent were they mixed with local Alpinoids and other stock, but were finally bred to something more dependent, less warlike and herder adapted, tillers and city dwellers. Those were subjugated in a whole series of conquests with their own names being long forgotten, being related to the Churri/Hurrians, Urartians and Chatti/Hatti people of most likely Caucasian related languages. Those were not fully Armenoid in any case, but they already had the seeds in their genpool and at that time largest portion of the reduced Armenids already.

They were later divided between Indoeuropeans (Hittites, Mitanni, Armenians, Kurds, Medes, Persians etc.), Semits (Jews, Arabs etc.) and Turkic people (Turks). So the Armenid type, common among Jews today, was originally no Semit racial type, but the local farmer and urban people's descendents Semits assimilated, similar to what happened by the Indoeuropeans in Armenia.

In this subdominant position and in the context of sedentary people with low level individual and group selectionf or saving and social adaptation, they had to compete for their very own niche especially in the cities and more often than otherwise they succeeded in trading.

We have the skeletons of the warriors and elite from Syria f.e. which looks still a like a highly progressive group of people but under this pretty surface this degenerated racial form emerged out of the subjugated people and had to adapt to its subdominant position, while striving for dominance from the back.