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Anthony Gutierrez
Henry Morris
In case anyone was curious as to whether Jow Forums has won the battle for everyone's minds, the answer is yes
Brayden Barnes
Yes because it’s the women we have a problem with. Not the fucking robot arms and haphazard presentation.
Kayden Robinson
Is that a hook for a hand? Kind of silly design choice.
I have no problem with female chars, but having them in a historical setting they have no business being in is kind of stupid.
Gavin Phillips
Official trailer now has as many dislikes as likes.
Comments a good read
Dominic Phillips
I can assure you that they're not if the game tanks.
Ayden Hughes
Take a look at the comment section. This is gonna be a worse failure than infinity war lmao
Mason Evans
Fight for women's right to KILL
Jackson Price
That was the shittiest trailer I’ve ever seen. Absolute clusterfuck, couldn’t tell what the fuck was going on except every other soldier is a chick
Jordan Walker
Honestly I'm disappointed they didn't make a black woman their poster character
This is EA, they somehow manage to combine extreme greediness with complete ideologically-motivated incompetence, it is only through their yearly FIFA releases that normies lap up that their company hasn't completely crashed and burned to the ground.
Evan Stewart
infinity war broke records, not a failure
David Hernandez
It's all three of those things leddit centrist faggot
Zachary Cook
>253k to 254k
We did it boys.
Ryder Richardson
Jaxson Jackson
Those are BF V devs at Dice.
Samuel Harris
the funny thing is that normies hate this shit and they realize how fucking dumb the left is
Luke Cook
Aiden Stewart
As long as all of these characters are optional and I can pick and choose who I'd like to play, I don't give a fuck. I don't want them forcing me to play a disabled black female Nazi.
Landon Gray
>1) They aren't criticizing women being in the game, they are criticizing the portrayal.
>2) Gamers aren't sexist. Look at all the female led games like Horizon Zero Dawn, Tomb Raider, Portal, Ect and the female characters in games like Overwatch, etc etc. People don't have a problem with women in games, it's the portrayal.
>3) People are also criticizing the British guy with a katana, are they all misandrists now?
>4) This trailer would be 100% fine if they said that its alternative history or fantasy history. Look at Wolfenstein. People went crazy and said it was awesome. Nobody criticized the female characters or the unrealistic stuff in the game, because it wasn't trying to be realistic. Because Battlefield was said to be the most immersive experience, people expected a historically accurate world. So these kinds of things are upsetting/irritating.
>5) Counter arguing that the gameplay is not realistic is not an argument. Saying something is historically accurate is talking about the setting, not gameplay. At some point it has to be fun, it has to be a game. But the setting can be 100% historically accurate and achieve that.
>6) Yes, women fought in WWII. but it was an extremely small percentage, and even smaller saw frontline combat. If you wanted to put women in the game, then why not portray actual women that fought in the war? Why make up non existent women who would never have been allowed to serve? It's actually disrespectful to the women that did serve.
>7) People complained about the weapons in Battlefield 1 not being historically accurate. So it's not like there isn't precedent for people wanting a historically accurate setting.
>8) Straw manning those that criticize Battlefield V as being sexist and misogynistic is disgusting. The same people that loved Horizon Zero Dawn and the hundreds of other female game characters are now magically women hating assholes? Stop virtue signaling. You're not any better than anybody else. In fact, you're worse.
Bentley Allen
Good taste in games senpai
Anthony Rodriguez
just let me play that blonde aryan 7" guy in the Wehrmacht to kill other US blonde aryan 7" dudes and huwhite anglos
Grayson Butler
Nathaniel Williams
On the brighter side she will inevitably wipe her ass with the wrong hand.
Xavier Rivera
When did Marvel Comics get into the business of making video game trailers?
Carson Jenkins
Pretty much, I know it's mostly a multiplayer game but the trailer had just zero fucking narrative and everything just flashed around nonsensically, shit blowing up for no reason, etc
Landon Russell
If you're still playing EA games you deserve the rope.
Adam Bell
>the funny thing is that normies hate this shit
Except they don't because they keep buying this shit
Luis White
I'll only play if my character can have FOUR prosthetic limbs and be visibly transexual. Anything less is pure hatred and bigotry.
Oliver Ward
I see, they were literally trying to drum up controversy for free advertising. Well played, swedecucks.
Luis Diaz
except they do
buddies who dont give much fuck about politics were hyped for a ww2 game and got dissappointed at this
I pushed them into the "right" direction and showed them the developers and they realized something
the only ones defending it are absolute bf fanboys,leftists and people who just wanna shoot
but people with more rational thinking realize what's going on,esp those with ancestors who died in ww2
Ethan Diaz
Why is a character from the last Mad Max movie in a WWII game?
Jack Ward
Well said
Someone tweet this to dice or some shit
Jason Torres
Luis Nguyen
lol incel! get fucked! Oh wait, you can't. ;)
Jordan Edwards
> wanting to go bankrupt this bad
> mfw you don't even have to lift a finger to end this madness.. they'll do all the hardwork for you
Michael White
Gabriel Clark
Patched servers for realism.
Female character now has these stats.
-10% runspeed.
-20% health.
26% chance to fumble magazine while reloading.
32% chance to throw grenade with the pin still in.
-12% accuracy.
+16% recoil.
Luke Morgan
Whocares. Grown men shouldnt be playing games anyway. Let the niggers and women waste their lives starring at pixels on a screen.
Julian Anderson
show em honkers,Labiagiant
Adam Reed
2015: why aren't there more women in video games?
2016: here are women in video games
2017: wait did you hear us? I said here are more women
2018: hey racists, women characters are here to stay!
2019: why there are too many women in violent video games and why racist white males spoil everything
same thing with the niggers - they only want whites to be the ones you shoot
fucking insane
they wanted far cry 5 to be like wolfstone 2
fucking dumb fucks
remember the outcry when the zombies in africa were black?
Jordan Perry
Everyone's battlefield? So fucking disrespectful to the fallen veterans of ALL nations involved in world war I and II. News flash: almost all of them were white men, most of them young. They were not blue haired socialist minority women who hate men.
Henry James
It isn't solely about money. These people are ideologically committed to this stuff.
Jews push stuff like interracial porn even though it loses money, because they believe in destroying society.
Hudson Rogers
>remember the outcry when the zombies in africa were black?
>were black
what else should they be? fucking redheads with slant green eyes?
Brody Perez
>worse failure than infinity war lmao
Sebastian Stewart
>caring about vidya
if you must have braindrain to cope with the misery of real life, play one of 100 different better (and free) games from the 85-2000 era.
Elijah Rivera
But can I play as a female nazi? Or a black nazi?
Ian Brown
wow dude u can totally see her bush
Anthony Hall
Nathan Cruz
Video games are an artform, much like television, movies, music, etc. Its silly to dismiss as neckbeard pacifiers
Evan Evans
Why does she have a venus flytrap cunt?
Jackson Green
People legitimately lost their shit over the Resident Evil 5 trailer back in the day, that's what he is referring too
Luis Torres
So females are like the deprived class from Dark Souls...
Dominic Cook
>Tfw grew up playing Battlefield 2, Bad company 1/2, and Battlefield 1942
I'm so fucking sick of this shit man.
Brody Murphy
>haphazard presentation
You sound just like them
Asher Allen
So many good memories playing BC2, one of the best online FPS of the last console generation.
Nolan Thomas
Battlefield 2142 was the best one
Isaiah Flores
will there be morbidly obese soldiers or does Dice hate fat people?
Brayden Collins
Needs more dislikes.
Thomas Wright
not getting my money though, retards
Josiah Cruz
As Murdoch would say:
Aiden Long
Don't forget the niggers either, plebbit
James Hughes
suddently everything makes more sense
Jose Murphy
I can see how this will go already. The hardcore Battlefield fans will buy the game anyways despite all the bullshit, but they'll be apt to specifically target females in protest. Endless videos of teabagging female characters will flood social media. And then the feminazi/sjw retards will scream at Dice for creating a game that allows men to indulge in their "toxic male rapist fantasies".
Just watch.
Christopher Allen
fuck with this slide threads
>adults care about the video game jew
Ethan Perry
Like the rape stuff from GTA 5?
Cooper Hall
That was going to happen whether people liked the game or not honestly.
Levi Rogers
Lol wut
Leo Hernandez
>the holocaust never happened, motherfuckers.
thats what we've been trying to tell you!!
Carter Young
I'll still give you your (You) because I really like this one
Leo Morales
>Look at Wolfenstein. People went crazy and said it was awesome. Nobody criticized the female characters or the unrealistic stuff in the game
Are you being serious?
Noah Diaz
GTA 5 'Virtual Rape' Controversy #GamerGate
Justin Wilson
>being this new
get out
Adrian Davis
Give the tldw version
Anthony Wright
Also, fuck Google
Austin Brooks
This is now the time to pull out the ugandan knuckles meme "my queen" and make the game unplayable.
You would have to watch it.
Joseph Martinez
If they add a Press R to rape then I won't complain.
Joseph Perry
i wont buy this shit even when it's 5 dollars. fuck ea, fuck those retarded faggots
Christian Miller
Caleb Parker
>yea, because if we listened to you we'd be like the american government negotiating with terrorists
>yea, because if we took it out after the fact, the other loud minority will complain about that too
pls delete your game.
Liam Phillips
I mean isn't the game supposed to be alternate history steampunkish type stuff? There's people running around with modern hipster cuts, war paint, and robotic arms. I dont think it's that big a deal.
William Butler
>isn't the game supposed to be alternate history steampunkish type stuff
Angel Carter
I wouldn't care
but they said shit like
>worked with historians
>it's ww2
it's a fucking joke to do something like this
Angel Young
>"Experience the most intense, immersive Battlefield yet. You will never be the same."
Right off their video description.
Brody Scott
Lincoln Miller
Sounds like a cult.
Benjamin Brown
ooga booga
Nicholas Gomez
I love it how they made her look as impractical as possible.
>unrealistic red hair
>outfit made for steampunk cosplayers instead of combat
>entire design made to appeal to gamergirl crowd
Andrew Barnes
they didn't learn from the Battlefront reboot
Ryan Roberts
Right? Between the soldiers getting their shit blown in with rockets, the snarky quips and the silly accents, I couldn't make heads or tails of whether or not I was supposed to take this game at all seriously. I'll be amazed if customization doesn't have a fucking raccoon in it.
Grayson Fisher
oh god please spread this
Caleb Morris
i so want to play as a black female SS soldier called WeWuzFuhrerNSheet.
would preorder if it is confirmed
Ryan Jackson
Austin Reyes
Only in the Red Army DLC.
Aiden Perry
considering you can't chose the side initially in new BF's and with the customization shit, there will 100% be black female we wuz nazis and shiet
Jayden Long
what the fuck?
is this video ironic?
Dominic Perez
Fucking. Hell.
>When the kids who took Ritalin grow up and make a video game.
A real war would be easier to keep track of.
Aaron Collins
You guys don't get it. Its not battlefield 5, its battlefield V, V for vagina.
Kevin Peterson
It’s a combination of a woman on the front lines, steam punk outfits, bionic arms, mohawks in the 40s, katanas being used by ”British” soldiers, over saturated colors in a war torn environment, and a nigger decorated in Braveheart face paint. It’s fucking Fortnite with German bad guys. Battlefield used to be realistic and gritty; more of a tactical shooting game than a typical FPS. What the fuck happened?
Robert Clark
>We want to empower player choice, diversity and inclusion
Why don't we meme this into real life and start pushing niggers,women, spics to join the armed forces and go get killed.
Carter Perez
US Airborne troops wore face paint and mohawks into battle on d-day. But they weren't niggers or women with prosthetic arms.