Can any serbanon explain me what was/is chetniks' views on gyppos and other non europeans?

Can any serbanon explain me what was/is chetniks' views on gyppos and other non europeans?
What was/is their endgame?
Is the movement still relevant/active?
What do the average serb think of them?
Are their views based on religion, race or just nationality and language?
I would like a response from a person that knows his shit, and as i said, preferably a serb.

Attached: draza.jpg (250x316, 13K)


Attached: orcs.jpg (704x547, 79K)

>not the epitome of gyppo

Attached: 1487095354180.png (600x553, 205K)

They wanted to remove gyppos and have a Serb only country. Their movement is irrelevant right now since the politicians are too corrupt

Attached: Daboljub.png (540x409, 55K)

I'm a Serb. Chetniks were just peasant militia forces and like all militia forces in Europe always leaning to the right or monarchism and Orthodox Christian.
Slavs in most countries were always organised in a Democratic community with the emphasis being on the elders making decisions (we didn't have slavery or Feudalism).
There's traditionally always been one guy in every town who's the "Vojvod" which roughly translated means war leader, but outside of war has no role as decision maker.
In larger conflicts you could see many towns, whole regions or even the whole country organising in such a way with a leadership at the top that leads all subgroups.
No they are not relevant today, but in case of a military conflict people will organise again the same way.
Basically it's just an old type of military organisation.

what is the consensus among Serbs and Allied Nations in World war II? Were they the good or bad guys?

No, Serbs have never been overly hostile to gypsies. Everyone knows the nomadic ones among them steal and engage in petty crime but there's no persecution.
Many of them stopped their nomadic ways and assimilated. You'd be surprised to see how many of those are Serb nationalists today.
But it's a rarity to see mixed marriages with them.

>Were they the good or bad guys?
bad, at least for us

Serbs in general will not be supportive of the Nazis as we entered the war to stop Germans invading Greece and it has cost us a lot.
It could have been preventable but ultimately it was the Germans who decided to attack because we wouldn't let them use our territory to invade our co-religionist Greek brothers.
I don't know why Germany even wanted to invade Greece, what's the point?

Why? The allies supported the Chetnik Monarchists until it became clear that they could not win the internal conflict with the Partisans.
It's not the allied forces fault that we lost to the Partisans.