Have you read Siege, Jow Forums ?

Probably the single most important book for the true National Socalist looking to understand the history of the Movement here on the North American continent. James Masons book is a time capsule of that hhistory. A true firebrand revolutionary. A must read.

It's time to stop talking and start fighting the ZOG. Join the Atomwaffen Division and let's win this.

Attached: שנה שם לפני פךסום.jpg (1661x2357, 414K)

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Stop fucking shilling this terrible Junior High fantasy shit book, faggots.

Have you read it ?

The writing was so terrible and sophomoric, I couldn't get out of the first chapter, faggot.

author James Mason in flesh

Attached: 1527274323968.jpg (1325x941, 653K)

my guess is that you were hoping people would notice the hebraic filename and become increasingly convinced that any call to serious action is a shill op

It's a call to action. We must do something to defeat the ZOG.

Attached: שנה שם ךלפני פךסום.jpg (800x1035, 133K)

Attached: 1527274047870.jpg (1487x906, 654K)

Then read 'Unintended Consequences' by John Ross (free .pdf online, but expect to go on a watchlist).

More realistic.

You faggots never do anything.