Moloch is real

Moloch is real

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What in the actual fuck is going on in the UK, its like some kind of alternate nightmare reality at this point based on the headlines.

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what the fuck shit

Moloch is not real, but the people who worship him very much are.

Here is the stanist Jew responsible for Canada having no abortion laws at all, anything goes here but Im pretty sure we just throw the babies in the garbage after.

last week, they said that retarded babies shouldn't be aborted, so they can harvest their organs and now this ?
what the fuck is going on ?!

Sry forgot pic

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Britain fucking tore through Sweden and Germany in Cuckdom Olympics and left them in the dust. And they're not stopping.

I love a good shit post at the bongs expanse. But that cannot be real.

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it's real mate


It's the same principle of meme magic

Hell has truly risen.

you have no clue what is reality nor what is or isnt real

Why does it have to be babies? Why not use anything else to burn for heat

He looks funny. I bet he's a real Canadian though. So sleepy.

The absolute state of b*itain

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Are aborted babies actually a good fuel/heat source? :/

there is not enough fat in foetuses to be energy neutral to burn as fuel. Cremation costs a lot of fuel have you seen Hindu funeral pyres they are huge things you need to burn a body, most trying to burn a body to conceal a crime get found because it is really fucking hard without specialist equipment to remove corpse

Yeshua the Messiah will behead Moloch in the name of the only God our Father Yahweh


Isnt it almost summer over there?


>hitler used jews to warm his officers recreation camps

Pretty sure fetuses contain too much water to be used as a heat source.
Probably got mixed with discarded bandages and paper bio-waste.

they contain carbon and fat tissue and a lot of water. Not great, but at high temperatures a lot of things can become fuel

but it would have to balance evaporation of water, so I don't know.


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>recreation camps
that sounds a bit better than Polish death camps

Over summer we store them in freezers ready for winter when its cold.

t. janitor in hospital

i thought you were joking.

When burning fossil fuels the heat from water cannot be recovered, because the water would condense and form sulfuric acid (all fossil fuels contain sulfur)
Maybe water heat can be recovered form bio-waste.

Typical anglos.

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modern society is completely sick

>britain is coal free and 100% running on renewable human fetuses
So this is the reason for immigration, free energy.

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It's like the Global Elite are trying to see if they can implement the Chinese model in a "1st World" country.

literally we're in the Age of noah, its repeating infront of our eyes. Jesus will arise soon again.

>tht nose.

I am done with internet for the day

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>objecting to using medical waste to keep sick people warm

not if you dry them out first
or so I heard

We're going for the world record 'ere matey

This I believe.

it may be part of the heating system also but bodies themselves are not the fuel which is what the Torygraph appears to be saying

Confronted with such evil....
For the past year I slowly became religious.

So? Will they have to bury them now or what? Whats the point of this shit if they'll have to dispose of those fetuses anyway?

Keep the lights on
Burn your own son

Drying them would consume energy.

>kid denied transport to Italy and taken off life support
>baby was decapitated in mother's womb
>now this
What the balls

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no, just hang them on a clothesline for a few days or something

mmmhm dat fuzzy fetus warmth
Sounds ridiculous though, as if they are a good fuelsource, not to speak of the morbidity factor.

Haista vittu immediately.

Bask in the warmth of your own murdered children.

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If you remain and pay into the UK you're supporting this.

A Call to Turn from Sin
Hear this word, O people of Israel, this song of sorrow which I sing for you: “The young pure woman Israel has fallen, and she will not rise again. She is left alone on her land. There is no one to raise her up.” For the Lord God says, “The city of Israel that sends out a thousand soldiers will have a hundred left. And the one that sends out a hundred will have ten left.”

The Lord says to the people of Israel, “Look for Me and live. But do not look for Bethel. Do not go to Gilgal or cross over to Beersheba. For the people of Gilgal will be taken away to a strange land, and Bethel will come to nothing.” Look for the Lord and live, or He will break out like fire in the family of Joseph. It will destroy, and no one in Bethel will be able to stop it. You turn what is right into something bitter. You throw what is right and good down to the earth.

The Lord made the stars of Pleiades and Orion. He changes darkness into morning, and turns day into night. He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the earth. The Lord is His name. He destroys the strong, so that the strong city is laid waste.

They hate him who speaks strong words in the gate. They hate him who speaks the truth. You crush the poor under foot and make them pay taxes with their grain. Because of this, even though you have built houses of cut stone, you will not live in them and even though you have planted beautiful grape-fields, you will not drink their wine. For I know that you have done much wrong and your sins are many. You make trouble for those who are right and good, and you take pay in secret for wrong-doing. You will not be fair to the poor. The wise man keeps quiet at such a time, for it is a sinful time.

Look for good and not sin, that you may live. Then the Lord God of All will be with you, just as you have said. Hate sin, and love good. And let what is fair be done at the gate. It may be that the Lord God of All will show kindness to those left of Joseph.

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The Day of the Lord
So the Lord, the Lord God of All, says, “There is a loud crying in the city. In all the streets they say, ‘It is bad! It is bad!’ They call the farmers to cry in sorrow. They call those whose work is to cry over the dead to sing songs of sorrow. And there are cries of sorrow in all the grape-fields, because I will pass among you,” says the Lord.

It is bad for you who want the day of the Lord to come. For what will the day of the Lord be to you? It will be darkness and not light. It will be as when a man runs away from a lion and is met by a bear. It will be as when a man goes home and rests with his hand against the wall, and gets bitten by a snake. Will not the day of the Lord be darkness instead of light, very dark with nothing bright in it?

“I hate your special suppers. I will have nothing to do with them. And I am not pleased with your religious meetings. Even if you give Me burnt gifts and grain gifts in worship, I will not receive them. I will not even look at the peace gifts of your fat animals. Take the noise of your songs away from Me. I will not listen to the sound of your harps. But let what is fair roll down like waters. Let what is right and good flow forever like a river.

“O people of Israel, was it to Me you gave gifts of animals and grain on the altar for forty years in the desert? You also carried with you Sikkuth your king and Kiyyun your star god, the false gods you made for yourselves. So I will make you go as prisoners to the other side of Damascus,” says the Lord, Whose name is the God of All.

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Israel to Be Destroyed
It is bad for those who are taking it easy in Zion, and for those who feel safe on the mountain of Samaria, you great men of the most important nation, to whom the people of Israel come! Go over to Calneh and look. And go from there to great Hamath. Then go down to Gath of the Philistines. Are they better than these nations? Is their land better than yours? You put off the day of trouble, and bring near the seat of anger

How bad it will be for you who lie on beds of ivory and spread out upon your long seats! You eat lambs from the flock and calves from the cattle-house. You sing songs to the sound of the harp. Like David you write songs for yourselves. You drink wine from the holy dishes, and pour the best oil on yourselves. Yet you are not filled with sorrow because Joseph has been destroyed! You will be among the first to be taken away as prisoners to a strange land, and your happy times of rest will pass away

The Lord God has promised by Himself. The Lord God of All has said, “I hate the pride of Jacob, and I hate his strong-places, so I will give up the city and everything in it.” If ten men are left in one house, they will die. The dead man’s brother, who is to take care of the body, will lift him up to carry his bones from the house. And he will say to the one inside the house, “Is anyone else with you?” That one will say, “No.” Then he will say, “Keep quiet! For the name of the Lord must not be spoken.” For the Lord is going to say that the great house must be broken apart and the small house into pieces.

Do horses run on rocks? Does one plow them with oxen? Yet you have turned what is fair into poison. You have turned what is right and good into something bitter. You who have joy in Lo-debar, and say, “Did we not take Karnaim by our own strength?” The Lord God of All says, “I am going to raise up a nation against you, O people of Israel. And they will bring much suffering upon you from the gate of Hamath to the river of the Arabah.”

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Insects and vermin would eat them.

Alright дpyг, I get that you always sacrifice the old people in your yeti village to be warm in the winter, but not everyone thinks like that.

damn, there goes another business plan down the tubes

Do you have alot of chinese down there or something?

You mean if we have Chinese diaspora here in Argentina? Yes, they run almost all the supermarkets.

Kind of like how frozen pizzas sell well in winter but not summer.

good. anglos deserve this

Oh it's real. How about that.

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holy shit reading that article made me feel sick

Better than the blood refineries.

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Sick shit

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Why do pigs always look comfy?


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>this is the reason for immigration
my sides

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Jesus Christ, WHAT THE FUCK

This is what I think happened:
>most hospital bio-waste is paper and cotton
>that is an ok fuel
>usable on bio-mass power
>burning it also removes the biohazard
>part of hospital bio-waste is human tissue
>this includes fetuses
>human tissue is bad fuel because it contains too much water
>but burning it is still useful to remove biohazard
>they mixed all together (because fuck separating that gross shit) and sent it to bio-mass powerplant

So all of Ireland's energy problems will be solved now?

i refuse to believe this is real. i dont want to believe we live in a world where this happens.

denial is a strong force, and im going to use it. i just cant believe no way..

we already live in a dystopia holy shit..


We need to burn this fucking country to the ground

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what exactly is the heat ratio and burning length of different aborted bahies at different stages of abortion???

can we get coal or log fuel comparisons?

Kek for real though, it's like they're glad they're going to be reborn as something other than a fucking pig.

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The UK is a joke of a nation and the laughing stock of the world.

Note that fallen angels do exist, though, and they are true creatures.

Europeans, why are you so stupids? To respect other people and be cuckolds are two different things!!! it's just pizdec...

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Burning fetuses should yield about the same energy as burning any meat, like burning a mouse or something.

fucking based

>hospital burns bio-waste

along with amputated lims, extracted cancerous organs, etc.

What else are they supposed to do with them? They have to be disposed somehow

>the absolute state of Jow Forums "scientists"

Waste paper and expired food does not please Moloch

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oy vey no more cremation facts

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>The UK is a joke of a nation and the laughing stock of the world.

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Damn it, they raised the price :(

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Cells are not a human life experiencing life. Just like how an unhatched egg isn't concious until the chicklet is hatched. Ya'll a bunch of emotional retards "muh jeebus" lmao

No, retards are just real

get raked immoral fgt

>go on, tell them
>see if they believe we are unironically killing and burning babies as fuel
i remember when this was just a joke as the most over-the-top comical evil

Come rake my pubes with your front teeth faggot