Conservative Games

While I agree that extreme SJW elements in games are a bit annoying, it's really all the complaints from social conservatives that are the worst part of the industry.

If conservatives were more creative and talented, they could make their own video games that promoted their personal beliefs. It's a free market, so conservatives should compete by making better games rather than complaining and acting persecuted. But conservative people aren't very good with technology, aren't very creative, and really I think most people don't want to play pro-conservative video games. We enjoy playing as heroes of justice and equality, not racist police officers or homophobic coal miners.

Just some food for thought.

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Conservatives are too busy becoming presidents and fostering billions of dollars each year to spend time making entertainment.

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>but other politics
shut your fucking face, remove politics.

>if you hadn’t called me a Nazi I wouldn’t have had to become a Nazi.

Boy I love conservacuck logic.

and you're here shitposting on an Azerbaijani basket weaving forum

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>conservatives dont make games
Japan make the best video games in the world you fucking mutt

>libertarianism is on the way to fascism

Haha what the fuck

Anyway, conservative people aren't generally creative. It's not a lack of talent it's just they are talented at other things. In general.

Japan doesn't make video games. Japan isn't a country, not a person.

Japans have been heavily liberalized due to massive American immigration over the past 5 years.

There are plenty of conservative games, every game that has a traditional setting or has a character fending for themselves is pretty much conservative. I mean it doesn't have to be some big nationalist thing, but some times it is. Command and Conquer and Red Alert are definitely conservative, shooting games go into the military sector if that's what you're looking for. You can defend your homeland from subversion and invasion in Skyrim. Idk, all sorts of stuff.

they still make anime tiddy simulator and boob fighting game retard

Okay show me a liberal japanese game

And what exactly does that have to do with politics?

>Conservatives are making Billions
>Not Hollywood

I thought a human couldn't function without a brain, what?

nice trips but check these dubs

conservatives make video games in Japan. your point was conservatives dont make games. they do make games: in japan.

>conservative-minded game is made
>all the SJW bandwagoners circlejerk about it being awful
>game ends up doing poorly
It's the same thing with women accusing men of rape - guilty until proven innocent. The real problem is the trial by social media

Confirmed for not knowing shit

Anyway OP, look up O'Sullivan's Law.

Conservatives are persecuted in modern day tech companies. If you're conservative and you work for any AAA publisher it's either shut up or get blacklisted from the entire industry.
However there are plenty of indie games made by people who aren't screeching liberals.

>liberal-minded game is made
>all the MAGA bandwagoners circlejerk about it being awful
>game ends up doing poorly

pretty sure hamfisting political messages into your game, conservative or liberal, will hurt your game sales

yeah, the starlets and clooney types are liberal, but the big studio execs who are making the real money are all conservative

Sounds like you haven't even touched a Japanese game in your life.

Buy Skyrim for all of your conservative political needs

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>make Duke Nukem 3D today
>SJWs write reviews panning the game due to objecting to the content
>mainstream media writes hit-pieces against the game and it's "misogynist developers"
>feminist groups stage protests at Best Buy, Target, Gamestop, threatening to smear period blood everywhere if retailers sell the game
>Average consumers who just want to buy and play Duke3D mentally check-out because they will be called rapists and women-haters for playing a fucking video game
>Game gains no sales momentum, financial backers move to less-volatile development studios, disconnected shoppers glance at the 58% rating and never see that the negative reviews are coming from people who never even bought or played it

>durrrr why cant CONSERVATIVES just make INTERESTING GAMES and COMPETE with SJW developers in the marketplace, DURRRRR

Bethesda is fairly redpilled.
They tend to be more subtle about it though.

Seems like every time there's a conservative leaning game it gets shit on by leftie media and smeared

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That picture is wrong. Communism and facism are the same. Totalitarian collectivists.

>feminist groups stage protests at Best Buy, Target, Gamestop, threatening to smear period blood everywhere if retailers sell the game
>Average consumers who just want to buy and play Duke3D mentally check-out because they will be called rapists and women-haters for playing a fucking video game
In what shitty country do you live in that people make protests and stigmatize others for buying a fucking video game?

who do you think owns those companies nigger?

ITT people pretend the hero's journey is leftist to own the conservatives

>MAGA bandwagoners
YOu mean the American people.

>tfw American
>tfw America has always been great it doesn’t need the again part
>Trump and his rich pompous ass who is completely out of touch with the average person needs to go fuck himself.

Uhh, I think you're wrong.
>Make Duke Nukem 3D today
>SJWs write reviews praising it as biting satire on toxic masculenity
>Jow Forumstards shitpost about onions or something
>Game sells well, but threads are full of made up sales numbers, twitch views, and number of people playing Multiplayer on steam.
>Bitching and moaning about having so much interactive features instead of gameplay
>Game is sorta popular anyways, but the shitposting never ends.

>so conservative you fund race mixing, homosexual and anti gun propaganda
What did he mean by that?

Well, if you're being called something, might as well reap the benefits of being that "something".

Not like it's wrong though. Anita blowing up in 2012 politicised the board hard way before the election.

If you “became” something because someone call you that then you were already that thing.

Anita only blew up because the fucking pre-altright made her internet famous. If /v/ had never talked about her she would have faded into obscurity.

>The jews own all of Hollywood
>But also the conservatives own all the companies in Hollywood


Doubt it. Either way the shit she was saying was absolutely ludicrous so expecting people to have just ignored it is retarded.

>yeah, sjw shit might be a teeny tad annoying, BUT CONSERVATIVES ARE THE WORST PART OF THE INDUSTRY AM I RIGHT?
do I even need to point out how cartoonish this post is? You may as well be that "normal person" straw man image that's just a sjw wearing a mask

Hi Jow Forums you guys can go fuck yourself and posting here should get you banned from all other boards.

huh I guess we finally were told to go to Jow Forums

We know that Jow Forums loves video games.

>Be conservative
>Get job at game company
>SJW boss finds out about non-marxist beliefs
>Get fired
And before you say "hurr durr just start your own company
>Be conservative
>Start game making company
>Polygon (or any left wing game review website) finds out about conservative beliefs
>Gets thousands of retards to boycott
>Go out of business
>Commit suicide at age 25

Im a little confused. Fascism isn't a set of political beliefs, its a tactic.
The right or the left can be facist.
Communism is facism...more or less.

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>moved to Jow Forums
Well, this is new.