Who would win?
Who would win?
The US military is now having problems getting enough recruits to fill the lower ranks.
My money is not on America. This country is dying slowly.
A couple of wars have answered your question. (Pic related)
No it's not. It's having trouble filling in certain officer ranks, primarily in avionics and space tech. Also Special forces is struggling.
>T. Guy who tried to commission but got denied.
how the fuck did you get your commission denied? my LT is a fucking nut
My pocket
No, it's having trouble filling lower enlisted ranks because young people either
Don't want to join
Have so disqualification medical issue(mental illness/obesity)
Or tattoos and other body modifications prohibit them.
In an all-out war the US would quickly devastate much of the Russian military and it's homeland bases. This in turn would force the Ruskies to unleash nukes. The US would retaliate with their nukes. Then China will probably nuke Japan and of course Israel will nuke every major European city.
Army Special Forces is having trouble getting recruits?
Honestly that may be a good thing.
I'm gonna bet on the closet queer with a lisp, call it a hunch. I dunno.
Really doubting its legitimacy personally, but rumor floating around Washington about Mattis is that he was heavily sexually abused and bullied as a young boy and has admitted to people close to him that it drove him to pursue the military because its where he wanted to prove himself.
Why does JIDF pretend like Trump, Putin, and Xi aren't working together to take down the NWO?
Here chinese defence minister
Heart murmur. Plus I was born abroad in a former Iron Curtain country and my medical records from a non cancerous tumor are non existent. So eventually during the process they scrapped me. I was told by my buddies though that I should switch doctors and get waivers. But I started a new job because rent and bills. I'm working up my runtime now, going to try and get a waiver and give it one more shot. I'm almost 26 so it's now or never.
Well the qualifications are very stringent. Try finding kids in highschool these days who aren't getting stoned all the time or doing good in school + in good enough shape.
faggot vs chink
These three people are literally cash addicted bandits who will be overthrown. True story.
It´s true. I hear from a friend in the army that recruitment is really ramping up right now, is that true?
Jews selling shelters or Geiger counters I guess
I know the cutoff is 30, but is 29 too late for a commission?
Who did you call a faggot again?
realistically I mean...
Kind of. It really all depends on their needs. You can get infantry from anywhere. But I live in a big college city. The ROTC programs are ramping up heavy in engineering, intelligence, avionics, space program, tech etc. Of course they will always look for ultra athletes to do Infantry and move up the ranks so to speak. Like the Navy and Air Force are the really heavy recruiters right now.
This doesn't translate into us going to war, just changing our strategy to accommodate the changing global dynamic.
No it's not. You can technically commission after. It depends what you want to do. I wouldn't be able to do anything special forces related, not really my interest anyways. Navy pilot and Marine pilot cuttoffs are 25 and 26 I believe. Air Force is 28, but or certain planes I think it might be 24. Doctors, Lawyers, intel, computer guys can get in pretty much at any time. Basically the more combat or career related to the military the MOS (job) is the less time you have.
idk, idc but it would be funny youtube.com
Kike cock sucker vs Buryat.
>Who would win?
Mattis obviously. They are probably near equals in terms of strategy etc, but Mattis has a bigger hammer.
The Army of Transgenders,Nig Nogs,Traps,MS 13 gang bangers and bug men would totally win because principles of course.
they both look like aliens
They're war freaks
>Who would win?
u know who
Imma go with the Genghis one
what a beta post. go back to facebook boomer
fuck the army man. you can do more contribution to mankind in the free market
I want to go to medical school or at least keep my economics degree going with a Masters. I can't pay for it. I'm happy to be a part of this country. At the very least I want to be a reservist. What am I giving up? a weekend every month and I can't smoke weed? That's fine with me.
It's fated to happen tho. Especially Emperor Xi.
Probably the Russians, Obama's purges and 17 years of war fucked our shit up.
>Also Special forces is struggling.
we have too many of those anyway
I would wager all of the people in that picture have been killed in combat by now.
Future wars are going to be fought with thousand of pogs and special forces. We need special forces more than ever.
FSB spies are such try hards.
U fucikg idiot. There are competing factions in nwo. They are on the other side.
They all want the same thing
typical gay vague britpost
go fuck yourself brainlet
Zionists vs everyone else.
Funny enough I really think the sergeant at the recruiting station was thinking something along these lines. He kept asking me why I can't get the medical record. "Well sir, I was born in a shithole that collapsed and have not been there for 20 years".
The Jews
that mongol didn't serve in the army. russian government is a complete joke, don't let putinbots tell you otherwise.
>economy is doing good
>people are going into the market instead of government
It’s a mystery
>who is winning
Sort of hard to say. Who is willing to die for Israel? If you win a war by sacrificing your children to Moloch did you really win? At the moment, Russia is winning.
On the right.
Load the lards into a plane and carpet bomb the enemy. The kinetic force of the colesterol should suffice for a staggering victory. No survivors. Potato chip oil everywhere.
Rather cheeky tonight ehh Portugal?
Reminder that if you serve in the US military and are not in a box you are a god damned anti-Semite.
I remember you from yesterday's thread
And your god damned ass will keep remembering me as long as we fight the god damned wars of the god damned kikes. Now get in the god damned box!!!!!!
Genghis Khan was a fully white Caucasoid.
In a nuclear war cockroaches and rats would win. In a non-nuclear conflict murcans would be beaten on the ground, but would have an upper hand in the sea.
Russian suit looks horrible
Dude doesn’t even have a lot of medals