What's the best charity to support with shit I was gonna buy anyway?
What's the best charity to support with shit I was gonna buy anyway?
Alexander Perry
Wyatt Brooks
your local volunteer EMS or fire department
Benjamin James
Anti-Defamation League
Liam Hernandez
NRA. Yes, they have them on there.
Tyler Perry
Landon Stewart
Planned Parenthood.
Juan Baker
Judicial Watch
Brandon Reed
nambla. trump as supported them for years. thats why he wont release his tax returns
Juan Hernandez
This one is interesting, but what have they done for me lately?
Isaac Walker
this is the only correct answer.
this is how you can actually make a change, support you local services / charities / institutions. choose one and support that as long as its local.
anything else is just throwing money away, no change whatsoever, only money going into the wrong pockets.