why are there more and more women radicalizing to the extreme left?
Why are there more and more women radicalizing to the extreme left?
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Society wide shit test. Just ignore them and they'll stop.
leftism is a revolt against civilization driven by women butthurt over monogamous marriage as it forces them to marry sub-9/10s and bars them from sorting themselves into harems
Women go feels over reals 9/10 times.
i think it's about attention
also this
theyre getting all cunty now that the majority identify as feminists
i feel bad for guys who have to put up with them either in work or relationships
It's directly correlated to the rise in soiboy bugmen. Women are natural followers, and in the absence of leadership will wander off on their own retarded endeavors.
They subconsciously realize most men are garbage and that society is shit. They know there is a problem with the world, but they don't have the situational awareness to pin down exactly what it is by themselves. So they turn to the academia that promises to reveal all.
They then sign up for women's studies or casually browse female oriented sites that feed them propaganda and convince them that they have the magic cure for everything, and it's presented in such a way they believe it was them ago who came up with all these great ideas.
To keep it short, the world is s degenerate shithole, everybody feels it but they are naive and vulnerable to propaganda.
24/7 jew media brainwashing from birth.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Because they are feminine.
Because the Left tells them they can fuck whoever they want whenever and make men pay for them and the costs of the consequences.
Women generally have more empathy.
because women are retarded
i-is that jeff magnum ?
Women have poorly focused empathy especially if they don't have children. This leads them to do retarded shit like vote for open borders and unlimited gibs.
It's not really women but more like our universities. How do i know this? Because i used to be a brainwashed leftist thanks to university - imagine the following:
>Go to uni
>Get apartment and filed with friendly roommates
>Uni halls everybody is nice and share everything with everybody else
>Parties all the time
>everybody is really friendly with each other
>Apartments and halls are full of diverse people from all races
>People read commie books and share it with you to read
Now, imagine this for 4-5 years. Then you go out to the real world and life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Start to read political and economic books from both sides of the spectrum and then you come to the conclusion leftism is shit. Terrorist attacks start happening, Muslims raping children, niggers mugging everybody etc.
Hers the thing, being a commie or leftist is truly a phase, it's kinda like a rebellious thing. Every single person i knew from uni are now either centrist or moderately conservative, the ones who stayed in academia are still commies but that's it.
You fuck them too little and don't beat them enough.
Women are just children at best
You explained modern men
Matter of fact, women are more alpha today than men
Indeed - don't they bring the money in now?
Wake up
Women walk around with the idea that life is a magical adventure for everyone but them and they are being actively denied it by men. They need the government to give them access to the magical adventure that should fairly be their birth right because men are refusing to do it. Thus they must go hard left as the right will not help them unlock the gates to the magic land.
Because it's not radical to submit to the TV, music, and mainstream everything.
Women are submissive by nature and designed to submit and surrender sexually to whatever they are told.
Most of them literally enjoy being raped (50 shades).
>more and more
It's actually less
This is a thing that has been known forever.
This has been known for ages.
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
Forgot to post the quote in the first post
It's okay, although you should have just left your post at that since we could have done without such a dumb quote.
Women are tired of being hit on by low rent scrubs.
they have options now, they are also tired of being raped and taken advantaged of.
More and more broken families, so they're easier for Jews/Marxists to indoctrinate and control.
>driven by women
They've never been driving any of it. They're clueless children.
All of those things are now a bigger problem than ever because of feminism/Marxism/progressivism.
i think the price to for them is no off spring for one or two generation of women.
Women evolved to raise children and not have any real authority outside their homes. When dealing with children, it's important to be authoritarian. Even when women can't achieve it on their own, for example due to being physically weaker than men, they seek someone to be authoritarian over them so that they feel protected. There's a reason it's called "the nanny state." The far left is really just the authoritarian left and it is inherently feminine.
>more and more
There aren't. Femenism is losing support.
>jeff magnum
It's mangum you cretin
Is this fresh August????!
I don't feel like this needs a thread to explain but I see you're memeflag so maybe so...
Liberal political talking points appeal to emotions
>think of the refugees
>think of the children
>think of the patriarchy!
Your women crave the big Liberal cock. They need gallons of Social democratic seed to fill their belies. When they get old and fat they settle down with a fat Conservative republican loser and pity fuck him once a year.
Meanwhile you are raising another man's child. A life long democrat voting chad. He will in turn cuck many many nra trump living repressed homosexuals and impregnate their wife's.
Lol pig fat eating American loser. Enjoy your second amendment while you can. The long unstoppable march of the liberal chad army continues
Leftism is driven by Chad, as it enables his optimal reproductive strategy: sexual liberation of women and muh independent womyn.
If women are free to choose who they have sex with, without any social, cultural, religious or legal restrictions, then Chad will obviously monopolize the pussy.
He can fuck around as he wishes and impregnate many females. Betabux Bill will often unknowingly and sometimes knowingly raise his offspring while Chad continues his novelty seeking pump and dump lifestyle.
>when she's squatting over a mirror telling herself; "It does not look like an Arby's Deluxe", it's pretty much over and she knows it
>she rode the cock carousel for decades
>every guy knows she's easy because she's addickted to cawk
>none of them see her as marriage material
>and she hit the wall; now no one pays her any mind
>she'll be the quintessential childless, bitter, old-maid cat lady
>butt at least she was independent and fought against the Patriarchy
I love her.
this is the future
B/c that's where the big black cocks are
Far-Left gives women money for popping out kids, more money if they are unmarried and pop out a kid, now wants to give them paid time off from their jobs if they pop out a kid, the government gives special grants and contracts to women-owned businesses, Far-left gives preference for when women apply to certain sector jobs, the Family Courts give the woman the kids in about 90% of all cases, women also get alimony, women also usually live longer and get access to Social Security for longer benefit periods.... the entire Left-Wing system is rigged in the woman's favor and she wants more of it
we have a shortage of men and abundance of bois
Anger at being denied white cock.
pic got me hard
they're easily manipulated
and attention whores
Feminism is a viral bio weapon
Femin Virus
this. And they get the confirmation they need from basedboys and their pseudo-intellectual marxist shit.
Woman are immensely weak to social pressure and the left is great at social shaming or making it emotional on top of this men dont care and give attention money and dick to any woman regardless of what she does or says (sorry for the lack of punctuation)
So many faggot virgins, women are the biological origins of Communism in human system. All systems that are Matriarchal are Communist by defacto.
>best system to enslave men
>women always obey whatever the social norm is
>women are incapable of giving a shit about men
They are the perfect enforcers of the globalist order.
Their segregation and hatred of men is a necessity, and the women are more then compliant when given more power over men. Ie Welfare, family court and generalized gynocentric biases that are being pushed to the extremes
Women are as much the enemy as the globalist power, and the white beta cuckolds who are the majority who follow
women without question
>KYS beta faggots
Because of arrention and proxy power they are offered
>Tries to look cool
>Writes "arrention" instead of attention
they say not to pull out knots in your hair, but mine come right out no pain no problem. am i the professor exaviour of hair.
(((You know)))
they secretly want hard-right D. they also want to be physically beaten by a right wing man. they get off on this OP, it's why their leftists to begin with.
Nice try Jesuit.
The left specifically targets women and indoctrinates them.
The right's only response is to insult and push away women in response.
It's as predictable as predictable gets.
Why is she so perfect lads? Edgy grills like this turn my dick diamonds. You just know she wants to get seeded by barbarian dong, even if she pretends to not want that.
But, fag, right in its entirety also beats women into submission with abrahamic religions
They replaced their husbands with Big Government.
attention whores are easily brainwashed
Mate, she's ugly AF. You just have a sub fetish don't you?
dumb over generalized ideals that promise anything and everything have that affect on the weak.
nothing personal toots.
maybe/ maybe not but thats irrelevant to the question. These things existed long before this 3rd wave got started. If you look at history, the things I have mention have been they catalyst for every wave of Feminism.
If men had some pride in themselves that didnt involve denigrating someone else by race, gender, orientation or religion and culture these extreme movements wouldnt exist.
White people becoming "alt-right" or embracing "white nationalism" is a response to the feeling of being slighted. Feminism is the same thing, the feeling of being slighted. Stop with the entitlement attitude towards anyone who is different and they will be more content with their lives and do less bitching. like I said, men need to learn how to have pride in themselves with out being assholes everyone else. Stop letting your dick and and egos rule your lives. Personal success and how you carry yourself should define pride. Not by race religion or gender.
can you please stop posting that retarded narcistic whore?
Its literal keekoldry, she e is a female version of catcher in the rye and naturally leftists so she hates you ergo you are a keek.
I know many girl IRL like her, totally boring personalities once you pass the photogenic face. dont be faggots.
I was hoping her and Owen secretly fell in love. Maybe in 2020, they will meet again and their shared passion will overcome their differences.
What's her name lads?
just think, if you assholes embraced a more MGTOW view without all the hate or anger towards women, maybe stop pretending the lack of success or failures in your life is attributed to some broad with a mouth piece and see how it can be improved by you and yourself alone.
Because they have no men in their lives, only sojajungen.
she's sitting in a never-cleaned car
just like her pussy
men are going to get marginalized in their own societies they will revolt and overthrow the government and put women back in their place
the women need techbetas to develop A.I. and robots as soon as possible to prevent this
She is too cute :3
my god you are pathetic
t. a literal jew
it's a good thing we have such a tight reign on you white liberal retards and keep you low-test. so much for the chad... no chad eats onions, no chad respects women. period.
you are a larping paid shill fuck and i hope your failed ideology will one day cost you your petty life.
because women have tiny brains
They radicalise to the left because of a lack of masculine, dominant men in their lives.
Struggling to find any real purpose with no man to guide them, they join fad after fad, desperately trying to find where they belong.
They only find cucks and betas in these ranks, so their destructive lifestyle continues, until they meet Chad who begins redpilling them off the bat.
TLDR: Women are stupid and need men to guide them.
They're not. You just take Jow Forums seriously and never leave your house. This literally isn't happening. You cherry pick stories and profiles to live in some kind of self-inflicted nightmare reality. Go outside and talk to people, even in a big city. This isn't happening.
Her head is so round. I want to encase it in plastic and use it as a bowling ball.
>he doesn't know
She's got a post on twitter confirming whomever made this was off only by about 4 years.
I like how she just carelessly took the cookies and ate them regardless. I used to be this careless, this much trust in my fellow humans. So pure. So sad. A modern tragedy.
This. They want you to tell them to shut the fuck up. You should try it, you'll be staggered at how wet it gets them if it's done properly.
Women want to be checked.
They don't have kids, so eventually the entire planet will be right-wing. Jews are too stupid to realize that. Women have had less selective pressure than men, that's changing.
They love being worthless skanks with lots of niggers to fuck
because it promises that eventually they won't have to work or take care of kids or really do anything they don't want to
it's not just a shit test. The Left in general redistributes resources and power from men to women in a variety of ways, it's not a mystery why women go for it.
Here's her twitter. It's pretty lame