I'd like WW3 to start soon...

I'd like WW3 to start soon. I know this is batshit crazy but as it stands it's the only way to clear out of this shit hole. I would never be accepted in the army in the first place, and it's gotten to the point where 40% of the youth is unemployed and the army is so full they wouldn't pick anyone. I'm just living on borrowed time, language majors are useless and in my country it's illegal to enroll into two courses at once, hence I'd love if it they forced conscription. I wouldn't care whether I lived or died, it'd be a one in a lifetime chance. It might be the only sure way to make some cash without going for slave-wage jobs, I could settle somewhere and lead a new life. My family is on the verge of divorce again but I know it's just the billionth time they argue without doing shit so I stopped caring. I might come back home to hear that my dad had passed away. I can clearly see that, I wouldn't mind, hell, same goes with my mom but at least she isn't the one starting fights. What are the chances of a global scale war breaking out?

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not very likely to happen user, even if msm likes to push outraging narratives, nuke profileration (think NK, Iran) diminishes the chance of WW, game theory and whatnot

sadness into rage and rage into self-improvement, giuseppe

become the change you would like to see, user

All these self improvement threads are just like threads asking you to grow a larger dick. Nobody cares about that outside and you're not going to assure yourself a decent future anyway.

Sadly for you OP it doesn't look like a standard world war will start anytime soon.

It's virtually impossible with the country sinking this low. I believe conscription to be the only way out.

Unironically start trading Forex.
Go to babypips.com

And check out Corrado Malanga

I'm piss poor sadly.

Also doesn't trading require math skills? I chose languages specifically because I'm a brainlet in math.