Ireland YES vote was (((RIGGED)))

I refuse to believe the Irish people voted for mass genocide of Irish babies. This was a rigged election.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This makes sense.

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No shit. Facebook helped rig the vote

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>I refuse to believe the Irish people voted for mass genocide of Irish babies
Why not? Every other (((brainwashed))) country did.


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Now now Bishop Brennan. Please remain calm. Wouldn't want to upset Mrs Doyle haha

Women can do no wrong, even while murdering.

big,...................................if true


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You know what's cringe? This new JIDF meme you kikes spam.

Shut up, our current abortion laws were actually dysgenic. Upper class women took trips to Britain whenever they needed an abortion, while knackers, immigrants and council housing welfare junkies continued to shit out more scumbag kids.

This is about the vote being manipulated not a discussion on abortion. Also nice try kike but your proxy doesn't change shit.

It wasn't rigged. This is why this whole situation is fucked and western civilization is fucked. We've reached a point where whites have been convinced to willingly pull the trigger on themselves.

Abortion is the norm now. It is legal in most developed countries.

I don't see how anybody can openly and shamelessly campaign to be pro-abortion. I saw a pic of a woman holding a baby with Yes badges on, how do these people live while having no regard for human life? I'm not even religious.

>There’s method in all of this. By depicting the founders of the Irish state as blood-crazed psychos, and the Catholic faith as an all-powerful religion of repressed, sadistic perverts, the Anglo-Zionist Irish media instill in the Irish people a crippling guilt about the very existence of their nation. And, needless to say, this form of psychic driving offensive dovetails perfectly with the mass-migration agenda. If you’ve been taught to believe your nation has no right to exist, why on earth would you fight its destruction?

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It was rigged and the tech companies helped to do it.

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Correct it was step one.

Yeah the vote was being manipulated, American "pro life" campaigns pumped millions into the No campaign and it all went down the fucking toilet lol.

They had a Indian homossexual prime minister.
It was all gone already.

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No white country where abortion is legal has a native population reproducing above replacement level, you faggot shill.

>forced meme

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The government media the radios newspapers were all 100% yes side propaganda full of baby killing sob stories and hard cases it was rigged from the start

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This is fucking bullshit. These tech companies are taking shit to a whole new level. First they delegitimize actual grassroots movements and coordination and dismiss them as bots. Next they clamp down on speech on their platforms in order to maintain control over what they want people to see, hear and absorb. Then finally these fucking kikes think they're God and want to shape the world as they see fit with their perversion of technology.

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>council housing welfare junkies
Genuinely can't imagine anyone in ireland NOT being this t b h

IBF picures and videos of irish wammens celebrating in the streets their right to murder their own babies.

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the bible predicted this

The girl who tried to shoot up YouTube HQ had the right idea. Someone NEEDS to hit kikebook or Google HQ an set the goddammed ball rolling just like the Arabs did Charlie Hebdo.

Why would (((they))) rigg it for a landslide though?
It would make more sense to make it a close result.
35% of the registered voters never voted and it has been an even higher percentage in previous referendums. A lot of people have no faith in the system.
The country is demoralized and this is the beginning of the destruction of Ireland. When shit gets worse, people will realize their mistakes. It will be a painful couple of years for us but we have to keep fighting whatever (((they))) push next.
This is our wakeup call.

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Go fuck yourself. That was an assassination attempt on the Crown Prince of SA.

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Russia hacked it, duh.

Believe it. Irish are the most bluepilled brain washed whites.

2 niggers just raped and kill a 14 yo girl, why the fuck did we follow the mistakes of every other white country?
Traitors must die.

call me satan but on the bright side this helps us in the long term

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Honestly think it's just redditfags that think if you post something ironically it becomes funny. Either way it's not and their just annoying faggots.

It's JIDF.

>Seo Linn

I see the Brazilian has class

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>get btfo
>omg the jews are hacking elections
lmao who does this sound like

>It's JIDF
>Not Ironic shitposters, that were doing it on /v/ and /tv/ before

>a plastic paddy, weighing in on irish politics
how surprising

It's JIDF because of retards like you trying their hardest to argue about it not being JIDF. You guys get super defensive when you're called out and actually cause the streissand effect.

The immigrants aren't the ones that'll be getting abortions you dumbass.

They don't even need a proxy now with memeflags


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>the bible predicted this

Okay, if the Irish were so fucking great, then all they have to do is for the Catholics to have so many children to instill their values in, and then revoke this vote.

>muh abortion will stop lower classes from breeding
get welfare and free housing for having kids.
You utter fucking mong.

>someone doesn't agree with you
you are just as much a faggot as those shrek posters.

Only JIDF would get so upset over someone being called JIDF.

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Yeah we're currently in the warzone between mega-corporations and governments, with religions jumping to whichever side benefits them. And the collateral damage to the empathy of society is immense.

More or less. I doubt this vote will have some huge effect on the TFR of Ireland. The UK is geographically small. My home state has very strict abortion laws, and is twice the geographic size of the entire UK, yet its neighboring state has very lax abortion laws, and still everyone just drives over to the neighboring state for abortions. You need to have kids yourself, and lots of em, and encourage other ethnic Irish to love themselves and their nation.

look it up, but this has happened in Ireland for centuries. Pregnant unmarried girls were sent to convent run hostels and starved until their babies miscarried.

Do you not see the futility of claiming someone is a member of any organisation on an anonymous image board especially when the basis for such a claim is that they don't agree with you 100%?
You're the problem with post election nu/pol/
It's nothing but a hive mind circle jerk devoid of discussion.

So pathetic you couldn't even get the gif to use

Ha ha do you no the way.

>You're the problem with post election nu/pol/

You let this happen.

>Without a middle class, by 2040 Ireland may well become a plantation economy again, just as it once was. Only this time it won’t be rural Irish peasants starving on the land appropriated by the English overlord class. Instead, it will be impoverished immigrants brought in to work the land, who will nurse their fury and their plans to make Ireland over into their image.

>And there will be no one to stop them.

>Today’s 30 year old purple-haired Dublin waitresses gleefully celebrating their right to kill their offspring? By 2050 they will be 62 years old, and after a lifetime of partying, porn and bitterness they will be at the mercy of an underclass that will be the majority – with no reason at all to spend a euro for pensions or healthcare for them.

This meme is nice because it makes it really easy to see these jidf shills.

Heh ya got me goy I'm a real candy-ass

The Irish have been taught to hate themselves and their babies by the Judeo-left. More dumb white goyim fooled by the jews

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ireland was always shit
now that it's getting better autistic poltards are screeching

>destruction of Ireland
already gone, it's just a vassal state of the EU and nothing more. Might as well be Luxembourg or something. You can't change shit.

Kys Praguer

any proof they were black

>my feels


They were Irish

>muh fee fees! MUH FEE FEES


Everytime I feel down I come here and I'm always entertained


>Irish are the most bluepilled brain washed whites

This is probably true. 2018 economically successful, but still somewhat homogenous tend to be the worst off.

as we've seen with Trump and Brexit, the losers never stop whining like babies if it's a close call

nor the council scum, they want the benefits too

Does anyone have the screencap of the guy talking about abortion being a mass ritual to satan?

>muh Padraig Pearse

Reminder that Sinn Féin/IRA have always been murdering children for political gain. It's just now that they're advocating it openly.

Home Rule was a globalist plot from day one.

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Literally everyone I know except 1 person said they were voting yes. Ireland in general is very left leaning, hell we don't even have a stereotypical "rightwing" party here. I didn't vote but I'm kinda glad Yes won because as soon as No conceded you could see all the pro-lifers drop their arguments about a child's life and the real motivations for their beliefs came to light, mostly religion and the church. Very hard to take lessons in morality from people following an organization that spent most of the 20th century raping and killing kids in this country.

I can't imagine anything worse than a mother who murders her own baby. God, what disgusting people.

>Still believing abortion is a bad thing.

You fuckers sure are retarded. Get your heads out of your fucking babyboomer cuckservative mentality for 2 seconds..

>Who has abortions? Minority women, sluts, thots, degenerates.

The world needs less of these, why the fuck are you trying to save their offspring?

>Women who have abortions run the risk of becoming sterile.

Well, women who have abortions are not fit to be parents anyway.

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>There isn't an global agenda.

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Completely agree

Minorities have abortions

And yet whenever abortion becomes legal, white birthrates fall bellow brown ones.

>I feel down


So your morality from the Jewish media? Most abuse happens in secular environments like state care and public schools, not the church, you gullible faggot.

Source? That could describe pretty much every White nation.

Militant Islam looks more promising by the day

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What bothers me most is that there was no shill storm. Not on Jow Forums, Reddit, or fagbook. No shill storm before during or after. This all happened too quiet.

better believe it bitch

i voted yes along with everyone i know.

>A disproportionately high number are black or Hispanic.

t. s()yboy beta

>Be Irish
>Get aborted

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And yours is from Jow Forums?
There is clear documented abuses of the church, there are mass-graves of kids and single mothers from church run sites constantly being uncovered, you can fucking drive to them and see them yourself, there are people still alive who went to them. It's easy to pretend the whole world fits your point of view when you don't even live in the country you're trying to discuss, ya leaf.


And for every one they abort, they have two more. Black illegitimacy rates have increased since abortion was legalised. Meanwhile, whites are having fewer children in general.

get the north out of this

I worked in Ireland for 4 months back in 2016. They are bluepilled as fuck. I had tons of conversations about guns since I was American. People constantly asking if I really had an AR-15, every single one of them shocked that I did.

Their media covered the USA presidential election as much as any USA media and it was 100% pro Hillary.

Their public transit had tons of leftist propaganda ads. The one that annoyed me the most was one saying to buy your parents a train ticket so you could control when they visit, that way they don't drop by and surprise you. The picture was of a red headed Irish guy and a nigger being caught in the middle of some homo-erotic cosplay where they were dressed as little kids in a kiddie pool wearing speedos.

The entire country is fucked and fully infected with the SJW marxist mind virus.

Bro, this is disgustingly wrong. Abortion rates, when put side by side by ethnicity, differ between races in the opposite way you mentioned. TFR suffers under abortion -- no one disputes this, but the extent of which the TFR by ethnicity suffers, differs by race. White birth rates, and especially conservative white birth rates, feel nothing really by abortion. Liberals and the increasingly urbanized non-whites in Canada and the US are the majority (probably something close to 80% in total) of abortions. Legal abortion is what is keeping NYC and America at large from becoming the next Africa. White birth rates drop because of modernity, which LEGALIZED (important to distinguish) abortion is only a symptom of. There are parts of the world that less white than the US, where abortion is completely illegal, yet have higher abortion rates. This is prevalent in South America and even Africa to some extent.