Be English

>Be English
>Life is worth less than a minority religion's mass produced books

Honestly bongs, I don't even want to shit on you, this just hits in the feels. Has the British empire really fallen this far, and is there anything that can be done to save it?

Attached: 1527330985974.png (1018x656, 625K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be American
>Send your kids to school
>Get shot
>Send your wife to the mall
>Get shot
>Go to work at Google
>Get shot
>Arrive at the hospital
>H-h-ere you go user the bill will be 500k tihihihi.
>Forced to declare medical bankruptcy
>Have to give up all of your possession you worked your entire for

Yep. Says a lot mate. Sad state of affairs.

I guess we both have some growing up to do Sweden.

you do know that the media is amplified tragedy? Do you? Most Americans don't get shot.

Not an argument, Achmed. We have our problems too but at least I'd like to think none would dive into a lake to save a gun over a kid.

>be Swede
>send kids to school
>get raped
>send your wife to the shop
>gets raped
>go to work downtown
>get firebombed
>arrive at the hospital
>sorry, we need to treat 300 people named Muhammad before we get to you
>forced to watch wife start a new life with Ahmed
>lose your children, your culture, and your country

alright now settle down, we don't need to have a dick measuring contest.

Are you really going to pretend like the two articles you've posted are comparable? Do you think the police belong to the same department or something? You're so retarded you seem to be incapable of conceptualising how these two examples you've provided have no connection whatsoever with each other or to the claim you're making.

Forget the kid, maybe he couldn't be saved. The fact that they would dive in for some fucking books just shows to be a culture of over the top appeasement.

Haha, you know what's funny about this. Not the fact that none of this is true. But that these thoughts are stem from your sub-conscious. You actively think about children and women being raped by migrants. Tell me, how does it feel to have a cuckold fetish?

Have you read articles about that incident or do you just read headlines from click-bait websites?

Be Sweden

Wont exist in 20 years

I've read the articles. They took the books out of the water because of environmental concerns. They didn't even know they were Qurans. Way to go. You keep disappointing me with your dumb posts. I hope mutts get banned.

Wow very original. Almost made me angry!

That's not a joke lad

British and Swedish police are worst in the world

Attached: British police d.jpg (1080x884, 65K)

>opinion discarded

Idk I guess you're just smarter than me. Congrats.

>Has the British empire really fallen this far,
It's in free-fall. There's no limit to how low it can go.
>and is there anything that can be done to save it?
Yeah, the natives going "far-right" and "racist" ensures an easy and swift turn around.

Nice meta projection

Becuase that's easy in a country that bans Lauren Southern for life for saying ''Allah is gay''

>A decaying body in the water sure does wonders for the environment.

Attached: 1523491858721.png (645x729, 105K)

Next time just read some non-biased articles. There are plenty of valid arguments you can make, but this is definitely not one of them.

>Illiterate therefore couldn't understand the words in the article saying they pulled him up
>Really thinks posting a meme will prove his point

Swedens would be bigger, because its a black dick now.

Arabs have tiny cocks though

Says the c u c k who denies reality. You guys are turning into schizos for all the anal raping by fucking shitskins.


PCSOs aren't policemen. They were also probably women. Meanwhile the other event had actual police officers who were also male attending meaning the incident got sorted quickly and efficiently.
That said the picture doesn't seem to be the incident. It looks like varied books rather than Qur'ans. The source is 'The Religion of Peace' which means it's probably as valid as CNN.

The kids body will have also been taken out just after his death.

>Be American.
>Walk the dog.
>Dog is well trained and follows without a leash.
>Walk across a road.
>Suddenly cops everywhere.
>Fumble and drop my coke.
>Policeman shoots my dog in fury.
>Can't do anything because it is their legal right to shoot dogs.
>Also don't want to get done for assault.
>Fall to my knees in sadness.
>The cops start singing the national anthem.
>Brought back to station.
>Get strip searched by three large men.
>Ass is now wider than a whore's.
>Found guilty on all three counts.
>Get sent to jail.
>At least they opened my ass wide enough for all these 'totally straight' black males.

You did well Sven.

Attached: 0FCFB11A-6D10-4A4C-9B51-557E7E1B905E.jpg (1242x565, 286K)

I honestly don’t understand why you try so fucking hard to deflect the fact that your women are being raped and your children are being killed/ disregarded by your own nations protectors.

Only niggers get shot by cops. Why would I care? School shootings? I’m a fucking adult. These problems don’t affect me. However you will always have to deal with a smelly man named Muhammad replacing you in the work force because you didn’t fight back when your leaders said you were worthless.

Muhammads don't work retard.

The headlines I've seen on Jow Forums about the UK made me never want to visit that country.

Thanks by the way.

This is Jow Forums, that’s all we do here.

Being agaisnt Islam is a crime in UK worst than being serial killer LOL