Notable events of the past few days includes, but is not limited to: >Over 200 earthquakes in the last 24 hours >Quakes are concentrated inland near the crater matching "long period volcanic earthquakes" indicating likely eruption ( >lava lake has drained below the surface, pressure within the magma chamber rising >level of the magma chamber is currently unknown >steam pressure is currently building in the chamber, similar to the 1924 eruption >massive and rapid expansion of the summit vent over the past days >currently 24 fissures open, not all active >fissures 16-20 and 22 have joined >active lava flow at fissure 20, has reached ocean, HCL and glass particles now pose a major health risk. >highway 137 cut off, widespread mandatory evacuations could begin soon >Kike-owned extraction geothermal plant in area, lava flows entered property, majority of wells shutdown >current status of alert is red warning, major event imminent >first injury occurred 19th, faggot got hit in the leg with a lavabomb >intense hell rivers, eruptions & eerie blue methane flames >Scientists baffled by huge mass of great white sharks gathering in the mid-pacific between Hawaii and the west coast >@CA, Swimming probably wont help anymore.
>until a 6.4 hits we can all feel it. it's coming put me in the screencap
Sebastian Roberts
for anybody who missed it, I've been looking into the operation of the Puna power plant and tryning to overlay that with seismic activity; problem is it's very hard to find exactly when this palnt has been online and when it' isn't. Here's a timeline I found: >1960s: Interest in geothermal energy production at Kilauea is sparked by the high cost of imported oil for power generation. Several shallow wells are drilled by private industry, but only reach low termperatures.[13]
1976: The first operational well (HGP-A) is drilled to a depth of 1,968 m, hitting temperatures of 356°C.[11]
1978: The Geothermal Resource Assessment Program is initiated in Hawaii.[7]
1981: A 3 MW experimental wellhead power plant is connected to HGP-A and successfully operated at a 95% availability factor.[7]
1987: Data from shallow wells, HGP-A, and other deep geothermal exploration wells are integrated by the USGS to form a preliminary conceptual model of the Puna hydrothermal system.[14]
1989: The Puna Geothermal Venture begins construction on a geothermal power generation project in the East Rift Zone.[7]
1989: Ormat Technologies purchases Puna Geothermal Venture with plans to further develop the resource.[11] cont
Jordan Moore
1990: More than 1,500 people gathered at a drill shit to protest geothermal development at Kilauea.[9]
1991: After 10 years of setbacks from environmental permitting and regulatory issues, True Geothermal Energy begins drilling their first exploration wells in the Kilauea East Rift Zone.[7]
1990-1991: The State of Hawaii sponsors the Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) program to drill and core several research holes to facilitate geologic investigations deep beneath the Kilauea East Rift Zone. SOHs 1, 2, and 4 are drilled at Kilauea Volcano, providing constraints on the structure, porosity, hydrothermal mineralization, and geothermal temperature gradient within the geothermal system.[15] [16] [17]
1991: A blowout occurred during the drilling of Puna Geothermal Venture’s KS-7 and KS-8 wells. As a result, the state of Hawaii revoked all geothermal drilling permits in the area, forcing True Geothermal Energy to abandon their exploration efforts.[6] [7]
1993: Ormat begins commercial production of 27 MW at the Puna Geothermal Venture facility.[11]
2005: Drilling resumes in the Kilauea East Rift Zone, with Dacitic magma encountered at 2,488 m depth during injection well drilling.[11]
2011: Ormat completes an 8 MW expansion of the Puna Geothermal Venture facility. The expansion brought the maximum production capacity of the facility up to 38 MW.[8]
2013: Hawaiian Electric Light Company requests proposals to add 50 MW of new geothermal power generation capacity at Kilauea.[18] if you notice, this thing went live in '81 and the longest occurring volcanic eruption started 2 years later in '83. dafuq? Yes, they have inadvertently been fracking effusive lava with "steam and other condensates" for 35 fucking years. we may be reaping the rewards of that mishap soon. If anybody can help find info on when this plant was operational it would help; it goes offline alot. I believe if we overlay seismic data with plant operations we may find a pattern. Just a thought
Henry Evans
It's coming.
Eli White
My first post after 3-day ban because S O Y mods can't take the bantz.
True. Haven't seen any proper skateboards for like 10 years here, forgot they even exist. Some people (mostly hipsters though) use longboards and shortboards, but only for transportation. Wasn't it cool in the 00s with all those proskaters, Jackass and Viva la Bam?
William Kelly
It will happen today, against all CODS. Everyone will be SURFPRISED. Soon we will conquer ANEMONE. California will be WHALE and truly fucked.
some really heavy duty looking trucks on the board and weird shape so I'd assume it's probably a longboard or something.
Camden Roberts
Never Summer Reaper V2 longboard It was pretty cool. However, beaten path longboarding (enthusiast lifelong longboard transportation), which is harder than marineboarding and even sealboarding remains relatively unheard of. Even with the foreign fuel circumnavigation, carrying of your board, and known spiritual rewards involved.
No, it will not happen today because Monday is a national holiday so the death toll will be much greater. Today and tomorrow are all about edging for the GRAND FINALE.
I knew it! I haven't skated since the late 90s but I knew that board shape was weird as fuck (had to be a long) and those trucks were way to heavy for doing tricks.
My closest point to skating was playing tony hawk games and owning a fingerboard, though instead of playing with it I preferred to do skateparks for it with friends. The culture was awesome though. The TV shows, the games, the music, liked everything about it, except, well, skating. I don't even know how to ride a bike and am too clumsy for that sort of activity.