You are f****** weak!

The instructor may face a court martial after footage emerged of him screaming at the recruit, reducing her to tears

> Woman goes to military
> Goes through basic training like any male soldier ever.
> Drill Instructor makes her cry

Let's sue Drill Instructor for X Billion moniez and let's make a feminist outcry out of it.

> mfw

> Archive ( is down for me?):

Attached: Betrayed-by-her-own-corporal-Foul-mouthed-Army-instructor-faces-court-martial-after-his-video-of-fe. (615x906, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are women allowed in the fucking military?
We need a roasty genocide

is is embarrassing

bah, it is*

Always thought you couldn't sue the military

Women should never be allowed in any situation where they are dependend on their physical form (except if they can pass MALE standards).

I don't even want female police officers. They just cannot handle situations.

I am totally OK with females doing non-confrontial jobs like meter reading or administrative stuff, but they should obviously earn less for that comfy job.

It's the UK. Not the US.

No, we should encourage them to join. When they get their legs blown off they'll reconsider feminism themselves.

... while taking half a dozen white knights down with her.

furthermore proves that women should stay in the kitchen


>be trained to go to war
>cry when someone yells at you

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Didnt we had something similar in our pathetic Bundeswehr? Just that it was a guy who cried? Like come on its part of experience to get screamed at and shit. I really expected this and would have been dissapionted with some sissy approach.

Everyone who thinks going to the military should watch Full Metal Jacket and if thats not to the likeing just stop. I really wanted a mean seargent screaming at me. Would have been boring otherwise. My Zugführer was a manlet but he made up for it with effort and load voice.

Drill Instructors have been cucked for a long time since post Vietnam war. If you think they're like Full Metal Jacket you're very wrong. They just follow a script and don't deviate from it.

Just fucking nuke us already. The white race doesn't deserve to live.

And this is why Women shouldn't serve in the Military

Fine by me. Stop trying to protect women. Let them have full equality. They will beg for it to go back once they start getting conscripted.

Women have nothing to do on the battlefield, but christ's sake, the instructor is not pro, quoting a movie, and he sounds retarded.

Women shouldn't serve anywhere where muscle is needed.

This 100%. Women never wanted actual equality.
Force strong independent policewomen them to police entire areas without men to call for backup. Force strong independent firewomen to put out a blaze without men to lean on.
For thousands of women down the mines and into the sewers and onto building sites to end the horrific gender inequality of these industries.

Women will turn against equality overnight. They'll be begging to be chained up to the kitchen instead of conscripted into the infantry.

It's not fine by me. They might fall on their own face but they drag other people down with them


Have you ever been in the military? It's the same everywhere. I was in the Bundeswehr, German military, and our instructors used the same "tricks". We of course knew that, and we didn't take it to heart, unlike that woman. In fact we laughed at it frequently but only when nobody of higher rank was around.

Anyone who lets a useless woman drag them down is exactly the kind of white knight who's been propping these bitches up for so long.
Of course women can't be good soldiers, or police officers, or firefighters. But everyone's been fed the delusion that they can because any time they encounter something that would actually challenge their abilities, a man steps in to protect them from reality.

Take it a step further and just male all-female Companies, and send them into battle.
When a couple dozen mangled bodies are all that's left maybe people will finally get reality into their thick, delusional skulls.

There were times of course after walking 30 km with full gear when you couldn't really laugh about it and just wished death to your instructor, but that was normal , and aafter a good night of sleep (even only 4 hours) you saw it in a different light.

I remember my times in the military with a good light today.

Bin that drill instructor

what this was OUR military?
holy fucked i knew things were bad when tranny got unbanned, we need to make calls

It's pretty obvious for any semi rational person to see. They only moan about not having enough female CEOs or politicians. Never heard anyone complain there's not enough female soldiers and coalminers. We should push true equality.

My DI kicked our asses at Parris island back in 03. Just heard from a buddy of mine who went AF that the DI’s now ask for permission to touch you to even demonstrate a combat maneuver
Seriously, what the fuck

First step: Bin that meme flag.

>Never heard anyone complain there's not enough female soldiers
Oh they do. But only that there's not enough female high ranking officers.
Meanwhile the gender inequality in the KIA lists are perfectly fine.

>Bin that harsh tone of voice officer

I agree.

Unfortunately nobody does that. Women get everything on a silver platter.

How do we fix that?

nah, why make your army weak with women?
You're begging to lose

Sad. In the US?

Well she proved him right on being weak... Just like their entire nation. Holy shit that video is hilarious.


Truly pathetic shit on display here this is a prime example of why women shouldn't be involved with any actual combat except as a last resort.

toss the silver platter away and tell them to fetch it themselves

The point was always that he breached protocol by sharing the video on social media you dense fag.

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That's not only a problem in the military.

Nobody ever asks for the same percentage of women in waste management for example.

Yes, although severity of boot camp may be on a spectrum here since AF is more known as the “softer” branch

you can sue any individual in the military

Not sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, it reduces military readiness. On the other hand, when the UK becomes part of the European Caliphate, the mongs will inherit an incompetent military.

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I don't get it? Why should he be in trouble for exposing weak women unfit to be soldiers?

women should fight other womens over womens issues, and men can fight men over mens issues.
problem solved.

I always admired you (US) guys for your military. Even with women. I think about that webm where a veteran with a missing arm and a missing leg climbs an obstacle faster than any of the female recruits.

Please don't tell me they are getting soft in the american forces under Trump?


You don't understand my statement.

A military instructor in commando operations has the task to grind moral of the troups and push them to their limits, indeed.
"show me your war face" comes from FMJ and that's not professional, you wont make me think possible that instructors call you kikes or gooks on the sessions.
They can humiliate, but seriously, quoting a fucking movie ... ??

Is this a comedy or a serious training for civilians who will protect their fellow ??

And yeah, a man humiliating a women (and liking it I can tell you) in a mandatory training is weird for me, hence my statement : women have nothing to do on the battlefield.

this all makes more sense now. I haven't seen the video itself, but I was under the impression someone took a video of him doing it. Not that he uploaded a video of himself while a recruit broke down. That is unprofessional. Not that she broke down, but that he humiliated her on social media by uploading it. Punish privately, praise publicly.

Show me your war face has been around far longer than FMJ

How did someone get a camera in BMT?

That's the funny thing. I know they are not allowed to touch you. I know they are only meant to yell at you (and for your own good even).

It was the exact same thing as in the US in the German Bundeswehr, but a bit more cicilized (less screaming, but more insulting. Like most was actually aimed at being unable to satisfy women when I was in the military).

Those threats were of course ludicrous, because I knew exactly how well I was able to satisfy women, but I guess there

This is the german military mind you.

>quoting a fucking movie
>the movie came before basic training
the movie was based on real life, not the other way around

So this whole thing wouldn't have even touched me.

I don't know how much you guys in the US put behind those yells (maybe you get demoted???? Idk) but for me that would have been very hard to endure because I would have had to try to not laugh out straight.

Really the hardest thing would have been to keep a straight face. I was pretty experienced in that at that point though.

Thank mate. And I wouldn’t know because my MOS during my time was overwhelmingly majority men thus being mindful about politically correct statements were an issue. But I do know that in the past few years there’s been a huge increase in mandatory sensitivity trainings and seminars

Didn't know that, my bad.

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>a huge increase in mandatory sensitivity trainings and seminars


were not* an issue

This is how you end losing wars, when you start sending unprepared men and women to fight against people who have nothing to lose.

Rare Estonia with the truth

That sounds too retatded to be true. As a recruit, you can be kicked out any time for being a weak sissy. Especially for that. Drill instructors have no legal obligation to be nice

>Drill instructors have no legal obligation to be nice

Looks like in the UK they do (now)...

this is all part of the plan to tear down western civilization:

1) push for women and problematic minorities to be in institutions they don't naturally gravitate towards
2) wait for the inevitable problem to happen
3) swoop in and help them sue to further destabilize the institution

it's like clockwork. it's all about tearing down the existing social infrastructure that was built. it can't survive internal subversion, which is why women and problematic minorities causing issues is so effective

>court martial for doing his job
just nuke great Britain already

Filthy phone posting leaf

this is why fifty years down the line it will be slavic troops conducting military operations in germanistan and the eurabian caliphate.

I went through our military basic training once in 2007 and I am thankful we hadn't had Youtube at that time in that amount that we do have it today, because now there would be no way I would pass any DI/DS rules anymore.

The more Drill Instructor / Drill Seargeant videos I see the more I have to laugh.

Fortunately basic training as already more than ten years away.

She's supposed to scream YES SGT, and have a battle buddy nearby, she was all alone by herself.

>be drill sgt in Her Majesty’s Army
>make female puke cry
>entire country is outraged
>testify at court martial
>”yes guvna oi may ‘ave raised me voice”
>Barrister Patel recoils visibly
>”enn-less yew ‘ave good reason as to woy yew ‘ave co’mitthed such a croime...”
>Call to prayer interrupts court
>drill sgt unrolls prayer mat, kneels facing east
>entire courtroom gasps
>female recruit charged with possession of severely Islamophobic illegal opinions
>raped to death in jail by paki guards

women ruin everything.

that's a good corporal

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Retard reditor talking shit like they think they know everything when they're just clueless as usual. Fucking faggot fuck off

>Fired for filming not shouting
We did this last month, niggers.


females can actually make good pilots. Ground combat anything should simply not be available as a choice for female recruits for more reasons than their physical ability.

That isn't us. Brits, isn't it?

Retarded fgts who never served a day not understanding that the point of basic training like that is to maintain a high stress environment to try and (psychologically) replicate the impact of war upon a recruit with the intention of sorting the wheat from the chaff. There is a reason why anyone that will ever tell you about recruit training will tell you its all a game.

Not making your bed perfectly isn't a big deal anywhere else but recruit training, why? because making such a tiny thing a big deal induces stress and teaches recruits the importance of following orders on such a tiny simple level.

Bayonet training is all about teaching trainees how to engage in 'controlled aggression', usually its part of an obstacle course, and you will be fucking tired and sore by the end of it. The goal is to continue the fight and maintain your aggression, otherwise IRL you are dead.

tl;dr that war face shit, getting called weak etc is an attempt to motivate the girl into getting angry, into being aggressive and pushing through the bayonet course.

BUT the stupid fgt CPL shouldn't have recorded and uploaded that shit. Hopefully that's the reason he's getting in trouble, and not the coddling SJW faggotry that the media is pushing surrounding this story.

>actually does the "SHOW ME YOUR WARFACE" schtick
>gives a couple of seconds of false security when she breaks down
>just to bait her and start shouting at her again
Absolutely based, being a drill sergeant must be fun

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no you can't you dumb bitch, it'll get dismissed by motion because of sovereign immunity

I was about to say what will this cunt do if she is ever sent off to war? Then I remember they always make sure to get knocked up right before deployment so they don't have to go.

Pretty sure he's not allowed to record and publicize this shit


Fuck off Shlomo.

>females make good pilots

Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that this got filmed in the first place? You can just use Facebook Live or Snapchat or whatever during basic training in the army over there like you're waiting in line a fucking Starbucks?

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>Be burgermutt
>Get shot

I wish I would beat the living shit of of any burgermutt I across by.

As long as there's desperate beta cucks in the world who will do anything but assert there dominance (because they're too scared) then this will never end.

At my primary school we once had a police officer come in and give us a taste of what police training was apparently like. He said WAY worse stuff than this, minus the swearing. He called kids weak, stupid, fat, anything. Be even singled out a couple of kids, myself included, and chewed them out in front of the rest. I survived that as a kid, this woman is a grown fucking adult.

Based German

kek, what a shamalamatwist

Oh no! A mean man yelled at me.
I would never have joined the army if I thought it was going to be unpleasant or full of meanies!

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Nice job over-simplifying what happened in order to make people angry. The instructor is in trouble because he filmed her without her permission in a trying moment, which is disrespectful to the recruit and unprofessional of the CO.
>inb4 my instructor filmed me and it was fine
The British army must have different standards for ethicacy, I don't know.

I guess beating is your only option, since your (((European union))) has relieved you of your right to carry anything sharper than a crayon. Im looking forward to your upcoming civil war and eventual forced conversion to serve the caliphate.

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I've been working in the construction trades for the last 15 years. I've only seen like 3 women working in any of the trades. One was cute and floated by because she was a slut too, the other two were miserable bull dykes who didn't know a hole from their ass.

oh god I am grateful I read the thread and got this far.
I'd be so fucking ashamed of any American military woman who couldn't take the rigors of basic training. they have to make a FIT fighting killer out of you, so suck it the fuck up buttercup or go back to the kitchen.
But the UK is cucked 10 times of sideways so

wait isnt the stereotype of basic training being screamed at? wtf do they think they signed up for..