Rentier capitalism is killing America

Why are wages low but housing so fucking expensive Jow Forums?

Cities have plenty of room and plenty of unoccupied housing. Why not tax unimproved value of the land a building sits on to make it an economic detriment to hold more than you can make productive use of?

Go to google and you'll find tons of vacant space in large "expensive" cities.
Why? Because some rentier leech wants a return on an investment without having to produce a thing. The only reason he can charge such an exorbitant amount for rent is because the people in the surrounding community, via industry and ingenuity, have driven up the value. In my eyes that extra he scrapes off should be taxed and returned to the people who made the gain possible in the first place.

>hurdur move innawoods
Rentiers that want something for nothing are the biggest contributor to urban sprawl and the upwards pressure on housing prices in rural areas as well. The increasing land prices makes it harder for farmers and everything else good in the countryside.

Isn't it time for a land value tax?

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Supply must exceed demand, of course there are unoccupied housing. That's a good thing, if there were more unoccupied housing the prices would be lower.

Foreigners on welfare are the worst rent seekers.

>Supply must exceed demand

Isnt it fair to say the supply of land is fixed? Unless you count those sad islands in dubia

The supply of buildings is not.

how do you plan to buy a house

Mommy's money.

But im suggesting taxing the unimproved value of land not the buildings as we currently do

then you have no worthwhile contribution to this thread

You're proposing disincentivising the supply, limiting it and thus driving up the prices aggravating the problem. Your politics are weak.

Ad hominem.

the supply is fixed of land is fixed fool

the supply of buildings is not fixed

but i dont want to tax the buildings i want to tax the land itself. By not taxing the buildings im making it easier to build them

Rent is a bubble and will collapse with the rest of the economy, or with the nation itself, if the state refuses to let it crash.

The economic method to purge poor people from cities. Also policy to protect the rich.

>Why are wages low but housing so fucking expensive Jow Forums?
It's a mix of things. Lots of people are now contractors and freelancers so they don't have stable job security or decent compensation. For housing it's a combination of local building regulations and that developing housing for lower income people is not a good business idea.

Pay close attention to the housing companies that (((rebrand))) their business.

They usually hike up rent after they've evicted all the poor people.

There are too many people all trying to live in the same place. Maybe megatropolis isn't such a hot idea.

A land value tax will just raise prices and the proceeds will be used by the government to lower the standard of living.

Because it's impossible to build anywhere thanks to stupid zoning laws and NIMBYs.

I wonder what kind of crazy legal structures are imposed on them that they would need to evict people before they could raise rent to the market price.

Also any income made from letting your property is already taxed so I don't know what the fuck you are proposing.

A lot of cities have rent control that protects sitting tenants.

It's easy, usually it goes like this.
1.) Preparing for rebrand.
2.) Raise rent on lease renewals.
3.) Can't pay, get evicted.
4.) Rebranding takes place.
5.) Rent is higher already.
6.) Bye bye poor people.

>tax the buildings i want to tax the land itself.
Property is already taxed? Are you 12 years old?

>Why are wages low but housing so fucking expensive Jow Forums?

Mass immigration = lower wages and more demand for housing.

Yet you'll see that leftist media universally blames "gentrification" for the rising rents, not the tens of millions of extra poor people that crowd into the cities.

Capitalism is not a sustainable form of economy.
It demands constant growth.
It destroys borders, culture and race in its path.
The end game is that very few people own everything.
It has to collapse of it will destroy all resources on earth.

Why are wages so low?
>Outsourcing of jobs to increase profits/globalism
>Larger workforce supply due to inorganic population growth while demand remaining constant
>Companies using loopholes to pay below minimum wage to immigrants
>Degrees are less valuable as more people go to university - essentially the value 'dilutes' so you need to upgrade to a masters or PhD

Why is housing expensive?
>More people in workforce than previous generations and so demand for housing has increased but supply is stagnating
>Governments and contractors allow foreign governments/rich clients to buy houses (Happens in London, not sure about US) thus reducing the supply and will use this for rent income

The points i made are simply summaries, economies are very complex and nobody can know with one hundred percent certainty about what causes the problems we have but the points i made are agreed upon by most economists and studies done by financial think tanks.

There will be no collapse because there such thing as deficit.

Debt is just a number to rich people. Nothing more than another expense.

Unless we find another way to know what to produce and how to allocate (distribute) the production through certain mechanisms with the limited amount of resources the Earth has, then Capitalism is the best we have, obviously regulated Capitalism works best. Capitalism is rather good at knowing what to produce and where to distribute due to price mechanisms and allowing the free market (general populous) to decide what they want instead of a central planner - all we have to do is find a way to do this but not allow massive wealth inequality and poverty. Socialism and Communism wouldn't really be able to function unless there are an almost infinite amount of resources or/and the central planner were some super-intelligent person who knew people needs and wants.

The reason our property values are spiked is due to foreign (mostly chink) buyers in Canada. Build a house, sell it to one if the countless millionaire chinks trying to get their money out of china, profit. Selling our country to china one property at a time.

So rich people getting richer.

>more taxes
Most people already work 5-6 months out of the year just to *afford* to pay their tax rate.

I dont understand, owning a business doesnt function any differently than owning property. You sit around and accrue wealth based off of your investments.

Oh, well that makes perfect sense.
If people want to ensure permanent residency then they should own, not rent.

at the expense of everybody else

Sometimes I really wish I were an idiot simpleton like yourself and could just think complex problems had simple causes and solutions. What an amazing world that would be to live in

any system that works against markets will fail as it is the medium in which wealth materializes but it isn't the driver of wealth. A misconception that festers in the false dichotomy of capitalism/communism

Markets should be beholden to the collective as the right to its existence is derived from the collective. For example better social equity and institutions

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