Canada is not worthy of true Anglo status

>UK flag has red, white, and blue
>US flag has red, white, and blue
>Australian flag has red, white, and blue
>New Zealand flag has red, white, and blue
>Canadian flag has red and white
It is painfully obvious that Anglo countries need all three colors to reach greatness in this world. With all three colors; the UK managed to control a third of the world, the US managed to control almost the entire portion of North America and is the guide of all the countries on the continent, Australia managed to control New Guinea and establish themselves to be the leader among the Asian nations, and New Zealand is home to great scientific achievement. When Canada had all three colors they managed to fend off the American invasion of Canada in the War of 1812 and now with two colors they allow Justin Trudeau to play dress up and destroy Canada socially and economically.
Why have CANZUK when you can have USANZUK?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Our flag is red and white like England's

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In fact the only reason the uk flag has blue in it is because of Scotland.

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Wait since when is US anglo?

since it’s creation

But werent there more german and other european migrants than anglos?

Scotland wants to leave the UK anyway and if they do, the new flag will look like this. Red & White suddenly makes sense.

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Yup, should replace it with israel

because the leaf flag is an imposter, this is the real one

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lol they aren’t going to change the union jack. the leaf flag is a shit imposter

yeah, just like in canada, australia and new zealand

So then how were they anglo then?

>lol they aren’t going to change the union jack
If Scotland leaves they will. There's a good chance they will leave by 2025

The German meme is pure propaganda
>However, demographers regard this as a serious undercount, as the index of inconsistency is high and many if not most Americans from English stock have a tendency (since the introduction of a new "American" category in the 2000 census) to identify simply as "Americans"[6][7][8][9] or if of mixed European ancestry, identify with a more recent and differentiated ethnic group.[10] In the 1980 United States Census, over 49 million (49,598,035) Americans claimed English ancestry, at the time around 26.34% of the total population and largest reported group which, even today, would make them the largest ethnic group in the United States.[11] Eight out of the ten most common surnames in the United States are of English origin or having possible mixed British Isles heritage

Attached: The United States is still Anglo.png (1839x236, 46K)

no, they aren’t going to change it, even if scotland leaves, that’s my point


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But you had millions of germans,italians,irish and other europeans migrate there making the original english people a minority, so my question is how can you say you are anglo then.

another imposter

because it was founded by anglos

yes they will. It makes no sense to keep a flag of an independent nation that's no longer part of the union on your flag.

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we aren't.
we are just kinda in our own little group.
we have no ties to bong fags.

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Fake and gay.

But when it comes down to demographics they were no longer majority when the US in its current form was made.

this was literally what our flag wouldve been had the liberals not rigged the process..

makes no sense from an autistic point of view

>No ties to Britain
>Was literally a British colony
Wew lad

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the real flag is the red ensign

>has more in common with an ethnic brit than like half the US
>no ties to bongs

ssshhh don't tell them.
that never happened.

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Red like the old USSR and PRC, white because you are surrender monkeys

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It’s another episode of Americans thinking their opinions actually matter

Sorry sweetie you are all fat retards and the world does not take your uneducated opinions with any serious salt

Canada will be an empire

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the maple leaf flag has been the national flag for over 50 years now. No one gives a shit about the red ensign. It was boomers who changed the flag in the first place.

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If you consider China making you a province then yes, you will.

>fat retards

im not talking about you leaf

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You'll be a territory of Canada

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>In 1958, an extensive poll was taken of the attitudes that adult Canadians held toward the flag. Of those who expressed opinions, over 80% wanted a national flag entirely different from that of any other nation, and 60% wanted their flag to bear the maple leaf.

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Yeah and then we Talibanned those Crowncucks, what's your point?


Yeah we had millions but Anglos are still the largest demographic, it even says.

Ah I see, you follow Trudeau school of thought were you defeat your enemy if he kills you.

leave US out!

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romanians beat the shit out of communists and turks in the past, let's make them into special military units like the gorkhas instead of subjugating them

Shut up Isreals bitch

But desu other flags are pretty lame too. America's flag is just stripes and stars, Japans flag is just a red dot, etc

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hate to say it but you shouldn't have changed it

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Do you really want me to link American obesity stats, is that what you want retard?

at least it's easier to draw now.

>Americans>Niggers and spics

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The Brits could care less about us. They believe that they're superior to their colonies and put themselves ahead of us. They didn't care that Canadians sacrificed its soldiers during ww1.

Americans aren’t even people anymore, they are a new breed of obese retards who worship black atheletes while saluting the flag they don’t support lmao

What an ugly fucking flag

never seen so many salty leafs in one thread

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>leafs are just now understanding this

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He means Anglosphere, the only countries that are ethnically Anglo are England and arguably Australia.

Canadians have to be some of the most perpetually delusional passive aggressive faggots on the planet...90% of your population and infrastructure is less than 100 miles from our border. You are a hologram of the US beer sports Walmart culture, minus free speech and gun rights and you dislocate your shoulder reaching for explanations as to why this is a good thing; sad

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but we have guns we just don't take them to school. We use guns for hunting deer and sport.

It's colour scheme is atrocious.

Whatever you say Winston al London Turbani

You have nothing even close to resembling castle doctorin or stand your ground laws; guns are as useless as a football bat if you can't use them dumbass

we try not to kill each other over petty things. Now I know in the us ya'll kill eachother over a grilled cheese sandwich but that just doesn't happen here.

We have a nigger problem not a gun problem; stop referring to our Cro-Magon's like they are people

Half of Scotland is Anglo you retarded leaf

Less violence in Canada; get fucked. You have 35 million people spread across a country nearly the size of would be more intellectually honest to compare yourselves to upstate New York or North/ South Dakota...Snow Mexicans have no self awareness

No you retard.
German has significant migration but not nearly as much as Britain

The South is still pretty much as it was in colonial times. Mostly Anglo with some german and french

Your lack of education is showing.
English colours are red and white.
Keeping the blue off the Canadian flag was an Anglo slap to the face of Frenchy and the eternal Scot.
Canada is if anything hyper-Anglo, but you will never make it in the Britosphere.

I'm sorry you don't like reality

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"anglo status" is something to be ashamed of

prove me wrong

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>Being the finest specimen God ever created is something to be ashamed of

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fuck dude this guy has some points. criminals can easily get guns here if they want to. we do have less crime in general, but i dont think its matters about the guns its just really looked down upon here and people generally try their best not do violent crime. but it still exists quite a bit

>unironically liking the same people who did nothing but lie and backstab us in our nations infancy and actually being proud of having filthy an*lo genes
fuck off shitskin

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