UK weather WARNING: Met Office issues ‘danger to life’ alert


>Between 00:00 Sun 27th and 06:00 Mon 28th

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Other urls found in this thread:

>danger to life

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>Up to 80mm of torrential rain could fall and "severeā€ thunderstorms, hail and gales threaten, risking transport delays, flooding, road closures and power cuts.

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i hope it is gods punishement
Gott strafe england

that was not nice, i'd beast him within his fucking life and i have a locience for that.

wtf is wrong with you people?

>danger to life
What is it? Something more than a mild trickle?

Bongs die like flies the second anything remotely difficult happens. Oh is it 30 degrees C? Thousands dead. Same if it goes below -5.

A storm dangerous to the UK wouldn't even register as a stiff breeze anywhere else in the world.
The pampered babies


you know what if we manage to pull this off we gonna kill all you incels that hate on women, do you know that?

It happened. I'm just reminding you this planet is hell.

so go back to r9k or what ever hell hole you came from.

We can't handle much, but we've mastered surviving rain.

i will kill you all you worthlessfucking basedface faggots

Fuck off samefagging white knight.

Oh LIGHTNING. You're well an' truly snoggered now aintchu?
I wonder how many will die of fright for experiencing the horror of thunder.

come at me, no you won't you need to inflict violence upon women because you're a weak faggot.


i work out daily, and ex military i would fucking smashing you all over the place... fucking meme flag faggot.

It's God's wrath for the absolute state of Britain. Take advantage of it and get shit done for Tommy.

Fast, revoke the EU referendum to get security!

you're mentally ill smug cunt. fyi I've never hit a woman. but you can only think about it after seeing 2 gifs. Tells me everything about you, sick faggot. kys.

The cucked, labour voting, mudslime overrun south is being drenched in acid rain while the Conservative, White North is being spared? Maybe there is a god after all...

fake and gay
look at the way she falls
she wasn't surprised by the hit

Seriously. I see the type of storm in about every other week. This isn't that dangerous. Pretty comfy though.

They're also clearly fake foam pl8s based on how they move.
Also, they're fake foam pl8s the one doing "squats" is clearly an instagram gym thot

>80 mm. 3.4 inches

Why is England so weak

why you thing its funny though when its not? You are the scum that makes us look bad piss off.

You don't belong here.

God is punishing Ireland

Shut the fuck up you boomer faggot. You are as bad as those cunts who get upset when some mutt is hurt but does nothing when his Race is fucked.

Stop stroking yourself of an obscure imageboard, you utter cunt.

Stop assuming you fucking moron, you are brainless smug cunt, and an idiot. Fuck off of the internet, or I'll report you, stupid cunt.

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boomer? I'm 37 mate, I just had enough of you pricks ruining my fucking image, who the fuck are you? What the fuck have you done for my country? Nowt fucking sweet FA.

How in the fuck did you find this shithole, you retarded boomer subhuman fuckwit? did it remind of your daddy beating your whore of a mother too much?

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drop the fucking meme flag you coward.

fuck off, stop spamming and get the fuck out

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no i won't

... this is a joke right? Like sure lightning and hail and wind but just fucking go inside.

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>tfw live right under that tiny red dot

Come, sweet death.

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Samesies. We've got a cheeky tropical storm ruining the holiday weekend here in Florida.

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Ayyyyy me too

i know why you post such images and webm, to cause further hostility and vulgarness so you can take you shit and GTFO twat...

This is a bullshit headline to get the few angry bongs off the street.

Is "yellow rain" a euphemism for piss?

I think all they mean is that it's yellow on the radar aka a thunder storm

Love the UK your cities are so old even london is like 2000 years older than the usa. My dream would be to be in old london(real london and england.) Best regards. Were all pretty much in the same boiling pot

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And the weird thing is its only over the south england

>bongs can't handle 3 inches of rain over 24 hours
Caliphate by 2030.

The streets need to be cleared of poo.

>rain is a danger to life


Not far lad, the fire rises..

>He doesn't realise how much English people drink on a Friday night

Do you need a license to drown?

I admit, I didn't notice until I saw this thread, it's just generically rainy.
The Met Office is a bit of a running joke for how overblown their rain and snow warnings usually are, although the latter is somewhat justified by the fact we're unprepared for any actually interesting snowstorms.

In most random small towns there's shops and such that existed back when we ran the world. It's mildly depressing sometimes, although it's provided us with enough neat architecture to counterbalance all the post-war concrete.

reminder that 9/10 UK shitskins live in that yellow area

Another rainy day in the UK. Meh


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>t. David Hogg

>countries just fine after getting hit by hurricanes, extreme drought, earthquakes
>England shuts down any time it's not partly cloudy


Reminder for all Bongs in this thread to renew their umbrella license by the end of May. Failure to do so means you will be exempt from purchasing any and all umbrellas for the next quarter.

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Toastie roastie

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hide your kids

Careful, tornados are no joke.

Why the fuck did he hit her, she looked like she was flirting and waving her hand dismissively or something.
Low res, did she throw a cigarette butt in his mouth or something?


You must be new here.

Contrary to popular belief, we don't actually get that much rain in England. The majority of our weather is overcast but dry.

Awesome, I love dangerous weather.

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Free Tommy, and this ends.

43mins into the danger zone...

she flicked the match she used to light her cig at his face. note the matchbox in her left hand

Nice to see it actually rain for once but why is it so hot?

Its like 22c every day now, last year it was like 15c all summer max with the occasional heat wave pushing it over 20.

I think the ozone has finally packed it in a bit like how an alcoholics liver just gives up after tolerating decades of abuse.

With what? A spoon?

>Storms on Inauguration
>massive directed fires in Cali since election
>Hurricane/Tropical Storm strikes Ophelia strikes UK/Ireland, worst in 50 years
>Hurricane Harvey, unprecedented
>unprecedented earthquakes/seismic activity in NK, Iran, Haiti
>Trump Tower struck during Super Tuesday
>Record temperature spike from freezing to 100 in Midwest, U.S. in 2018

It's just nature.

Geoengineeringwatch dot org

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Are you implying that we've angered God or the elites?

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>Bongs actually think 22c is hot

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Can God give us some of that punishment too for legalising abortion?

The sky's flashing up constantly.

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Nothing here yet, is this the calm before the storm? :^)

Looks like a liberal to me

One is trying to play as the other.
Babel in Brussels.
Man declaring themselves as Gods.
Some supernatural mixed in with the scientific.
Oh, that crane in Mecca.
That cheeky lightning..

Anyone have some more totally natural recent occurences/ signs?

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Train stop working when it hits below zero, people stay at home and try to heat with their shitty boilers. Stuff like that makes me miss my old home in Germany. Central heating, train working even with below -10

The English always shit themselves over weather.

>Conservative, White North
user most northerners are labour voters.

This. My sides.


>implying that 'hot' and 'cold' are not relative terms