Let's talk about abortion

And why people think it is wrong
The main argument against abortion that gets thrown around here is "ur killing babies!!1!" or a versions of "they re humanz too" and" "killing iz bad!!"
but is it? what is wrong with killing babies is some circumstances? this includes post birth abortions
The spartans were known to throw off deffective babies from a nearby cliff
are you really for keeping retards alive? Force parents who did nothing wrong besides having bad luck take care of somebody who will be nothing but an imense draw on them, will never accomplish anything and ruin their lives?

It seems to all come down from christianity and the retarded "thou shall not kill" part
So what you wont do whats good for you, your society, and what is natural because some kike (who got murdered for being a massive nuisance might I add) 2000 years ago told people that god told him killing was bad?

Besides the people who will get the most abortions will be the degenerates and the minorities, so less of them, once again whats wrong with that?

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bump for interest

Fundies want to think that they can run the lives of others.

christcucks gonna christcuck
gotta protect those nigger babies


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They gave the child a chance to prove itself upon birth, and made sure their society was always healthy and strong. Compared to abortion now a days, its merely to give women more power, and to get rid of the social humiliation of executing a child inside of your stomach that you could have prevented by avoiding sex all together. Spartans were selfless feminist are selfish.

>who got murdered for being a massive nuisance might I add
He was crucified because he refused to stand by while the central bank fucked his people over.

The test of whether or not abortion should be allowed in a country is the race statistics. In the US abortion should be allowed. In Ireland it should not be allowed.

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go kill your babies OP

well if I was expecting a retarded one I damn sure would my meme flag friend

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Babies aren’t inherently valuable. The baby of a low quality parent should be euthanized. I believe that abortion is murder, but that doesn’t automatically make it bad.

It’s simple genetic hygiene. Do you REALLY want the type of person who would have an abortion IN THE FIRST PLACE breeding? No. They should be sterlized after the fact.

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>These rare and special cases mean I'm right in every situation. Check mate conservatards.

You should be pro-life considering you're clearly one of those, "special" cases.

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>The spartans were known to throw off deffective babies from a nearby cliff
It is unproven and most likely just a myth

Feminism is a viral bio weapon

Femin Virus

Fuck off schlomo

nah it did happen, I dont know how often but they were really fucking extreme
they sent their youngs alone in forests to see if they would survive, and they would kill him if he came back before a week

they had a bunch of weird quirks, for exemple they were greeks, but foreigners

they were extremly wealthy because they owned a lot of greek slaves

they never were defeated, but instead collapsed due to demographic decline

they women held all of the power in their societies, because of inheritence laws
if a man died (and it was almost universal that would happen early), all his wealth would go to his wife
for that reason spartan women were unblievably wealthy and powerful, they were in a sense the worlds first feminist nation because of it (they collapsed)

they were extremly devoted, with an incrediby totalitarian state, they literally had STATE ISSUED GFs

Kids were taken from their parents and raised by the state with a group of other children they would grow along with

they did a f'ew things right but it doesnt mean we shouludnt learn from their mistakes

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>the spartans killed their kids because it's good for society
when is the last time you seen a spartan? I don't think killing off their kids was a good idea in the long run.

>>These rare and special cases
are you sure you re not the retard?

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>this includes post birth abortions
Murder is wrong because it denies an innocent the right to personhood.
>The spartans were known to throw off deffective babies
Are we to judge ourselves by what barbaric pagans were doing... and didn't you just trash the objectively more civilized Christians of Judea and Greece?

Why do these abortion debates always boil down to explaining to a leftist why murder I'd wrong?

When’s the last time you’ve seen an Irishman who spoke Irish?

Romans practiced it

Good enough for them, good enough for us


>they sent their children alone into forests, killed them if they returned prematurely due to instinctive desire for parental protection
>went extinct due to demographic decline
Really gets my almonds joggin'.

If you want to argue for eugenics or ridding the country of shitskins and foreigners ok. That’s not how abortion is argued or how abortion is used. Ireland is not going to become more white or more right wing because feminists and commies passed some pro abortion laws. The truth is abortion should be illegal for some and mandatory for others. Personal choice probably shouldnt enter into the matter. Also yes it’s murder.

yes please do explain me why murder is wrong

why is it wrong to deny an inocent the right to personhood
nature does it all the time, so you re gonna make the worst decision to force natures hand into making life a little bit "more fair?"

nature was brutal as fuck, you re even slightly weaker than the rest you re dead
and look what it accomplished

also le pagans are brutes meme
pre christianity europeans were more civilised than christian europe was for a millenia

we went from a tehcnologically advanced, wealthy age to THE TOTAL COLLAPSE OF CIVILISATION
christianity might not have been the only factor to the fall of the romans but it sure did burry them
christianity used doublespeak, systematically destroyed anything pagan, and once there was nothing left they claimed they accomplished nothing, while the artistic output of europe consisted of a few drawings that looked like they were made by 5 year olds

we went from sprawling cities, huge trade routes, and filling the world with wonders to living in literral mud huts in a few centuries

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>yes please do explain me why murder is wrong
It's not it's healthy

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The Romans were based

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>It seems to all come down from christianity and the retarded "thou shall not kill" part

Christian values get in your way of murdering people who incovience you. Quite honestly that sounds like a road to improvement to me.

>Quite honestly that sounds like a road to improvement to me.

Progressives get the billet first

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Dude if you are going post some picture with writing on it. You could at least have message in English....

Versailles castle to accept 250 Syrian refugees

They did the same in pretty much every Greek city-state btw.

Abortion is wrong because :

1) From the moment of conception, this is a human life with it's own DNA. Everything else is arbitrary legal definitions. A relativist attitude to this biological fact is nonsense, else one could argue that we aren't alive when we sleep.

2) From a libertatian view, i agree that you should not be forced to host another human and you should have a right to evict him, BUT :
a) You shouldn't be able to evict him by killing him. That's why the "my body my choice" argument is nonsense when it comes to late term abortions. If you have the alternative to have a C-section, abortion is plain murder.

b) In any case, one could also say that the fetus didn't ask to be in your body, and YOU brought him yourself by voluntarily engaging in a reproductive act (regardless if protection was used). You are therefore responsible of his well-being until he can take care of himself. This is obviously excluding rape, but again, is it the baby's fault or the rapist fault ?

>woman gets pregnant
>child is being formed for 9 months
>will be an adult in 25 years

So challenging to understand that abortion is the same as murder.


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