What is your non-toxic score user?

I scored 6/7 (I don't drink wine, it upsets my stomach), can you top me?

Professional advice, you can not.

> newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/seven-signs-that-your-mans-masculinity-is-nontoxic

Attached: 1.jpg (813x813, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/search?q=and Jason Adam Katzenstein&rlz=1C1KMZB_enCA713CA713&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiCgdW_xqTbAhUNj1kKHU4bC8MQ_AUICigB&biw=960&bih=480&dpr=1.5


ha ha

>seven signs that your man is a faggot

Are you insecure of your masculinity?

Real men don't fear being soft.

>tfw 0/7

>He opens doors for women at work, but they’re metaphorical doors, like the ones that lead to promotions.

Attached: 4.jpg (1454x1454, 252K)

i'm insecure about my toxicity

I'm gonna go clean up my eyes with a rekt thread now

>Real men don't fear being soft
Because they know they aren't soft.

is this satire? i literally cannot tel if this is just like a fake onion type deal or someone legitimately believes this

>By Karen Chee and Jason Adam Katzenstein
>Jason Adam Katzenstein

>satire, humor

get out of my board

Attached: 1523903754265.jpg (720x900, 81K)

>Jason Adam Katzenstein
Seems like he's an artist

google.ca/search?q=and Jason Adam Katzenstein&rlz=1C1KMZB_enCA713CA713&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiCgdW_xqTbAhUNj1kKHU4bC8MQ_AUICigB&biw=960&bih=480&dpr=1.5

Attached: DTA5ZuRU0AAFBz8.jpg (750x690, 62K)

Seven signs your man is an alpha

>12 replies
>and these are the first to realize this
the absolute state of nu/pol/

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remember to sage

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Naw dude we all knew before even clicking on the thread.
Come the fuck on.

>I'm retarded: the post

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> newyorker.com/humor/

Attached: 1496667742463.jpg (708x533, 68K)

What are we looking at here, user?

Notice the language It should be when women make me laugh. No one should just laugh whenever wamyn try to be funny.

Go home Argie/ you drunk

Attached: rjdyjfgyjgkfgk.jpg (976x707, 114K)

They forgot to add "sits when he pees, even at a urinal" and "finds black men to fuck his wife and watches"

Attached: 1512274134113.jpg (720x960, 39K)

>He laughs calmly when called a cuck.

Wow. And there at the top of the window, www.newyorker.com, with the SSL green lock icon.

Maybe its time to find another country to live in.

>5. He laughs calmly when called a cuck. He laughs loudly when women are funny. He does not laugh when men are not.

what the fuck is that

Looks like a clogged up AmeriHeart

why so butthurt? not enough patacones to buy a dollar?

>eyes move


It's a liver full of gallstones.

Trying to follow all the laws in GTA ups the difficulty level a hundred fold. Just try it. Drive from paleto bay to the pier while stopping for all the red lights wjthiut doing angrhjg illegal it’s a bitch

>Jew yorker
Why the fuck are you promoting this shitty rag?

Attached: y57vz.jpg (476x492, 38K)

1.5 out of 7. I open metaphorical doors for people who have done something to help my career and I like Vonnegut. The other guy was a bipolar cuck who killed himself

Theres no way this wasn't satire

judging by my super research ability, Ie right clicking and searching "by image"
those are kidney stones and you should drink your water anons

Attached: n nn.png (652x628, 336K)

1/7, number 5.

The person who got that kidney removed had stones.

i got 1/7
i do do the door..

why is this dude so pudgy

What if I read both Vonnegut and Wallace?

what a cringefest. and these are the people who think they're going to beat us in a meme war.

You're still alive for about 10 seconds after being decapitated, though I imagine the pain and the shock prevent you from promising to fuck your killers mother in hell.

You need to have given a woman a promotion instead of taking one for yourself, you can't just physically hold a door and be polite.

>He laughs calmly when called a cuck

This is an actual passage from the article

Attached: 1520016184144.png (650x559, 6K)

>Men must work to promote women
What a deal !

When will we find the Final Solution to the Woman Question