US Congress Bans Trump from Declaring War on Iran

King Kike BTFO

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Thank god?

This is a good thing tho

Checks and balances strikes again!

Sorry trump, it'll take an iranian pearl harbor to go to war with them

thank goodness

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Good thing that kikes control congress too then



Someone's mad

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Surely, this will be the end of Donald Trump.

>Sorry trump, it'll take an iranian pearl harbor to go to war with them


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He can defend US bases, but the right to declare war rests on congress.

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>Implying Trump would have went to war with them anyway

I'm "MAD" because some faggot on the internet thinks Congress banned the president from going to war with IRAN... A republican congress.... banning a republican president... WOULD BE NEWS ALL OVER THE WHOLE FUCKING PLANET

this will surely set off the blue wave.

Why did you link this particular video you fat faggot?

And guess what war powers act supersedes this vote so fuck off.

What does McCain think about this? He was desperate for that war.

Mossad would never pose as an Iranian to attack a US base to incite war with Iran; just like their operatives within ISIS wouldn't false flag a gas attack and blame it on Assad

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>to war or not to war Iran...
>all media is against war on Iran and all media is based red pills in it for the little guy
>Jow Forums is against war on Iran and not wrong
>trump is a shill planted by juice
>all Congress are based red pills in it for the little guy
>Israel is bad guy because juice control congress and all media
>all media and America minus trump is anti Israel including EU UN WTO Chyna
How do neocucks reconcile with all this, it is bullshit reasoning and you know it retards.

>mfw those chemical attacks were just preparing for the big one on Iran.

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One of the only good things Congress has done since Trump got elected. Now Netanyahu can't force the United States into a war just because he feels like it. ZIONISTS BTFO.

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But Trump could never declare war...

he can do all kinds of things, like what obama did without declaring war against syria, declaring a war is just a formality

>But Trump could never declare war...

No he just goes around that by using some near ancient AUMF or calls it a "police action".

I don't think it means anything. Iran is still going to be attacked by Eternal Anglos LARPing as Macedonians.
>it'll take an iranian pearl harbor
(((pearl harbor)))

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War has been superseded in the modern age. A lot of it is just private contractors and mercenaries.

>Jow Forums claims to be red pilled
>falling for the same old tricks

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House scraps proposal for US recognition of Israeli sovereignty in Golan Heights

The House of Representatives shelved a Republican lawmaker’s proposal for the United States to recognize Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights following reported opposition from party leaders and members of the White House.

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>implying we declare war before we invade

That doesn’t sound like congress at all.

the rabbi's believe that when the planet comes against Israel and destroys them, the magic sky wizard will return.
>What a naturally beautiful, non-bat shit, un-crazy, lunatic fucking thought that is, that everyone should protect because "religious freedoms"

Finally those Congressional niggers do something right.

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>Trump gets the House to vote against neocon interests

how the FUCK does he do it bros?


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hahahaha look at that meme e-celeb utube stamp. no fucking thanks dumb communist subhuman faggot

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>Trump is trying to start wars

He could have a war if he wanted one. Bush brought us into a war without congress even voting on it.

Lol, if people his is real it’s one of the greatest things the US Congress has died ne in decades. How will the Jews deal with this?

Syria general must be fellating themselves pretty good over there

>itt people who actually think the US congress isn't 100% on board for War with Iran (which they've actively planned for decades)
i can divide you into two groups, jews shilling, and idiots too stupid to realize it.

Correction: This is one of the greatest things congress has done in decades.

I wonder if there will magically be another (((9/11))) event now to get around congress?

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if trump is bought by Israel, congress is trampstamped, branded, and leashed together via nipple clamps. sage this slide.

Trump ran on non-intervention and has done less intervention than the last 4+ presidencies. Anyone saying otherwise is a shill (inb4 muh airfield)

You can't be convicted of treason if we haven't formally declared war. Not declaring war allows Journalists to continue to divide the country by supporting our enemies.

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You guys are dumb. The president has 30 days before congress needs a declaration war. If the president has not withdrawn all troops from the area within 30 days, then actions can happen. But for 30 days trump can do whatever with the military. And that should be enough to break Iran if we already have preparations.
But a land war with Iran is pointless. A large naval blockade and air supremacy should be know to submit them

Telling him "no" will just make him want to do it even more. War with Iran is practically confirmed now.

What the actual fuck? What is the jewish plan with this?

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Only Congress can declare war anyway.

But since when has the US actually bothered to declare a war?

sounds great. we can fuck them, but we can't be forced to rebuild them afterward.
well, let's get started

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The shills dont want Trump to attack their fear assets because that would mean they can no longer funnel money for their underage child prostitute operations. STOP THE PRESSES. Trump isnt going to give a fuck what congress bans, hes just going to expose them for all the nasty shit they do, send them to GITMO and then move on with the bombing. C_A will be dismantled soon. After Iran we will attack Israel. we are saving israel for LAST. (((ISRAEL))) = ROTHCHILDS; not true israel.

youre either an antifa fuck, a stupid shill or just stupid.

sorry to burst your shareblue bubble but its going to happen. the people trying to ban it will just get sent to GITMO along with all the shills in their cubicles after the house gets deep cleaned.

Do you realize the same people who want WW3 are the ones going to GITMO? The kikes are trying to start some shit to evade judgment.

Jews are FREAKING OUT right now because once Trump has his meeting with Kim in Singapore it's game on for focusing on Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal.

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Trump can. it just takes 6 months to approve the army. He can use Marines, special forces, and BLACKWATER though and hes been doing it already. Why do you think prince salman is in power? because trump killed or tortured everyone else with mercs. Iran has already attacked US soil so its green light for anything.

Cancelling the Iran deal was the best move Trump could have made.

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Death to the terror sponsor state Israel, who have conducted direct military strikes on US military assets, who have sold US military secrets to our rivals around the globe.

Justice for those murdered, raped, and enslaved by the festering Israeli-funded terror group ISIS

>military assets
They also are responsible for the mass murders on US soil that they blame on these "white kids"

>Congress is Zionist
>Trump is Zionist
>They hate Trump for some reason
>Amend the war powers act so Trump cant declare war for Israel
>T-t that'll show DRUMPH!

Justice for those who allowed the 9/11 terror attacks to commence. Death to the PNAC.

Trump isn't a zionist. All you have is shitty talking points that come off as if you're a petulant child.

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baby on floor hands in mouth? POTUS never telegraphs. He tricked deepstate into doing a false flag and sent in crISIS actors white helmets. Trump was waiting for it. POTUS and Russia then commenced limited precision strikes on hidden nuke facilities owned by IRAN located in northern syria. Clintons and Iran were planning on striking 19 US major cities, kill millions and then frame russia so that clintons and rothchilds can make money off the war interests once hillary became president. The limited strikes were done with US pilots flying IDF35s; i had the strike package orders and knew the exact amount of bombs they were going to drop a month ahead of time. we were waiting for it. Deepstate is fucking stupid.

OP's pic sucks
It's so bad, they had to put "oy vey" on it so people would get that it's supposed to look like a jew
really sad

Forever remember that it is the first duty of the shill to make us forget our greatest victory so far. Trump. If the shill can convince Jow Forums that Jow Forums's chosen champion is compromised..

..the same man who refused to go to war with Syria (twice)

..who is under 24/7 siege by establishment media, and discredits the same

..who has had many opportunities to go pro gun control and didn't,

..who held a very bold stance against Net Neutrality (which turned out to be Orwellian after all),

..who stonewalled the refugee flood, resisting demographic replacement in the US,

..who actively brings attention to the actions of globalist leaders in Europe,

..who has dismantled trade agreements meant to weaken the American economy and citizen through further taxation,

..then we are lost.

Stand proud, brother.

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spotted the shill

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Ummm then how did Obama attack several countries without Congressional permission????

Rothchilds isnt true israel; they have their deepstate just like we do. We have clintons, they have rothchilds. but yes all the shills are going to GITMO and its glorious. GITMO is FULL and they had to expand the prison.


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Yea he is if you look at his Jewish masters and direct support for Israel. If Israel is backed into a corner congress will declare war on Iran for Trump. They simply want to steal his thunder whenever possible as Hillary was their choice as shes an insider he isnt.

Shut up, kikes.

funny how shills always try to spin it when you call them out. sort of like how clinton tried to frame trump with russia collusion when theres a mountain of evidence that she was the one colluding.

Surely you can't be so arrogant you think that people are retarded enough to believe this premise right?

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Yeah, Trump played up the Russia narrative ON PURPOSE so that when the time came he could flip the script back onto the Jews.

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kys shill

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>US Congress Bans Trump from Declaring War on Iran
>this is a (((problem)))
Great, then we won't be culpable when Israel decides to blame the United States again.

im a korean, you motherfucker. PIZZAGATE IS REAL. does that sound like rothkike talk? would an antifuck say that sandy hook was hoax? well the DOJ just uncovered obama emails on them staging that one. its a glorious year. anthony weiner laptop case just got reopened too so get ready for more pizzagate. look into who is filing that case; AMANDA KRAMER, she works with child sex trafficking cases. We will attack IRAN and then ISRAEL will be saved for LAST.


House scraps proposal for US recognition of Israeli sovereignty in Golan Heights

The House of Representatives shelved a Republican lawmaker’s proposal for the United States to recognize Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights following reported opposition from party leaders and members of the White House.

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Israel is a rothschild nation. Israel is used to enact wars for the bankers divide and rule. Also its the hub of human trafficking and sex slave trade.

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Decleration of war is for when you want to start it. Not when someone else has started it already.

Trump wants to deep throat israeli and saudi dick and go to war with Iran to please (((them)))

i called it out and now its scared. its trying to deflect (poorly) . the veteren media matters employees were a lot better but then they got red pilled. you will too. you should tell your handlers to stop sending people in here its actually hurting their cause.


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wtf I'm a democrat now?????

i-im no no n not a sh sh ss hill i showed you a picture of clinton with the rothchilds b ba ba ba baeliev me pupuplease.

Nigga that shit has been out the window for decades and really bit dirt in the last presidency. Obama started what, 4 or 5 wars? No Congressional approval.

And on top of that I don't think Trump is vying for a war with Iran. I think we are going to go full spook on this one. There's already chaos over there. There was entire stadiums just a couple weeks back cheering "REZA SHAH". There actual riots in the southern port cities, and women ripping of their hijabs and spitting in the faces of police. Imagine what will happen when the confirmation of all the dirty shit and corruption of the Ayatollah is revealed in upcoming weeks? People know they are dirty but hard evidence changes things.

pretty much