How exactly did jews become so poweful and influential?

how exactly did jews become so poweful and influential?

it was only 73 years since they were freed from the death camps.. i might be wrong say thiat they began doing it only after the ww2, but how did they manage to build billion-dollar industries in that time? why is the majority of the jews at the top?

i mean if you cant provide an answer to that, you msut be hating jews for your own failures...

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>it was only 73 years since they were freed from the death camps
kek, you got some learning to do, kid

i come to Jow Forums to learn such things. provide me with it then

yup. just as i thought...

4plebs are just angry at their lives so they cant even explain why they hate the jews.

you hate the jews from listening alex jones and lurking on stormfront. fuck you, you stupid sheep

> so desperate for replies he responds to his own OP

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i wish you good luck in your life, mate. with this ammount of brains you will definitely need it.

> ammount
> questioning anyone else's intelligence when he can't even type

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Jews have been running the banking industry since Middle Ages when they were only ones in Christian Europe who were allowed to charge usury. During the Napoleonic wars the house of Rothschild, whose family crest is the Israeli star, gained complete control over the Bank of England, and since then the entire global financial system has been under their control.

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at least it makes you happy and secure ;^)

Fuck up, pussy, you're humiliating yourself again.

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looks like i got you real mad, havent i? as you can see i havent used any bad words against you and you are flaming af

Via having the most intelligently operated Mafia in history. The Jewish Mafia™. The Italian Mafia had all of Italy conquered in the 1930s but they weren't as smart as The Jewish Mafia™.

Only 500,000 Jews out of 14 million were in "death camps". That's only 3.5%

You just swore you autist, that means you're mad and I'm not.

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Just lurk the next Jewish Redpill thread and you'll know.

sure ;)

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Alright you need to shut the fuck up and get off the god damn board bitch.

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Sure you're a fuckin' faggot ass bitch? Thought so.

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ayyyy hermosa señorita. Delicia.

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Statan, that is how.

Like what you see, pal?

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thats exatcly why the world hates 'murica

I'm fairly antisemitic, but I also recognize that we don't live in a black and white world, and we only have access to so much information. The merchant meme could be a big Irish plot for all we know.

All I know for sure is, is that while I've gotten older and my brain more developed, the world seems even more complicated, bizarre, and hard to understand. I think everyone on here has had the same feel.

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It started with napoleon

and the reason they attained as much as they did is simple and easy: They're a selfish in-group that has managed to disable the warning systems in white society. Whites don't look out for each other, but jews do.

Nope, the reason the world hates America is Judaism. Same reason we all hate you bongoloids.

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ay ay muah muah, maravillosa mujer en tacones rojos.

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think again...
>implying you know what "thinking" is and if you can do it

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dont event start on the face meme lol. you will fail miserably

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But Obama was a socialist, a liar, a fraud, and a racist bigot, /leftypol/.

jews arent actually that powerful, they judt pump above their weight. if they got up to 50million they might matter. compared to the combined economic weight of all the german peoples, or anglos or french they arent important.

> 36% mocking the 56%

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you got some anger problems, kid. did your mother not love you? did youur dad leave you when you were young? did your uncle touch you?

hhahhahahahha mira esa miserable cara Americana AAAAAAAAAAA

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Whitey allowed jew to control their central banks not realizing jews would use the banks to enslave the world. Jews use money from banks to finance agents to subvert and destroy gentile culture. Euros didnt eradicate these people, the pussies just banished them and kept giving them second chances.

bite me off 3 cups of carrots please.

And the Zionists intend to make their psychopathic new messiah the first openly Israeli President in 2024.

Then the Great Culling of the goyim will begin.

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>projecting this hard

Found the jew

Jews aren't stupid, they're evil.

36 perceeeeeeeeent.

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The short answer is, usury.

Christianity and Islam had always outlawed usury. But usury is powerful, which is precisely why it had to be outlawed.

With the rise of capitalism, trade, and industry, money became the dominant world power. Whoever could control the money, controlled the world.

And since the Jews had thousands of years of experience in usury, and had already established financial institutions and merchant networks, they were in a position to monopolize the new banking institutions, which could create money out of thin air. And this "fictitious capital", could be used to buy the real wealth of the world, giving those who controlled it massive advantages, allowing them to monopolize all industry.

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"Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.

Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.

What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews.

In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism." - Karl Marx

delete this

>they were freed from the death camps
Those were only the poor ones, the rich ones betrayed them to the nazis for shekels