Why does Patrick Little keep talking about this

Why does Patrick Little keep talking about this

Attached: 1917_Scofield_Bible.jpg (330x462, 63K)

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What is it?

I think its how the jews got american Christians to support Israel

Because it has been used to make brainlet Prots into Zionist loving faggots

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Because it's the version that shifts blame away from Jews in Jesus death. It's why Evangelicals suck Israel's cock and make trips to work for free in Israel. It's why they believe Jews don't have to believe in Christ to be saved, it's the cause of a lot of bullshit.

They didn't need to do anything. Protestant cucks, especially baptists, already consider jews as the chosen people.

I've had baptists say that we need to do more for israel to get god's favor.

>not KJV
Utter garbage

Which is because of this version. King James Version is pretty clear on what they are.

Because Christianity in it's original form is the most redpilled religion on the JQ and the Scofield bible subverted Christianity hard and led to Zionist dominance of most Christian churches in America.

King James version is the only Bible unless you can read latin

Wtf I hate the Scofield Bible now!

Brain dead Catholic here , why do we all support the King James Version?

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Why do protestants hate on the NAB?
Don't you like accuracy and comprehensive notation?

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>Father Coughlin
Patrician taste, user

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One of my heroes , next to good ol' Rockwell.

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can I get a background?

Just wiki'd.
Complex, but obvious he was trying. Would read more into/10.

Underrated hero. God rest his soul.

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>original latin bible only read by priests who could understand the significance of every verse, priests would give guidance to the laypeople
>king james version makes it possible for learned common people to read the bible themselves, but still stays relatively based
>scofield bible comes out which is a pozzed KJV translation accompanied with cliff's notes for the real dumb dumbs that are totally zogged out
>"Christian Zionism" becomes a thing as people accept the Scofield bible interpretation
>AIPAC uses the Scofield Bible to constantly reaffirm to evangelicals (like the ones that got W. Bush elected) that Israel is "muh greatest ally"

Because he's the Scofield Kid...on account of this here Scofield bible

got a timeline on the scholefield bible poz?

it came out in 1917 4 years after Jews subverted America in 1913 under Wilson with the establishment of the Federal Reserve

This fucking traitor.

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Cyrus Scofield was a drunken, disbarred ex-felon who moved to NYC (around 1890?) and was befriended by (((Samuel Untemeyer))). Untemeyer would later blackmail Woodrow Wilson over an affair Wilson had while at Princeton. He sponsored Scofield's studies and paid his way to London where his Judeophilic Concordance would be published by Oxford Press (which just happened to be owned by the Rothschilds.)

Why the fuck do Democrats always get the easiest won wars? The THEY Get all the credit... Republicans are stuck with Vietnam and Korea...

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wow, 1917? like 4 years after HJR192?

yup. the subversion of America formally began in 1913. it was complete by 1967. everything that happened matches the plan set in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion completely.

this makes me slightly irked

Imagine of they did this with the Koran.

protties have been zionist faggots since 1550 they just don't know it because low iq


I feel like I've been the only one making proper anti-Scofield threads.

Pretty much this. Dispensationalism is a cancer.

Followers of Scofield are far enough removed from the reformers that they can be considered cultists. Think about that.

Protestantism used to be amazing before the Zionist takeover. It was a huge shift in ideology that almost nobody knows about these days.

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Strawman of an idiot larper to justify his cognitive dissonance bowing down before a Jewish messiah, reverencing Jewish prophets and hating Jews with every fiber of his body based on a Jewish moral system. Typical retardation.

>Cyrus Scofield was a drunken, disbarred ex-felon

sounds similar to king of england and martin luther

all of these protestants go to hell for what they've done

Oy vey! You don't understand! ((((Jeshua)))) was a blue eyed Aryan male and drove out the Jews! When he said he is sent to the lost sheep of Israel and his teaching was not for the goyim, he meant that Israelis were Aryans!


Who DOESNT Love Chesty??

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people of UK anglo/german protty ancestry are the ones who should be blamed

they are the ones in bed with the jews since 1550. their protty idiot puritan trash came to america and spread. scofield was the cherry on top 400 years later...

protties go to hell with their jewish allies

That book alone may have been the cause of the entire western civilization being in the grips of the jew. Burn it with fire.

What the best bible?

>When he said he is sent to the lost sheep of Israel and his teaching was not for the goyim, he meant that Israelis were Aryans!

But they were. Original israelis became Christians with Christ.

Sicut Judaeis was written by the Catholic Church, it was the Pope during WW2 that spiritually (((we))) are all Semites. I'm sick of your no true scotsman bullshit. ccjr.us/dialogika-resources/primary-texts-from-the-history-of-the-relationship/1255-pius-xi1938sept6

protestants don't believe what is in our bible. they cut shit out and make shit up. it doesn't matter what version they choose. it is pretty clear there are no bible scholars worth a damn who are protestant- because they have no foundation.

>king james bible
that shit was 1600s

be a big boy and read the Douay–Rheims Bible which was 1500s

fucking dumb protestants. it's like the world began in 1600 with you idiots.

The shit Americans believe never ceases to amaze me. Murica: home of "dinosaurs lived at the same time of man and the earth is 6000 years old", "the earth is flat" and "the Israelis were Aryans!"

>christians love jews and would die for Israel
>jews hate christians and use the media to shit on them
>christians hate the media but cannot see who is pulling the strings behind the curtain

what the fuck is wrong with christcucks?

the best bible? the one you read and follow.

the catholic church said "ok if you're going to be a jew then go be a fucking jew and prepare to be treated accordingly"

protestants then decided to whine and jump in bed with jews and were financed with jews and looted all the churches north of the danube river and gave all the loot to jews. they also tore up and burned ancient manuscripts because god knows protties are scared of actually learning history. they would rather do the jews' bidding.

anglos and germans who followed luther should be shot on site as long as they continue jewish protestantism while blaspheming christs only church, the catholic church.

you can go to hell or figure it out, protties

I've been reading the NLT, but people have said it's cucked.

i like how you're so low iq you didn't just call them "southron protestant evangelical retards"

but you do you, low iq brother

i suggest you go do some homework and learn some of the material so you have an actual grasp of what you're discussing

>Untemeyer would later blackmail Woodrow Wilson over an affair Wilson had while at Princeton.
But why did he do this?
Answer: To make Wilson appoint the first jewish supreme court justice, Louis Brandeis, a catastrophic pick.

It was this very Samuel Untermyer who's often given credit for bringing about the 1930s jewish boycott on Germany.

Untermyer was Aaron Sapiro's lawyer in Sapiro vs Ford.

Untermyer was a communist.

Occult activity has been reported at Untermyer Park as late as the 1970s. Son Of Sam (David Berkowitz) was wrapped up in one of these jewish occult groups at the time of his killings.

pic related

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Repeal 17th fucking when?

Who is Patrick Little?

While we're on the subject of jewish subversion, can someone redpill me on Vatican II?

As far as I know en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Vatican_Council is when 'the smoke of Satan entered the Vatican'
CIANIGGERs leveraged this spirital weakness later on in the story.

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> good goy, dedicate your life to our cause and your peoples downfall and be rewarded with a magical afterlife

A red pill all whites must swallow is that Christianity, from inception, was just another tool to control goys. It is in no way the white mans religion. It promotes nihilistic world views and turns its followers into absolute cucks who believe all humans are equal and can be saved as long as they serve the path of (((god))).They are the biggest enablers of niggers population explosion through missionary work and being anti abortion which is one of the few things keeping groids population in america somewhat in check. Everything about Christiananity promotes a dystopian future of shitskins and makes its followers easy marks for takeover in the name of a fairy tale afterlife. 100% kike control. If we are to survive as a race Christianity needs to go.

Christ without Dionysus is the white man's slave collar. The white man must re-make Dionysus in his image.

>What the best bible?

You still can't just read it yourself and expect to understand it though. That's what Bible study is for, with the priest of your parish.

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I can't find any info on this beyond blog tier. Do you have a decent reference for this?

the reformation was a mistake


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Is the Geneva Bible the best one ?

the original KJV is very "anti-semetic"

so the Jews changed it. That's one reason why they're going to hell- if they don't stop and repent.


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Checked. This needs to be brought up to our churches. Our kids are being corrupted by jewish morals instead of Christian ones. I am so literally tired of seeing the Marxist slide to the ungodly left and the hedonistic jew decide how are children's minds are formed. It isn't healthy for society to allow it to continue. Christians haven't been a force at the ballot box in decades, it's time that changed.


"Judeon- christian values" was the greatest lie of the 20th century.

Jews and christians have zero shared values and honeslty have zero shared interests.

And yet here we are. The word is more real than reality.

but at the same time the Catholic church desperately, desperately needs to sort its shit out

But this is true. Humans genocided the dinosaurs because they were acting like a bunch of niggers.

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also the superior Hitchens

hi halsey


Pat Little interview zucc'd

look how dead your thread is without me bumping it. compare it to this one: cry more kikes :)

no one wants your controlled opposition. da goyim really do know

You should find Jesus.

>A literal Jew.

How's the Orthodox bible stack up?

brother i know

i'm on it

wait for the signal

>Scofield Bible
>Christian Dispensationalism
>Christian Zionism
>Jewish / Freemason hijacking of Christianity
Patrick Little is all levels of woke. That is why.

Arguing the in's and out's of Jewish traditions with Jewish Supremacist is an effort in naivety. A common practice often observed among White Americans of the 'Baby Boomer' generation.

These are individuals who fell into Christian Zionist Cults inside the United States around the 60s, 70s and 80s and were slowly turned into Jew worshipers. The source of which beliefs are traced back to the Freemason funded Scofield Reference Bible published in 1909 by C. I. Scofield.

America is a lost nation. Jews have total power and control of the United States. American 'Christians' are simply tools used to die inside Jewish orchestrated wars. The United Kingdom (UK) is far worse with it's own history of Jewish domination going back 361 years to the Cromwellian English Civil War.

The Jewish Talmud has already been fully deconstructed by Western scholars. Particularly, by I. B. Pranaitis, Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language in 1892.

Talmud Unmasked

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Cause its the origin of the Israel worship heresy

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>asking a pagan to learn
thats like asking a nigger to not be a nigger

Bruh have you taken a LOOK at the pope? Dude shills for queers, muslim migration and doesnt even Believe in hell. He literally agrees with every single stereotypical worldy left wing talking point.

The only true christians were nazi positive christians. Cathocucks and zionist evangelists BTFO

Delet this right now

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someone redpill me on how to be a christian but still hate jews

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rocckwell and coughlin would be a unstoppable duo

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>somali wants to worship a kike
>wants to hate kikes
motherfucking kys you subhuman monkey kike lover


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You must remember that the jews subverted christianity, therefore it isn't real christianity, look for god from the old testament.

what about the new testament? what about jesus?

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yeah its called being a traditional catholic or becoming orthodox.

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Watch this:

thanks my guys
god bless you

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god bless you too, brother

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some big brained stuff ITT

>implying being jewish was traced maternally instead of paternally during Mary's lifetime
You retards don't even know what you don't know.
Bionically tribal affiliation is paternal, jews are heretics and liars.

This didn't happen until after WW2. The huge majority of churches of all denominations hated Jews and blamed them for the crucifixion. Jews used the Holocaust crap to guilt trip churches into changing their beliefs and it worked on Catholic and Protestant churches. Even Jews will admit this much of history.

>nazi positive christians
who is pius xii?

dude, bruh...

go read a book because you just got BTFO!!!!!