Don’t I have the right to not be around guns?

I live in the US where it is often said the people have the right to bear arms. But what about my rights to not want guns near me and my senpai? I know it’s a stupid argument, but I want the right to walk into a mall and know that people aren’t carrying guns. My state allows open carrying without a permit. Why don’t my personal freedoms matter at all here, ie. not being around people who are carrying guns without a permit? Folks want to arm teachers, but what about my right to not have my children in a classroom with an adult with a weapon? Nobody ever really thinks about the right of those who don’t want a gun around them, why isn’t this as equally as important?

I picked up my kids yesterday after their last day of school. To congratulate them on how great they were all year I took them to get ice cream. While in the establishment two men began to have an altercation. Another woman was involved after she asked them both to remember that children were there and they were acting pretty scary. Shortly thereafter one of the men quickly left the place and went right to his truck. The restaurant went silent. We all just watched him as he looked for something under his drivers sear. It was eerie and I instinctively put both kids behind me so they were furthest from the door. Thankfully whatever he was looking for, he never found, though he did storm back in and started yelling again before getting back into his vehicle. What was supposed to be a pleasant afternoon has now haunted me for 2 days. The thought that a madman would start shooting people is crazy, right? I shouldn’t have been worried. That I quickly told both kids to grab their stuff and we bee-lined it out of there and drove straight home, shows that I was way overthinking the whole thing, and perhaps a bit of a cowered. But I guarantee you, everybody in that ice cream place thought they may die that afternoon. The silence, nobody breathing, the anxiety of everyone was palpable.

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kill yourself

How the fuck do you have a right to prosperity?

Move faggot

You do have the ability to not be around people with guns. You can stay in your home. What about my right to not want to hear or see other people's opinions in public? Oh what? First amendment you say? I guess If I don't want to be exposed to other people expressing their rights then I had better stay home.

Yes you do. Move to rural alaska, and buy 300 acres of property. Build a shack in the middle of it.

YOU have the right to be away from guns. But you DONT have the right to make people who have guns have to be away from you

This is not the case anywhere, illegal or not guns will be carried guns will be easily grabbed from police officers fucking stop yourself


What about my right to not be around people who don't want to be around guns?
What about my right to not be around leftists?
What about my right to not be around people wearing shirts I don't like?

No such rights exist.


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Also prosperity is not a human right WTF. That's something you work for and earn, it's not even close to on the same par as someone deserving justice or liberty by default. Jesus fucking Christ the entitlement...

those rights are imagined. if its not written down and agreed to by a nation of cohesive people willing and able to maintain institutions to enforce those rights then they don't exist.

Let's see.
>checks Bill of rights
Nope, not in there
Everyone in the US has a right to have a gun. Every single person.

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oh by the way? I dont want you to vote because you're ignorant of the US Constitution.

but hey you have the RIGHT to vote and so Im fucked. Just like YOU are when it comes to not wanting people to have guns. Welcome to Rights 101!

>Don’t I have the right to not be around guns?
Not in the US.
Any other questions?

>Don’t I have the right to not be around guns?

There's always Venus, Mars, Jupiter...

Its weird I agree with you. Gun rights aren't worth supporting. You shouldn't have the right to something that is only good for killing people. However, your argument is really stupid. It can be used to argue against any right if you think about it. "right to free speech? What about my right to not hear what I don't want to hear? Why is that not equally important?" "Right to due process? What about my right to not be around criminals? Why is that not equally important?"

Move out of the US or move to a super liberal city those are your choices. You sound like a emotional pussy that probably needs to get his testosterone levels checked and start acting like a man. You could have acted immediately and got your children out of harms way but you stayed like a bitch and now you are remorseful and whiny, Stop. Grow up and start using your brain. How do you explain to a fish how to swim, it should know right

tl;dr stop being a fucking pussy, sodomite

Don’t I have a right to not be around Muslims? Or is their some unfortunate constitutional right?

If you want to have peace prepare for war.

Even in muh communist country in which gun law is absolutely strict, people still get killed everyday because bad guys always got the gun since they wont ever obey the law.

Why don't you just arm up and stop being a faggot?

niggers really are simplistic idiots, incapable of following a train of thought beyond inception.
In short you're asking for only government employees to have firearms. We all know how well that shit ends when jews get power.

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>But what about my rights to not want guns near me
You have the right to want that. You do not have the right to have that.

You have no rights

Self defense is a human right.
Why can't you respect my rights?

Move out of the US or move to a super liberal city those are your choices. You sound like a emotional pussy that probably needs to get his testosterone levels checked and start acting like a man. You could have acted immediately and got your children out of harms way but you stayed like a bitch and now you are remorseful and whiny, Stop. Grow up and start using your brain. How do you explain to a fish how to swim, it should know right

Reminder you are a splash of gasoline and lighter flame away from realizing guns are not your biggest enemy but rather a tool for self protection.

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> Don’t I have the right to not be around guns?

There isn't any document on Earth that specifically grants you this "right" you speak of.

>my rights are more important
Wow, that's really selfish.

Leave the US. Seriously, do it now and save yourself the trouble. You will not take our firearms. You will not legislate them away. You will not buy them back. This is non negotiable.

>right to peace
el oh el
To your point, OP, the answer is no.

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>You shouldn't have the right to something that is only good for killing people.
What if I need to kill someone?

>I know it’s a stupid argument

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well literally no because you're in public spaces but thankfully for you there are loads of public spaces that are clearly labelled as gun free zones (that get targeted for mass murders 100% of the time)

You literally just have to move to a city with anti-gun laws in a state with anti-gun laws.
San Fran
any liberal hole
That is why it's called the United States. There are different States, and localities, and you can move there.
>tfw this clueless about the USA

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What about my rights to not want sub 120 iq animals near me. Fuck off you worthless faggot, or more probably woman/teen.

Shouldn’t I have the right to not be around blacks!

The cool thing is that you have a choice. Try moving.

Seriously it's that simple. Don't like the laws where you live? Find a place that more closely represents what you're looking for.

Most malls I've been to have big no gun signs on all the doors. Actually most businesses do.

Stupid 'sovereign citizen' bullshit
Plenty of people can't own guns
>armed robbery felony
Boom, 2nd Amendment evaporates.

>Don't I have the right to not be around faggots?

>Don't I have a right to not be around guns?
No. The nature of rights is that they do not permit you to take away the rights of others. You are free to take your own actions in life, and you must live with the consequences of those actions - good or bad. But you don't get to decide what others do. If you don't like this, don't live in a country that was founded on the idea of individual liberty above all else, even safety. Really, there's somewhere around 200 countries in the world, all with different ideas about how they should be run. If you don't like guns, why stay in the one country in the world where owning a gun is considered an inalienable right?

>anti-gun laws
don't apply to cops

The USA is a Republic. There are democratic processes in this Republic; but we are a Republic. This is so the majority cannot strip certain rights from the minority.

The 2nd amendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms, we already had it. It only states that the government does NOT have the ability to infringe upon that right. Even if the second amendment was revoked, the citizens would still have the right to bear arms.

Powers that be seek to divide the USA on every front possible. We need to unite under a banner of shared values. We are stronger together.
I hope you all enjoy your Saturday!!

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Once you have gone through due process, you don't really have any rights.

No, you don't have that right.

Holy fuck no one fucking cares. Pic related I always have one. Pussy.

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>Even if the second amendment was revoked
God damn prepare yourself to ban the purchase of all flammable liquids without an ID.

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I've literally witnessed someone get shot in the head and didn't whine and bitch about it on an internet forum. Yet you witnessed an altercation and literally nothing happened and you are all butthurt about it. Get your fucking head straight my God.

Don't live near minorities.
Don't live in "gentrified" neighborhoods.
Live in gated community.
Send kids to private school (or parochial)

Also buy a gun.

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>do I have a right to tell other people what to do?
No,you dont

We are not merely a Republic, we are a Constitutional Republic. A Constitution exists to suggest that governments cannot simply pass whatever laws they want. The US constitution describes the means by which our government is structured, what powers each branch has, and what powers are explicitly forbidden to them. Regulating who can have a firearm, and what kinds of firearms they can have is not something we gave Congress the power to do. It is important that we always keep in mind that there are certain things the government does not have the legal authority to do.

>Shall not be infringed

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If your candy ass was packing, you could have turned his head into a canoe the moment he breached the entry with a weapon. You wouldn't be all shook like you are now. Instead of being a relentlessly whining pussy, you would be a HERO and likely receive a call from Trump. Reflect on the fact that having and knowing how to use a weapon would have prevented your being frozen in impotent fear. If nothing else, we could have avoided this post.

Nice fake story bro


you're correct, I didn't go DEEPER
our rights predate our government, and the Bill of Rights is just our government acknowledging them.
We'd still have them. And nobody can take them away.
If they made laws to take them away, they would be invalid laws. These assholes forget they work for us. Or they did, till they started taking money from rich (((communists)))

There is no such thing as universal human rights.

What the fuck does this have to do with the debate?
Cops in countries w/o citizen gun rights, have guns.
And US anti-gun laws do apply to cops.

Maybe you should, y'know, grow the fuck up.

The real world isn't a nice place sweet-tart. You are the product of billions of years of bloody evolution, act like it.
Buy a gun, learn to use it, and avoid danger. If danger seeks you, aim for center mass.
Nobody is going to protect you or your precious children but you.

>Shortly thereafter one of the men quickly left the place and went right to his truck
At this point you have your hand in your purse on your gun with the safety off and minding trigger discipline. Or looking for a back door, IDK the layout.

If you don't take sage advice then you and your children deserve to be pruned from the human race.
Yes children, fact you made it to breeding age is an affront to natural selection, this is a course correction.

I wish you the best on getting your life together :)

Guns exist in this country to keep the government in line because people like you fuck it up with draconian liberal policy.

Don’t I have the right to not be around niggers?
Guns are a red herring.

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Those all look awkward as fuck.
You must be a gargantuan fatass who wears a ton of clothes at all times.

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>But what about my rights to not want guns near me and my senpai?

Don't want to be around guns? Don't carry one.