Would you welcome her back to the "right"?

Would you welcome her back to the "right"?

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No, but I'd give it to her right from behind.


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Nope, she should fade into obscurity and eventually be forgotten.


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She was awesome at doing hard news during the day. Giving her creative control of her own programs was a mistake. Even The Kelly File was lacking.

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Daily reminder that she turned coat after Fox sent her to stop Trump and got BTFO.

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Hit the wall & lost her career. My guess is she'll write a couple books that don't sell well and then fade into obscurity.

I look at it as kind of a good thing - the left doesn't accept converts so there's no incentive for anyone to try.


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>She was awesome at doing hard news
That's what usually happens when I see her
As a rock


is she the first victim of the trump curse?
her career went to shit as soon as she crossed with him

She's ready for a show on E!

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I have a question: what is her ethnicity?

naw fuck that crazy bitch

No way fuck this bitch in the ass

Pretty much, her melt down on election night was beautiful

shes a propagandist reading a teleprompter and theres nothing she wouldnt say if paid

No, let a pack of niggers take her.

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as long as she's saying thr right things, the familiarity factor is a plus

she didn't meltdown

She was visibly upset. Perhaps brokendown

Has she really turned "left" instead of gynocentric neocon #nevertrumper? Haven't been paying attention to her for the past couple years

She used conservatism to simply further her position.

She can find a new career

>Megyn Kelly

Not enough. I'd love to see her end up as a street corner $2 hoe for being so fake.

Who is this heifer?

Her entire show is cringe. I don't know what the fuck NBC was thinking. her personality is awful. she was (WAS) a pretty face to read the news. her personality is SHIT. I guess NBC was just desperate to get her for something because they thought she would spread more anti trump shit.

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I hope she necks herself

yep she was literally the I have a pussy so fuck drumpf

Can really see things aren't going well with all the weight she has put on from stress eating.

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She would need to find herself to the right of Rockwell in order to find a "welcome back" to the right

I'd still fuck her silly 2bh

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the only way I would ever consider listening to her seriously is if she went independent or joined infowars and I doubt they would hire her.

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pandered to women's issues during the presidential campaign to self-servingly tarnish Trump (Which is why anyone took her on after Fox), while Tucker was actually combatting globalist doctrine and effete GOPe.

I'll pass.

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she was full of wrath lmao
the retard believed the 'first female president' meme against the evil old white dude and got completely devastated
back to the kitch- ahh no, she's useless there too

dat pic
>pre-criticizing Trump on the left
>post-criticizing Trump on the right
What's the moral of the story kids? Never suck a circumcised dick for a job.

What is that body shape?
It's fridge like

no way - there's plenty of younger conservative blondes to take her place.

She’s a dude, my dude.

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Northern European plus some mystery American meat. Her eyes are too dark and soulless, probably part native

>welcome her back...
side with a hot load of male vitality

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This Isha Ryan is a rather ugly creature. Is it a tranny?

That will never stop being funny

Fuck no, she's a self righteous shill.

It gets me every time. Also: please note my recognition of certain numerical sequences

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I’d welcome her sweaty asshole directly on my cock head

Umm bitch is like 48. She looks GOOD for nearly 50

This desu.
If my wife looked like that at 48 I probably wouldn't even cheat on her


Fuck that cunt, she can go suck dicks on a corner like she used to. It's how she got her big break.

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I wouldn't kick her out of bed.


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She defended James Alefantis to the death. So you need to know about her

You boys be careful...

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Is that what you call it?

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>Isha Aran
Wtf kind of name is that. I love Megyn now.

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So many generic, bland, semi attractive blonde idiots. Fuck white people.

The media needs to get an objectively hot right winged bitch. If they are going to jew us they could at least make it entertaining.

>Would you welcome her back to the "right"?
>thinks Jow Forumsacks give a flying fuck about left v. right politics

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She was never on "the right."


She made a mistake walking out on her people, this will not be forgiven,

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i hate planet of the apes

You can take the girl out of the Gestapo, but you can't take the Gestapo out of the girl.
Back to Faux News with you, bitch.

You kids queer or something? She looks good. Would sniff brapper. Shes a dumb cunt tho

She sold her soul to the Marxist.... No one will take her seriously again....

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I'm Megan. Please post porn shoops with me when I was younger.

These. Let her career end being a Ellen degenerates clone who dances to pop music and jokes about drinking too much wine.

I never gave a shit about her. But I know plenty of Fox News faggits that were big fans pre-Trump. Most are now done with her, much like her exhusband. Her best bet would be to go into porn now.

only if she livestreams giving o'reilly a handjob on twitch.

Trump effect princess

Her putin interview should be required viewing for anyone aspiring to be a journalist. It's a rundown on how to try so hard at framing someone as a bad guy and failing even harder. Even the censored/sanitized version is an entertaining mess of her stumbling over strict talking points with zero flexibility.

How am I the only one who can see how massively disproportionate her head is to the rest of her body? It's like her head alone weighs 15kg and she herself weighs 45 total.

No, goodbye is forever!

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She should do porn now or at least some sexy modeling

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>implying anyone who was ever on FoxJews or the mainstream of the Recucklican party was ever a legitimate right-winger
Neoliberals who champion all the progressive victories that are greater than 20 years old were never right-wingers.

she's of purebred glow in the dark CIA nigger stock

i'll never regret starting it, even though it killed swolechloe posting

wonder how much they paid her to do that )))))))))))alex jones((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((hitpeice)))))))))))) and come off as a spectacular retard (((((((interviewing))))))) putin

Shill thread.

Explain pic related. Source?

I'd welcome her to my dick


She tried to flex dick with Trump and got fucking blated.

Sad! Many such cases.

I'd meg that kelly with my penis

I don't know what was funnier, when she tried to fuck Trump over and he completely reversed it on her, or when she tried to fuck Alex Jones over and he completely reversed it on her.