>Controlled by smart Jewish bankers

Why do white racists pull off so much mental gymnastics to avoid admitting the fact that Whites are really inferior compared to the Jews?

Attached: JOO.png (501x585, 19K)

The more people start to realize Jews are the ones in control, we won't have to use the Whites superior meme anymore. Thanks friend.

we have rule them over 2000 years
50 years is nothing that cant be undone,we have a lot of to learn of how they agroup and fight for their interest but when that moment came the kikes will be the past

Kikes have always been in control, goyim have never ruled over them

dont make me laught they country destroyed their race separated and mixed to extinction and being the undercaste for 2000 years
slave tier people is all of you are

Sounds like you're describing the goyim.

Whites are behind at the moment because the jew's tactic has been to take control of areas that influence how people think (i.e. newspapers, tv shows, movies, porn.)

This has allowed them to breed sympathy for causes that will inevitably result in our race's destruction (i.e. mass migration, race mixing, normalizing homos)

We currently have a massive tool to counter their influence with the internet, but it too is being censored and taken over by the jew. Ultimately, if you control what people think, you control the world. Jews currently control how the masses think, so they are currently the dominant race as a result. This could change in the next few years though

yes I did copy/pased this from the other pro-jew thread too.

Attached: 1440854001389.jpg (499x499, 54K)

and if you are refering to the enduranceof your religion think again of how many of you have converted in the proceess,much more that you are alive today

thats a very recent thing

and its due to literally a handful of shitty leaders, too blinded by greed or lust for conquest who needed the kikes to keep their armies paid who sold the rest of us down the river

true ,you are the top dog now but it wont endurance foreever