What will change as boomers die off?

The meme of the last 25 years in the US, courtesy of Marxist boomer hippies that now hold seats of power in the Hollywood, music, news, and political industries, is to pretend that black people and everything about black people is the alltime greatest of anything that ever existed in the history of forever. Fascination with disproportionately enormous and flabby asses is a feature of black culture, and the boomer hippie marxists have forced that part of black culture into the mainstream.

The good news is that those boomer hippie marxists are aging out and dying rapidly, being quickly displaced by Gen X who are overwhelmingly to the right of the boomer hippie marxists. Trump is a reflection of that cultural paradigm shift, and he is merely just the beginning. America’s fake fascination with black culture is breathing its last breath.

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You are a goddammed idiot, every single thing you wrote was wrong
Things will likely get worse from here on out.

Gen x will cuck things even further desu

>Damns Boomers for being cucks of Jews.
>eats tide pods.
>30% think the earth is flat.
>repeats Jew memes using boomers to divide and distract the Goys from the shit their doing.
Either you're shilling, or unironically ironic.

All the boomers voted for Trump tf? Where you getting your intel? Boomers fucked /n/ years ago too

Thats the Joke.

Boomers are exactly like us. And when the older generations die out we will become a Jewish controlled brown dystopian hellscape.

>What will change as boomers die off?
The noose will tighten around the necks of (((their))) ignorant pets.

>What will change as boomers die off?
Support for Israel will plummet.
Young conservatives really aren't buying into the neocon lie anymore and young liberals hate the jews for what they did to Palestine.

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When Boomers die it will all go to hell. Millennials are communists and brainless and Gen X is mean spirited with no morals or values.

The first politician to name the Jews is a GenY. Never would have happened with a boomer