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The best one

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damn that nigga woke af


Which time line is this again?

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He's gonna send the Jews to space and they can establish a colony on Jupiter and it will then be known as Jewpiter.

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Wish stupid mother fuckers like that could stop speeding out about teh juice. They really aren’t helping his case at all.

holy shit bump lol

actually it's brilliant.

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someone forgot their aderrall


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isn't he a dutch mutt or some shit like that?
trump is a turbo kike lover

>this amount of damage control
Hey shlomo, why do you continue to shill on this board? You should spend every last moment you have left relishing everything you love. Soon enough you'll be crying about "ANUDDA SHOAH".

Tick tock.

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what damage control? trump is a YUGE kike lover

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He's South-African so it might very well be he is redpilled as fuck.

Cmon Moshe. post the rest of the folder. I've seen all your memes. You know why? because you guys post the same shit for a year now. All day every day, and it still hasn't worked. Trump gets more support by the day and you retards can't handle it. I bet you're thinking to yourselves that you don't even know what you're doing wrong. It's everything, Moshe. You're doing everything wrong.

oh shit

I had a laughing fit over Musk with the Maracas.

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elon dropping a phat redpill

just occasionally, I feel like I’m living at exactly the right time

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Why would a Jew attack trump? Do you realize how retarded you look? Yet you incel fuckwits wonder why you're lonely and pathetic. Trump is Israel first, America second.

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I still don't like Tesla, and I still think Musk is over rated.
It's good he's on "our side", but in reality, this kinda demonstrates how much of an idiot he is and how over-valued Tesla is.

he still gave money to politifucks
so i dunno

>t. dumb burger
Trump suck kike cocks and the only one who doesn understand this are delusional retard.

Musk is a faggot who ruined Teslas good name with his tax scam cars.

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Oi ai ad a chukl

>It’s da juice!

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Now the Jews will make it their mission to take down Elon musk

Consider this, you suck ass, shilling is weak!

>have a car company
>only people buying the cars you make are rich tech libtards who love the environment, love immigration, despise Trump and voted for hillary and even donated to her
>libtard media starts shitting on him because muh unions
>start going almost full Jow Forums on the media
I can't see this going well for him. I would never buy one of his cars because of the fact that they track your every move and you need to pay money to unlock stuff that's already there.

How in the hell did we red pill Elon Musk?

thank you for confirming the source of the incel meme

Isn't he making a giant cyborg dragon fitted with an advanced ai? I wouldn't wanna be his enemy

mirin that keyboard senpai

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Godspeed Elon

someone post the blue twitter kvetching

((( )))

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He redpilled himself user. By recent hit pieces of (((((media)))) made him realize how vicious and out of touch they are


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of course he knows its the jews. you can't get where he is without knowing that. the question is, is this quote cherry picked and out of context? because i know Jow Forums has a habit of trying to make their based celebs seem more based than they are.

Holy shit it's really happening best timeline

>I'm putting together a team.

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>captain america little
>iron man musk
where is our thor? who is our hulk?

Oh fuck its real. Please don't back pedal and cuck, Elon. You've gone too far now.

Kek you loser kikes trying to force Patrick Little into a thread about Elon Musk....You know what happening next week right? The happening approaches and Patrick Little will fade into irrelevancy.

I literally laughed so hard I farted at the screenshot

20018...the matrix is falling apart. You're here forever fucker

whatever happening happens next week patrick little is gonna make it through the primary the week after that

No he won't.


But at least he'll stop being spammed.

Fucking the best timeline, m8.


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Someone is afraid.

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Patrick Little posters are the same kike shills who spam incel memes. Stop projecting.

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I endorse mechaironmanhitler.

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>he likes (((Trump)))
Oh sweet summer child.

>inb4 that militia fighter + bob marley nigger 'i got your back, brother' meme is made real and they are hunting kikes

desu I wouldnt be too upset about that.

Holy shit yes


We cast down that timeline. Its 3CY.

This was so fucking stupid but got a laff out of me. GJ nigel.

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hello, disinfo kike shill

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Elon Musk is gearing up for his public support of whites in South Africa

I thought Elon was a lost cause, maybe he is a hero after all.

Blacks will be the foot soldiers in the US for the coming holocaust.

You do realize how deep (((Elon))) is with the kikes, right?

So deep that he blew up their secret spy satellite.

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>tfw you realize Peter Thiel is one of those psychic vampires Alex Jones has been warning us about this entire time

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I love seeing everything be instantly crushed

anyone got the source on that pepe?

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SpaceX has a record of unreliable launches. ULA of all things isn't as shitty as SpaceX.

But it is cool that it blew up.


Elon Musk uses tact and facts to attack the Tribe while TRSodomites and braindead anons SCREAM ABOUT BUILDING IRON MAN SUITS TO FIGHT JEWS

>mention the press
>shills hot and heavy

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I'm literally listening to Neue Deutsche Welle right now, you turbo-faggot.

Is it just me or would a bowl cut suit him?

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Keep riding (((Elon))) and (((Bezos))), I hope you wake up someday dude.

Look up William Luther Pierce, user. Get saved from your goy slave mentality.

>leafs in the pit

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>say they control the media
>everyone assumes it's the jews
Kek what a timeline


Protestant trash

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No one does this holy shit do your job

haha funnily enough I'm actually a TradCat. Pierce was agnostic or atheist, I forget which. He just really didn't like the church-going middle-class for selling out their racial brethren. Especially in Rhodesia.

JIDF in the house

Oy vey, we're not projecting. The goyim almost always mean antisemitism when they say the media is corrupt! It's like saying doves mean peace!

>jews will die

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