Ontario politics

What happened? Why did NDP just gain so much?

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ndp are the sjw party so I guess they're going all in on rigging the polls for them

or ontarionians are just natural cucks

Rob Ford is a joke. Most of Trump's manifest incompetence and shallowness, with none of the charisma or innovation.

Fuck, meant to say Doug.

That also brings up the fact he's only famous because of his brother.

Because everything is shit and the same and its their turn in the rotation of revolving shit.

I fail to see how conservatives won't win by a huge margin.

I'm actually going to vote this year, and it's going to be for conservatives.

Doug Ford's attack ads hurt both the opponent and himself. Typical right wing retardation. Know your audience.

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Don't care--still gonna vote conservative.

Purely for spite if nothing else.

20% undecided. It'll be like Trump, apprehensive Ford voters aren't reflected in the poll. They will vote for him on election day though.

Doug Ford is a moron. Better than Wynne of course but that isn't saying much. His brother was more intelligent while high on crack.

Good. That’s how it starts.

The Ontario PC party was supposed to easily win the last like 3 elections but didn't come close.

I've never voted before . What is the easiest way to go about signing up and all that good stuff ?

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Last time I just went to a polling station and showed my drivers license

CanCuck using edge

Because you're reading a CBC poll. CBC = downtown toronto = radical left.


If you have ID, show up at polling station in the same neighborhood as ID.
Next tax season, there should be an "elections canada" section on the tax form, say "yes" there. You will start receiving voter cards then.

Communist Canada soon.

I hope you all enjoy starving to death.

It's not Doug, the Conservative Party of Ontario is just shit, and it's been shitty for years.
They are busing in actors as filler when they are already ahead in the polls, they're paying people to sign up for membership.
He keeps making stupid Liberal-esque spending promises and reversing on them. He's always attacking the media and the elites, even though the media has been fairly nice to him and he really is a career politician and an elite.

Any third party that could show any possibility of winning was going to move ahead quickly. If the green party started polling at 25%, I gaurantee they'd jump to 50% overnight.

No one likes the NDP or the Ontario conservatives, and everyone hates the Liberals. Same as last election.

Thanks , will do .

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